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De-Occulting the 12 Days of Christmas, Exploring the Exoteric and Esoteric Knowledge of this Holy-Day

A dark and mysterious visual representation combining The 12 Days of Christmas gifts with occult symbolism, set in a tetrahedral shape_


In secret societies, two distinct doctrines always exist: one for the initiated, and another for the uninitiated. This is undeniably true within the Catholic Church, which has, over time, become a modern-day vessel for the ancient solar mystery cults once kept. While both clergy and parishioners come together for Mass, their understanding of the rituals they observe and the God they worship diverges significantly, with the initiated possessing a far deeper, esoteric knowledge than the profane masses.

The Holiday –

The Twelve Days of Christmas or Chirstmastide or simply known as Christide, is a season of the liturgical year in most Christian churches. In many liturgical calendars Christmastide is followed by the closely related season of Epiphanytide that commences at sunset on 5 January—a date known as Twelfth Night. Although nearly every American & English church celebrates this ritual from December 25th to January 5th, the Roman Rite of the catholic church expanded Christmastide by a variable number of days: from Christmas Day up to and including the Sunday after Epiphany. There is a feast or celebrations for each day of Christmastide, including –

  • December 25th – Christmas Day
  • December 26th –  Feast of St. Stephen, Deacon and First Martyr (In 2022, the 26th is the Feast of the Holy Family, which is celebrated on the first Sunday after Christmas)
  • December 27th – Feast of the St. John the Evangelist
  • December 28th – Feast of the Holy Innocents (Childermas)
  • December 29th –  Feast of St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop and Martyr
  • December 30th – Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas
  • December 31st – Feast of St. Sylvester I, Pope
  • January 1st – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation)
  • January 2nd – Feast of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church
  • January 3rd – Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus
  • January 4th – Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
  • January 5th – Feast of St. John Neumann

These Feasts lead up to the January 6th, which is the Catholic holiday known as The Day of Epiphany. Now an infamous day in American History. 

  • January 6th – Solemnity of the Epiphany (12th Day of Christmas) (Some dioceses will move the celebration of Epiphany to the Sunday of January 2nd in 2022)
The Christmas Carol –

The Twelve Days of Christmas carol is an English Christmas carol and a classic example of a cumulative song, meaning that each verse is built on top of the precious verses. Although first published in England in the late eighteenth century and best known in it’s current version and melody from Fredric Austin’s 1909 arrangement, the carol is believed to be of French origin and has gone through many renditions. Still, the one thing that remains the same is the cumulative number pattern which is the subject of this article and our interest as occultists here today.

Who is Responsible for the Reinvigoration of the 12 Days of Christmas Song in American Christianity? 

Frederic William Austin

It was Frederic William Austin who is responsible for the popularizing the melody of The Twelve Days of Christmas carol. Born March 30th, 1872 – April 10th, 1952, Frederic was an English baritone singer, a musical teacher and composer. he is best remembered for his arrangement of Johann Pepusch’s music for a 1920 production of The Beggar’s Opera, and it’s sequel Polly in 1922. Austin was the older brother of the composer Ernest Austin.

Austin was responsible for popularizing the now-standard melody for the Christmas Carol The Twelve Days of Christmas. He later wrote –

“This song was, in my childhood, current in my family. I have not met with the tune of it elsewhere, nor with the particular version of the words, and have, in this setting, recorded both to the best of my recollection.”


The Exoteric Christian Teaching of

The 12 Days of Christmas

The 12 Days of Christmas, both the annual ritual and the Christmas Carol are a great examples of “EXOTERIC” Knowledge. While this type of knowledge is not without any value, it never conveys the true or deeper meaning of the topic to which it speaks. In this case, the 12 day observation is used like other religious holidays as it is intended to fully immerse the participant, body, mind, and spirit, into the ritual at hand. The festive ritual, complete with gatherings, feasts, observations & meditations is itself, practiced and carried out as a human ritual, preserving through ritual action the deeper and occulted knowledge that lies holographically embedded within the ritual itself. What are those teachings you ask? We’ll get there in just a second. This occulted knowledge relates to physics, mathematics, geometry, and higher sciences.

Now, one could apply to an accredited school, be accepted and study under master professors of theology, or to a public college for that matter, and learn the deeper truths of not only these 12 days of Christmas, but all the other Christian (Holy)days. Maybe even earn a “degree”. This “degree” will serve as testament to the students ability and willingness to stand and remain within the framework of this passed knowledge and serve the system. 

