(Click image below)—View & interact with the ISAAC KAPPY MIND MAP—(Click image below)
Cardboard Gate
(Audio and Video Evidence and Statements Below)
Update 8/30/2019 at bottom of page
Perhaps the most frustrating and simultaneously bizarre aspect of this entire investigation as pertains to the Transwestern overpass incident itself is that of the testimony provided to me by Forest Scott Proctor. Specifically, the portion of his testimony where he states that cardboard was covering Isaac Kappy’s body when his truck struck him.
Scott didn’t simply tell me that there was cardboard covering Isaac’s body when he ran him over. He told me that after he pulled his vehicle over and walked back to the overpass, another witness at the scene was placing the cardboard back over the body. More than this, however, Scott provided yet more details. He said that he saw one of Isaac’s legs sticking out from the cardboard.
Scott not only told me this on two separate occasions (May 20 and July 15th) but also recounted this same story to the first witness I interviewed a couple of days prior to speaking to him. He also had details about his thought process for the cardboard box which he believed he saw covering Isaac’s body as he unavoidably drove his Ford F150 over it.
Scott told me that as he approached the overpass he was in the right-hand lane when two vehicles in front of him moved to the left. He said it was at that point he saw about 18 people or so, up on top of the overpass waving their hands. He told me his first thought was that there was a protest going on. It was then he said he saw a large piece of cardboard lying on the road and for some reason, he thought it might be a box of kittens. He said he did to his best to avoid hitting it but it was too late to swerve and miss it entirely. He stated that he believed he ran over a box with something in it or under it.
My problem with simply discounting Scott’s story is that there are so many details to it. Couple with this the fact that his story has never changed and the details have remained identical. Add all this to my first witnesses testimony below when Scott recounted the story of the cardboard to her, and now we have Scott on three separate occasions saying the same thing. This being said, he never mentioned any of this in his written statement to the DPS and his statements about the cardboard are not mentioned by any other officers or witnesses at any other time nor seen on any of the bodycam footage or scene photographs.
It is possible that the trauma and guilt induced by unavoidably running over another human being caused his mind to “invent” the cardboard as a way to block out having to resee the event in his mind over and over. After all, it would be much easier to live with the belief that you not only had no choice by not being able to avoid the incident but that you didn’t even know what you were running over during the incident due to it being covered.
But if Scott’s mind did create this fiction, he simply didn’t mentally place a piece of cardboard over the body in his mind during the moment of the incident. NO…His mind created the following scenario which he recounted on 3 separate occasions nearly 2 months apart.
- He ran over what looked like a piece of cardboard in the road.
- He thought the cardboard(box) was a box of kittens because it looked like a protest going on on top of the overpass due to what looked like around 18 people all waving their arms at oncoming traffic.
- After he pulled over he walked back and observed another witness placing the cardboard back on top of the body.
- He then observed one of Isaac’s legs sticking out from under the piece of cardboard.
- He witnessed the Fire Dept pull the cardboard off of Isaac’s body to begin life-saving procedures.
That is quite a bit of ancillary detail wrapped up in a mental fiction in the heat of the moment. And not only that but if he did make up this fiction he factored other people into it and had them participating in active roles to support it.
Also, when one moves away from Scott’s cardboard story as he is recounted it three times there are three separate versions of his story between what he told me on two occasions, his written statement to the Department of safety, and what the officer wrote down as his statement.
I will go on the record and publicly state that my opinion of Scott derived from my brief interaction with him; including knowledge of his lifestyle, occupation, and demographics. As well as his vocabulary, writing, and conversation skills and etiquette, point to a man who I believe is not overly complicated. And with no disrespect at all, I believe him to be quite simple. I just don’t see him as a calculating scheming person. In fact, he seems to be quite honest and simply wishes to be left alone and forget this entire matter completely.
I don’t think it’s a conspiratorial leap at all to say that something is amiss here. For the life of me, I don’t understand why some have shrugged this off as conspiracy or nonsense when in fact it is an actual discrepancy in testimony to gross effect that should be looked into by an outside investigatory agency.
Below you will hear him tell in his own words about the cardboard covering Isaac’s body.
The following is my (Cory Daniel/ThePhoenixEnigma) testimony as it relates to what was told me by Forest Scott Proctor and the chain of events as to how I happened to come to the information provided by him. It is the absolute truth and I am willing to testify under oath in any court to what I have put forth below.
The conversation I had with my first witness Prior to speaking with Scott (Man who ran over Isaac)
My second Conversation with Scott on July 15, 2019
The video I Made Talking In More Detail About My Second Conversation With Scott
At this point, I don’t know what to make of the cardboard story. We simply don’t have enough information. There is been no further questioning by the detectives of any of the original witnesses. There is no official ongoing investigation following up leads and discrepancies from the evidence currently in possession by the authorities. And no one is in place under oath or subpoenaed for testimony.
What Would the presence of The cardboard mean Exactly?
- It Could mean that somebody would’ve ran down under the overpass and placed the cardboard over Isaac’s body prior to him being run over. This would also mean that traffic was not diverted either intentionally or unintentionally, and this could mean either gross negligence or foul play. Of course, this would also mean that someone had to procure in that very moment a piece of cardboard large enough to cover a human body or they had an unusually large piece of cardboard waiting in the wings. A high unlikelihood. This would mean the cardboard was part of a prearranged and staged event.
- It Could mean that enough time had transpired between Isaac falling from the overpass AND his body being missed by oncoming vehicles AND that somebody ran down and put the cardboard over his still alive body instead of attempting to provide lifesaving procedures. (Between the Ponderosa Pines fire Department first responders report stating that Isaac had a pulse 10 minutes after 911 was notified and the official calling of the time of death at 7:42 am, Isaac was still alive before he was struck by Scott’s pickup truck.)
- (CONSPIRACY ALERT) it could mean that Isaac was barely alive and placed in a box and dropped beneath the bridge for a vehicle to purposely strike him. And whereas this sounds ludicrous and flies in the face of other video evidence of Isaac sitting on the bridge prior to falling, I have received dozens of emails suggesting just this.
- It would mean that the presence of cardboard was purposefully omitted from all testimony videos and photos for whatever reason and that our only knowledge of it slip through the proverbial cracks and came to light through the honest statement of someone who may not have been in on a prearranged conspiracy.
Like so many other aspects of this case, there are questions that will never be answered unless the case is reopened or whistleblowers come forward.
Update Sept 30, 2019
Today spoke I spoke with a first-hand witness to the entire event John Koch. John Cox was on the phone with 911 and saw Isaac fall from the bridge. He also ran down the highway embankment to attempt to give aid and was 10 feet away when he witnessed Isaac get struck by Forest Scott Proctor’s maroon F150. I asked him specifically about the cardboard and what Scott had told me.
Mr. Koch explained that there was no cardboard whatsoever at all involved in the situation. He stated that it was less than two minutes between the time Isaac fell and him getting struck by the vehicle. Mr. Koch seems an extremely accurate and dependable witness as well as a decent person and there is no reason to doubt his testimony.
I will leave this page up as “Cardboard Gate” has been an extremely persistent if not bizarre aspect of this investigation. And it should be noted for the record the behavior and statements of Forest Scott Proctor should this matter ever be moved to court.
Although my investigation team and I believe the issue of the cardboard has been settled, at least for now, there is another matter to contend with in regards to Forest Scott Proctor and the F150.
Page 2 of officer Montoya’s report in the official Department of Public Safety incident report states that
“traffic unit two was a red 1996 Ford F1 50 single Truck bearing (redacted) license plate(CLL3263) and vehicle notification number 1FTEF14N8TLA95037. Traffic unit two was registered to William Proctor and was driven by Forrest Proctor who was identified with his (redacted)”