To be fair, I’ll put the shoe on the other foot for a moment and look at hidden religious knowledge from the perspective of the Church. The Church most likely believes it is acting as a repository, an ark if you will, of collective human knowledge, designed and meant to preserve the most crucial of knowledge discovered by mankind. We know that higher mathematical truths have been with mankind since at least the 9th century, and probably before. And of course ancient religions reflect this as well. This knowledge has been carried up through cults, religions & and secret societies since their respective discoveries. The Catholic church is simply the latest system of preservation.

Below, is the knowledge taught to Christians, primarily Catholics, who adore their dogma and ritual to a fault. This is a great example of the surface knowledge. Knowledge meant to leave the student “empowered” with some facts, order, and relatability to the core teachings of the religion or system at hand. This type of knowledge is meant for the “PROFANE.”  This is not real power, mind you. It is the illusionist’s empowerment. False empowerment. The occulted meanings of these teachings are not meant to be accessed by the masses.


An Example of Exoteric Knowledge of The 12 Days of Christmas –
  • A Partridge in a Pear Tree – Jesus Christ
  • Two Turtle Doves – The Old and New Testaments
  • Three French Hens – The three virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity
  • Four Calling/Collie Birds – Four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
  • Five Golden Rings – First five books of the Old Testament
  • Six Geese-a-Laying – Six days of creation before God’s rest on the seventh day
  • Seven Swans-a-Swimming – Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Eight Maids-a-Milking – Eight Beatitudes
  • Nine Ladies Dancing – Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit
  • Ten Lords-a-Leaping – Ten Commandments
  • Eleven Pipers Piping – Eleven faithful disciples
  • Twelve Drummers Drumming –Twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed

Now, this is all well and good as is strengthens conviction and gives believers a reinforced foundation on which to perch their system of faith. But what substance of deeper value is actually being conveyed here? Nothing, actually. This profane rubbish only amounts to fluff and pulp for a “belief” system. Something to have the masses memorize so they can feel empowered. Not true knowledge, or GNOSIS

The Magi –

We are about to get heavy into “The Magi” here for a little bit. Why? Because it is paramount to understand the importance to not only the Jesus birth narrative, but the significance of the 12DOC. Modern Christianity instructs us that the 12DOC represent the 10-12 days it took the Magi to travel to reach the new born baby Jesus. The Magi are pivotal to the birth narrative of Jesus Christ as they establish his divineness as the Son of God. 

Within the modern mythology of Christianity the Magi play a VERY brief, yet VERY remembered and celebrated role. While the birth narrative of Jesus is recorded in both the books of Matthew and Luke it is only in the book of Matthew that the Magi star narrative is recounted. This is detailed in Matthew Chapter 2 Verses 1-12. The Magi then disappear from the pages of the Bible never to be seen or heard from again. What’s more, this brief visit is recounted, celebrated, and played out in nearly every modern Christian denomination across the world, annually. But who were these Magi and what is their significance? Academic Biblical scholars agree that the point of the Magi narrative is to establish the legitimate messianic king over that of his Earthly rival, King Herod. But who and what were they? Modern Christians often refer to these magi as “kings” but the texts are quite clear. They are referred to a Magi, 

Etymology of Magi – 

The term “Magi” originates from the Greek word “magos”, which translates to “Persian priest” or “wise man”. This Greek term is derived from the Old Persian word “maguš”, referring to a member of the priestly caste in ancient Persia (modern-day Iran). The word “Magi” is also related to the concept of magic. The Latin word “magus”, from which “Magi” is derived, means “Persian priest or wise man”, and is also the source of the English word “magic”. This etymological connection suggests that the Magi were not only priests or wise men but also practitioners of various forms of divination, astrology, and other mystical arts.

So the baby Jesus was visited upon at his birth by Persian mystics? These mystics are not some fanciful figment of history, but a well known and documented class of priests who eventually became associated with the Zoroastrian religion. Or better yet, FIRE WORSHIPERS. Zoroastrianism was founded in ancient Iran sometime around 2000 BC, predating Christianity by, well, 2000 years. Interestingly, although a polytheistic faith, Zoroastrianism was the first religion credited with inventing the concept of monotheism, an idea which became the foundational basis of Christianity. How is this? Well, like all religions, it morphed throughout time.

It is also fair to note that this concept of THESE ZOROASTRIAN Magi being associated with the Jesus narrative is heavily contested in literature by scholars today. This is backed up by the fact that the Zoroastrians already had another word for their priests at this time in question. From surviving documents of this time period it would appear that the Magi were associated with the receiving of foodstuffs. Specifically barley and wine. (Alcohol, anyone?) They also functioned as the priests of the kings of the day. Their functions included, sacrificing livestock & horses, libation offerings to rivers and mountains, memorizing scriptures, and a range of State bureaucratic duties. They oversaw sky burials, were flame keepers, and quite often the tutors of Persian kings. These priest ranged from Iran to upper Egypt. They did not serve any specific Gods but instead served kingdoms of many faiths. In a way, they functioned as wandering religious mercenaries, but were primarily associated with the Persian state. AWESOME. It it believed by many that these western Magi eventually coalesced and eventually became affiliated with the Zoroastrians. Although, and again, this is contested. You get the point here and I shall digress.

At this time, the Magi were an elite group of exotic eastern wise men heavily associated with magic, dualism, and especially astrology. 

I would like to remind the reader that the word Magi means mystic, priest, or wise man. Similarly, the word “witch” means the same. Witchcraft literally translates to, “Craft of the Wise.” It could be said that Jesus was visited upon and presented with gifts from what is essentially, practicing witches. 

Magi facts –
  1. The Biblical texts never state that there were three Magi. This is usually assumed because the text does refer to their presenting of three gifts. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. 
  2.  Jesus was not born in a manger. Matthew 2-11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Magi visit and “come into the house.” The manager detail is an aspect of the evolution of the Magi mythology. One of many evolutions of this particular mythos. 
  3. Jesus’s linage is accredited to Joseph, which is strange, as he was not the father. Jesus was the product of a miracle birth with God as father, ergo – the father, son, and holy ghost. Many Christian theologians actually assert that God sent the archangel Michael to impregnate Mary. I’m not about to dive into that here, but you get my point. The Magi had been waiting for the messiah as told to them by a prophet and knew he had born “for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” Matt 2:5 speaks of the prophet but does not offer any further information as to who this prophet was. No doubt it was assumed to be another Zoroastrian priest or Magi.
  4. “Stars” in the sky at this time. Haley’s Comet 12 BC, conjunction Jupiter Saturn & Mars 7&6 BC, Hypernova in the Andromedin galaxy in 5 BC, two supernova in 2 BC, just to name a few. Besides these astronomy events, which all Magi knew of and studied at the time as astrological science was quite well developed at that time. YET ANOTHER REASON POINTING TO CHRISTIANITY BEING ANOTHER SOLAR CULT EVOLVING INTO THE RELIGION IT IS TODAY. Couple this with the “Julian Star”, a comet which appeared in the sky over Rome only months after the murder of Julius Cesar. A comet so bright it could be seen in the late afternoon. A sign taken by commoners and elite alike that Julius Cesar had been deified. The point here is that the theme of wandering stars and signs in the sky were major theme of the day, not only with religious Magi and mystics of the time, but commoners as well. The author of the Book of Matthew no doubt was influenced by these, what was then, universal and accepted religious themes. This was so prevalent that the symbol of the Julian Star became central to the State cult surrounding Cesar all the way up and through 200AD. 
  5. The Bible does not identify the Magi as Caspar, Melchior Balthasar at any time, yet the initials of these individuals are the initials chalked over the doors of the Orthodox Christians on January 6th, aka, The Day of Epiphany. For these are the names given to the “3 Wise Men” who, according to Christians, were sent by God to witness, honor, and announce the birth of the King of the Jews. They are the “Official” verification, if you will. God’s personal stamp of approval. It is this myth that most Christians will point to as the factual history they require to accept this fairy tail. The earliest known mention of the names of the Magi is in the Excerpta latina barbari, a chronicle written around the 8th century. It lists the names as Bithisarea, Melichior, and Gathaspa. However, these names are not widely accepted as authentic and are considered to be part of the medieval tradition. The most commonly accepted names of the Magi; Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, first appeared in the Western Christian tradition around the 12th century. This is evident in the writings of medieval authors such as Henry of Antwerp (12th century) and Otto of Freising (12th century). In the Eastern Christian tradition, the names of the Magi are not fixed and vary across different sources. For example, the Syriac tradition mentions 12 Magi, while the Greek tradition does not provide specific names. The names Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar became widely accepted in Western Christianity by the 16th century, and have since been consistently used in art, literature, and popular culture.

Why have I gone so far into the Magi? Because, it is the magi’s 12 day journey to see Jesus that was the impetus for the 2DOC. And once we understand that the Magi are simply an amalgamation of thousands of years of preexisting occulted teaching we can begin to see Christianity in the light is was during it’s inception. A SOLAR CULT, born of those who had access to this occulted knowledge and mystery schools of their day. The writer of the Book of Mathew obviously had foundational knowledge of these mystery schools and was well studied in the astrology of his day. It was these narratives which were woven into the Gospel that has survived to this day. 

If the Gospels are defined as “Good News”, then this good news is no different then all the other mystery schools of the day. And that message is Astrotheology taught through Magic, astrology & allegory. Just as it has always been, and is to this day.