Which would be this license plate photographed on the back of the red F150 at the scene that morning.
In the DPS dispatch recording, at the 6:10 minute mark you can hear an officer request a 28X2 then he calls in two license plates requesting “No Readback” (CFC2073 and CLL3263). Immediately after an officer radios in and asks if there is the DPS Sargent on the scene and if DPS wants them to take the scene.

On that when we ran the plates through a national Department of Motor vehicle database (don’t ask how) the plates came back as “No Documents Found”

I reached out to law-enforcement friends of mine asked them what this could mean. And there were only two possibilities. 1. The vehicle plate was Mexican or Canadian and not any US state which would be in the database. I assured him that the plate was, in fact, an Arizona plate. I was until it would be option two. 2. The plate was an older plate thrown onto the vehicle that someone had put good tags to. (If you notice the tags don’t expire till November 2020) but this doesn’t make any sense either because if you had good tags you just put him onto the plate that you registered the vehicle with. Furthermore, this plate did not come up in any database registered at any time
This is most concerning as we here in the EMS.dispatch recordings a number of license plates being called in and run through databases. Certainly, the vehicle which struck Isaac would’ve been verified, at the scene, after all, page 2 of the DPS report states that the vehicle is registered to William Proctor. If this is true then why isn’t it coming up in a database now?
When taken in conjunction with the bizarre story of the cardboard, it certainly alludes to more going on than meets the eye.
Forest Scott Proctor, conveniently played in a band, at none other than the cosmic cafe…