Again, For those with the eyes to see and the wisdom to understand, this ritual/Christmas carol is chock full of esoteric knowledge. Let’s continue. 

When Did the Ritual of the 12 Days of Christmas First Begin? 

It is certain that the first mention of the 12 Days of Christmas was at the 567AD Council of Tours in Tours, France. It was there that it was noted “everyday is a festival” in regards to the days between Christmas Day on Dec 25 and Epiphany on Jan 6.

What are Catholic Councils? They were church elite get togethers wherein the leaders of the church invented, outlined, clarified, defined, and decreed official church position and requirements of faith. Being centrally located and an old seat of Christianity, the Council of Tours convened here in 467, 567, 813, 1054, 1060, & 1163, AD. You may have heard of the Council of Nicea. This was the first and most pivotal council in church history. 

The True (ESOTERIC) Meaning of The 12 Days of Christmas

Why are the gifts from the ”Twelve Days of Christmas” exclusively birds and servants?

You may or may not have noticed that the 12DOC song is made up exclusively of BIRDS & SERVENTS. Seven birds and five Servants. OH, BUT WAIT CORY, WHAT ABOUT THE 5 GOLDEN RINGS? They probably aren’t what you think they are. Like the “Four Calling Birds” they have changed over the years. The four calling birds were originally “Four Collie Birds”, an archaic term for “Blackbirds.” It was Fredric Austin who in 1909 with his publication and updating of the musical arrangement of the song, changed the name from Collie to Calling. This being said, between 1909 and the 1950’s & 60’s both terms were used. It wasn’t until the 1960’s that the lyric “Four calling birds” became more popular. Likewise, the “Five Golden rings” referred to either the yellowish ring around the Chinese Ring Necked Pheasant or Gold Finches. Although, I lean heavily towards the Pheasants. It was William Baring-Gould, a Sherlock Holmes expert, who turned his forensic eye on the Twelve Days of Christmas and first announced that the ‘five gold rings’ actually referred to the five golden rings of the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus). 

It is possible that the original meaning of the “5 Golden rings” is actually rings, if we take into account Venus. Every 8 years, Venus forms a pentagram pattern in its orbit around the Sun, with 5 points representing the planet’s closest approaches to Earth. This rare astronomical event has been observed and recorded for centuries. Venus and the number 5 share a rich astrological and numerological heritage. The pentagram pattern in Venus’ orbit, its placement in the 5th house, and its associations with the five senses and the golden ratio all reinforce the connection between these two seemingly disparate entities. This relationship highlights the intricate web of symbolism and meaning that underlies various esoteric traditions. 



Birds symbolize transformation from Earth to the Heavens. They are equally at home on the ground and in the air and go unaided where we can not. Not so obvious, they contrast snakes, which are bound to the earth to such a degree they are forced to crawl around on their bellies putting them in constant physical contact with the ground, unlike any other animal which at least has the dignity of the use of legs. Birds on the other hand have been associated with the creation of the world across all cultures and mankind. Emily Dickinson wrote – “Hope is a thing with feathers. Plato stated “The function of the wing is to take what is heavy and raise it up into the region above where the gods dwell.” Black Elk wrote, “The most important of all the creatures are the winged, for they are nearest to the heavens.” Of course, the Bible associates extensively birds with creation, hope, love & freedom. 

In the song we see seven birds. I sacred geometry and Christian numerology, the number 7 represents God’s Perfection. 

There are 25 types of birds that are mentioned in the Bible 300 times. 

  1. Dove
  2. Pigeon
  3. Raven
  4. Eagle
  5. Vulture
  6. Partridge
  7. Quail
  8. Sparrow
  9. Peacock
  10. Ostrich
  11. Swallow
  12. Hoopoe
  13. Cuckoo
  14. Heron
  15. Crane
  16. Falcon
  17. Kite
  18. Lark
  19. Stork
  20. Wren
  21. Lapwing
  22. Pelican
  23. Cormorant
  24. Little Owl
  25. Great Owl

Note That 300 Divided by 25



It would appear that servitude is a big part of Christian messaging as the word “servants” appears over 800 times in the Bible. However, God directly names several, or more specifically FIVE individuals as “God’s servants.” Included among them are Moses, David, Isaiah, Daniel, & Jesus. The “Servant Songs” in (Isaiah 42:1-4, 49:1-6, 50:4-9, 52:13-53:12) describe the suffering and redemption of God’s Servant, and is often interpreted as a prophetic reference to Jesus Christ.

However, it is obvious to me that Servanthood as a Mindset, is the larger scope here. Jesus exemplified servanthood by washing his disciples’ feet, showing that true greatness comes from serving others. After all, isn’t that the definition of love, sacrifice and servitude? Only with servitude comes the ability for a mankind, NOT a solitary man, to build something greater than what he alone is capable of creating in this world. A man alone cannot become rich, he can only be rich within an economy made up of countless others, or “mankind.” We are speaking philosophically about systems here. And systems require servants/workers/employees. Only through systems or institutions can mankind raise above subsistence living and ascend to the heavens. one can say that they are spiritually married. 

But Cory, the Bible only specifically names 5 servants, what about the 6th servant of God. Well, that would be Satan, AKA the adversary. Although Satan, & the Devil are two distinct entities, Modern American Christians have not only blended these two together, but threw in Lucifer as well. According to Christian mythos, Lucifer was once a SERVANT of God. Quite literally a servant without freewill. He rebelled and descended from the paradise of heaven to the Earthly plain. This devil of the Christian faith has no direct power over any of us and requires our choice of free will and actions in order to manifest his will. Mind you that Lucifer is an adaptation of Prometheus, the Son of Zeus, who stole fire from the Gods, descended from Mount Olympus and gave the gift of fire to mankind. For this, Zeus bound him with chains to a rock and sent an eagle to eat Prometheus’ immortal liver every day, which then grew back every night. Prometheus would live out his punishment for years until the Greek hero Heracles, with Zeus’s permission, killed the eagle and freed Prometheus from his torment. Off topic, an interesting point to make here is that in Greek mythology, Prometheus was freed. How might Christianity (evolve?) to adapt and maintain this perpetual cyclic truism.  

If one would like to associate these servants with the birds in the song listed above, I’m certain that it would resonate with the “Four Collie Birds” or four blackbirds. Also note that these are listed as “4” blackbirds, when any number for any bird could have been used. The tetrad (4), represents the number associated with the earthly plain, terrestrial, physical, tangible. This is the realm of the intrinsic struggle of life in this dimension, or the preverbal advisory. All of this is actually quite beautifully put together. 


The Number “5”

(Harmony, balance and divine grace)


Meaning and Symbolism

  • The number 5 in the Bible is significant because of his creation, the ‘man’ has five fingers, five senses, and five toes. Thus it is the number of God’s grace. There are five great mysteries: Father, Son, Spirit, Creation, and Redemption. After the fall of man, creation was cursed and it became subject to vanity. So man and creation needed to be redeemed therefore number 5 is the number of God’s grace. The number five may also speak of the inability of man and his weakness as only when ‘man’ is weak does he needs God’s Grace. As only if a man is incapable, he would require God’s Grace.
  • Number five in the Bible is synonymous with the creation of man. Man has five fingers and toes as well as five senses. There are five great mysteries, father, son, spirit, creation, and redemption. After the fall of man mankind and creation needed to be redeemed, therefore five is a number of God’s grace. 
  • The number 5 is a characteristic of the man. First, according to the Cabal, it is the number of the perfect Man (shedding his animal side). According to the Bible, it is the symbol of the Man-God by the five wounds of the Christ on the cross (for this reason, it is also considered as the number of the grace). But it is also associated with the man in general (2 + 3) having an unstable character of duality, 2, in spite of his divinity, 3. The 5 is also found on the human body: the five fingers of the hand and feet, the five senses (touch, taste, sense of smell, hearing and the sight), the five members (two arms, two legs, and the head, the bust being the center), the five bones forming the metacarpus, the metatarse and the brain-pan, etc.
  • Considered as the mediator between God and the universe, the five is regarded as a symbol of the universe.
  • Symbol of the will’s divine.
  • According to Manly P. Hall, the Pentad represents all the superior and inferior beings and is sometimes referred to as the Hierophant, or the priest of the Mysteries, because of its connection with the spiritual ethers, by means of which mystic development is attained. 
  • Symbol of the perfection in the Mayas. Symbol of the incarnated conscience – 4, Matter, + 1, Spirit.
  • Symbolize the force and the limits of the man in his control on the Universe.
  • The five-pointed star is utilized throughout all of western magick tradition.
  • According to Thibaut Of Langres, the number 5 is attributed to the world for some reasons. First, because the world is moved following a circular movement, just as the 5 when we multiply it by itself or by the other odd ones returns periodically. Also, it is called in this sense “periodical”. Five years make a luster, from “lustrare” which means “to make the turn”. On the other hand, 5 is attributed to the world due to the fact that it is composed of the first even and odd, 2 and 3. The world indeed, that is to say, the whole of things, increases by the male and the female – even is female and odd male.
  • In China, it is the number of the Center, in addition, to be considered as a male number amulet.
  • The number of life and nature, according to Aeppli.
  • Being the sum or rather the union of the first female number and the first male number, it is the symbol of creative life and erotic love according to Jung. But this one interprets also this number as that of the revolt.
  • A nuptial number for the Etruscans and Romans because it is the first number resulting from the addition the first female number and the first male number. For the same reason, C. Agrippa calls it the number of the marriage.
  • For H.- P. Blavatsky, “5” is the spirit of life and human love.”

In the Bible

  • The five wounds of Jesus on the cross.
  • The five parts of the clothing remaining of Jesus during his crucifixion after the soldiers had made four parts of his dress, plus his tunic which they did not tear. (Jn 19,23)
  • Saint Paul declares that by five times he received the 39 lashes from the Jews. (2 Co 11,24)
  • The five mad and wise virgins of the parable of Jesus. (Mt 25,1)
  • The five porticos of the pool of Bethesda. (Jn 5,2)
  • The five pebbles which made it possible to small king David to kill the giant Goliath.
  • The five kinds of animals that God asked Abraham to present to him to conclude with him an alliance: a heifer of three years old, a goat of three years old, a ram of three years old, a turtledove and a young dove. (Gn 12, 5-18)
  • Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar was given, by God, a dream where he saw a giant statue of a man. This statue, according to the interpretation given by the Eternal to Daniel, represented 5 periods of world-ruling empires.
  • The five books of the Torah (the Law) according to the Judaism that corresponds to the number of the first books of the Bible. The book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah contains also five chapters.
  • The ten commandments were split into 2 sets of 5. David used only 1 stone out of the five, signifying the divine.
  • There are 5 primary types of offerings God commanded Israel to bring to him. They are the Burnt Offering (Leviticus 1; 8:18 – 21; 16:24), Sin (Leviticus 4; 16:3 – 22), Trespass (Leviticus 5:14 – 19; 6:1 – 7; 7:1 – 6), Grain (Leviticus 2) and Peace Offering (Leviticus 3; 7:11- 34).
  • King Nebuchadnezzar was given a dream where he saw a giant statue of a man. This statue, according to the interpretation given to Daniel, represented 5 periods of world-ruling empires.
    • The statue’s head of gold represented Babylon (Daniel 2:32, 38)
    • The Chest and Arms of Silver symbolized the Persian Empire (Daniel 2:32, 39)
    • The Belly and Thighs of Bronze (brass) represented the Macedonian Empire under Alexander the Great
    • The Two Legs of Iron symbolized Rome’s Empire (Daniel 2:33, 40 – 43)
    • Period 5 is the Ten Toes of Iron mixed with Clay are the successors to the Roman Empire (Daniel 2:41 – 44)
  • The Book of Psalms is divided into 5 major sections. Section 1 (Psalm 1 to 41) refers to the Passover, Israel’s beginning, and the start of the God’s plan of salvation that centers around Christ. Section 2 (42 to 72) sings about a unified Israel in the land and pictures the creation of the New Testament Church. Section 3 of 5 (73 to 89) bemoans the destruction of both God’s Temple and Jerusalem. This section also hints at prophecies regarding the End Time Great Tribulation. Section 4 (90 to 106) rejoices over the 1,000 reign of Jesus and shows Israel gathered again. Section 5 (107 to 150) pictures a time when Judah (representing all Israel) shall again be delivered.
  • The 4 Gospels plus Acts equals five books which, as a set, can be designated as “the New Testament Pentateuch.” They reveal Jesus’ teachings concerning the Law and the Prophets.
  • The apostle John wrote 5 books centered on the grace of God and eternal life (the gospel of John, 1John, 2John, 3John, and Revelation).
  • Jesus multiplied five loaves of barley to feed 5,000 (Matthew 14:17).
  • The ‘tabernacle in the wilderness’ makes much use of the number 5. This tabernacle, whose design was given directly by God, contained five curtains (Exodus 26:3), five bars (Exodus 26:26 – 27), five pillars and five sockets (Exodus 26:37) and an altar made of wood that was five cubits long and five cubits wide (Exodus 27:1). The height of the court within the tabernacle was five cubits (Exodus 27:18).
  • The Holy anointing oil (Exodus 30:23 – 25), used to consecrate the furniture of the tabernacle was comprised of 5 parts, (4 herbs + 1 oil) for it was a revelation of pure grace. The proportion of spices used in making the oil were a multiple of five, which then had a Hin of olive oil added to it. Of which when divided and added = 300 or 3. Or the holy trinity.
    • Pure Myrrh, 500 shekels
    • Sweet cinnamon, 250 shekels
    • Sweet calamus, 250 shekels
    • Cassia, 500 shekels

The Occulted Meaning of the Number7

(Completeness & Perfection)

Meaning and Symbolism

  • Seven is one of the most significant numbers in the Bible because it is the number of both physical and spiritual perfection. It derives its meaning from being tied directly to God’s creation of all things.
  • The number 7, according to Ambroise, corresponds to the Old Testament but he sees it also as the number representing the virginity. Thibaut of Langres gives also this attribute to this number because it is the only one of the first nine numbers which does not father and the only one which is not fathered. It is considered as virgin and representative of the Holy Spirit to which are attributed to the same properties. Macrobe goes, in the same way, telling that it symbolizes Minerve, born of his father without passing by a mother.
  • The seven indicates the senses of a change after an accomplished cycle and of a positive renewal.
  • Perfect number and symbol of the divine abundance, it is also according to the Bible the number of the punishment, the purification, and the penitence.  
  • It is the number of the perfect man, complete and perfectly realized as the sum of the four females and the three males.
  • Symbol of the totality of the created Universe (3 the sky + 4 the earth), it expresses the creation within which the man evolves.
  • Saint Augustin sees the seven like the perfection of the Plenitude. He made it also the number of the creature, considering not the life of this one but its become, the evolution.
  • Symbol of the infinite numbered in its return to the principle, that of the snake which bites its tail, according to Abellio. It would be also the number of achievement in space-time.
  • It is the number of the initiation, that is to say, the union of exhibited with the infinity.
  • Symbol of eternal life for the Egyptians: it symbolizes a complete cycle, a dynamic perfection.
  • For the Indians in the prairie and the “Pueblo” Indians, the number seven represents the cosmic coordinate of the man.
  • In Africa and for the Bambaras of Senegal, seven is a symbol of the perfection and the unity.
  • The “Dogons” consider the number seven as the symbol of the union of the opposites, of the resolution of dualism, therefore as a symbol of unity and perfection. It is also the mark of the master of the word.
  • The seven symbolizes the cross with its six directions plus the center – indefinite extents moving toward the top, the bottom, the right, the left, forwards and backward.
  • The dice symbolizes the seven: the dice itself, 1, having 6 faces.
In the Bible
    • The seven demons that came out of Mary Magdalene. (Lk 8,2)
    • The seven indictments to the scribes and to Pharisees announced by Jesus. (Mt 23,13-31)
    • The seven requests in the prayer of the Our-Father.
    • The seven words of Jesus pronounced on the cross:
      1. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mt 27,46)
      2. In truth, I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise – to the good thief (Lk 23,43)
      3. Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. (Lk 23,46)
      4. Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing. (Lk 23,34)
      5. Woman, this is your son, (to John): This is your mother. (Jn 19,26)
      6. I am thirsty. (Jn 19,28)
      7. It is fulfilled. (Jn 19,30)
  • The hunted demon brings back with him seven others stronger than he.
  • The seven deacons of the primitive Church: Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolaus. (Act 6,5)
  • The number seven is often used in Revelation:
    • the seven golden lamp-stands (Rv 1,12-20)
    • the mystery of the seven stars (Rv 1,16-20)
    • the seven seals (Rv 7 and 8)
    • the seven letters addressed to the seven churches (Rv 2 and 3)
    • the seven trumpets (Rv 8,6 and 11,15)
    • the seven thunders (Rv 10,3-4)
    • the seven kings (Rv 17,9)
    • the seven heads of the Beast (Rv 13,1)
    • the seven plagues of the seven bowls (Rv 15,5)
  • “Bush of thorn”, during one of her visions, has understood that the seven lamps and the standard lamps mentioned in the Revelation, represented the seven principal Churches or Beliefs, that is to say: Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, Anglican, Protestant, etc. but only the Roman Catholic Church is remained lighted with the true fire of the Holy Spirit.
  • The seven donations of the spirit of Yahweh: Wisdom, Insight, Counsel, Power, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of God. (Is 11,2-3)
  • The light of the seven days. (Is 30,26)
  • Ecclesiasticus, chapter 17 verse 5, enumerates 7 senses in the human being that are, in addition to the five known senses, the intelligence and the word (Si 17,5). This verse does not appear in the Bible of Jerusalem. We find it however in some Greek manuscripts.
  • In Mt 25,35-36, Jesus enumerates six charitable actions that will be considered in the last Judgement for man salvation: to visit invalids, to quench the thirsty, to feed the hungry, to repurchase the captives or to visit prisoners, to dress those who are naked and to welcome foreigners. But to the 13th century, someone discovers in documents of Lactance the seventh act of mercy: to bury the deads. This one was ratified in 1220 by the canonical collection of Raymond of Penafort.
  • The gift of the stupid will bring you no advantage, his eyes look for seven times as much in return. (Si 20,14)
  • Solomon’s wedding lasted seven days.
  • In Psalms, it is written: “Seven times a day I praise you for your upright judgments” (Ps 119,164) and again “which comes from the earth seven times refined” (Ps 12,7). The psalmist also talks about the seven clamors of God that appear in the celestial phenomena.
  • The seven psalms of penitence: 6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, 142.
  • The Leviticus prescribes a penitence of seven years for each sin.
  • Number of time that a leprous is sprinkled with the blood of a sparrow.
  • The number of days during someone was impure if it touched a corpse.
  • The mourning for the people of Israel lasted seven days. (Gn 50,10; Jdt 16,24; Si 22,12)
  • The infidelity receives a sevenfold punishment.
  • They immolate generally seven animals of the same kinds. (Lv 23,18; Nb 23,1 and 28,11; Job 42,8)
  • The sprinklings are repeated seven times. (Lv 4,6; Nb 19,4)
  • The seven lamps and the seven nozzles on the golden standard lamp, in the vision of Zechariah. (Zc 4,2)
  • Zechariah speaks about the seven eyes of God which supervise all the peoples of the earth. (Zc 4,10)
  • The seven steps of the staircase of the southern porch of the temple of Ezekiel. (Ez 40,26)
  • The candlestick of Hebrews has seven branches.
  • Balaam erected seven altars. (Nb 23,4)
  • There are seven patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David.
  • Seven nations that had the promised earth were exterminated in front of Israel. (Dt 7,1)
  • There are seven weeks between Easter and the Pentecost. (Lv 23,15)
  • The Jewish Easter holidays lasted seven days.
  • There are seven feast days of Tabernacles. (Lv 23,34)
  • The feast of the Dedication of the temple of Solomon succeeded immediately at the one of the Tabernacles and lasted seven days.
  • The seven priests carrying seven trumpets, during the catch of Jericho, have to walk, the seventh day, seven times around the city. (Jos 6,11-16)
  • The seven husbands that had Sarah, daughter of Raguel, before marrying Tobias. Those previous husbands had been killed on their first wedding night by a demon. Tobias, thanks to an incense, escaped from it. (Tb 7,10-11)
  • The reign of David in Hebron lasted seven years. (1 K 2,11)
  • The friends of Job remained near him for seven days and seven nights to comfort him.
  • The construction of the Temple built by Solomon lasted seven years – 4th year to 11th year of his reign. It contained three squares and seven enclosures. (1 K 6,38)
  • Seven times, Elisha laid down on the child and brought him back to life. (2 K 4,35)
  • The leprous Naaman dives seven times in the Jordan and then was cured. (2 K 5,14)
  • For though the upright falls seven times, he gets up again. (Pr 24,16)
  • Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread. (Ex 12,15)
  • It takes seven days for the consecration of Aaron and his sons, and the altar. (Ex 29,35-37)
  • If you buy a Hebrew slave, he will serve six years; but on the seventh, he will be free without anything to pay. The slaves were released the seventh year which corresponded to the Year of the Sabbath named also Year of Exemption. (Ex 21,2)
  • The Jewish year began in joy with the New Moon of the seventh month, the day of Trumpets.
  • And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat” and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy oliveyard. (Ex 23,10-11)
  • The seven thin and fat cows, as well as the seven full and empty corns, seen in a dream by the Pharaoh and interpreted by Joseph as being seven abundance years and seven years of famine. (Gn 41,17)
  • Jacob served seven years for Rachel. (Gn 29,20)
  • Cain would be avenged seven times if someone killed him. (Gn 4,15)
  • Joseph remained in prison for seven years when he was falsely accused to have slept with the woman of his master.
  • The seven ewes gifted to Abimelech by Abraham. (Gn 21,28)
  • The seven couples of each kind of cattle which entered in the ark of Noah and were saved from the flood. (Gn 7,2)
  • On the seventh day, the Sabbath, God rested. (Gn 2,2)

The Occulted Meaning of the Number 12

(The number of Faith and God’s Divine Rule/Kingdom/Arrangement)


Before we divulge the true meaning of the the 12 Days of Christmas song, let us first understand the occulted meaning of this number and how it has manifested throughout the ages, both within religious systems, and the structure matrix of civilization.

General Occulted Meaning of the # 12 
  • The number twelve carries religious, mythological and magical symbolism, generally representing perfection, entirety, or cosmic order in traditions since antiquity The Trinity to the four corners of the horizon – 3 X 4.
  • Symbolizes the command and the good, and governs the space and the time, that is to say, the operation of the Cosmos, from where its designation of cosmic number.
  • Number attributed to the government of the world or the cosmos.
  • It is the creative capacity, and in some religions, it expresses also the Divine Mother.
In the Bible (For the complete list please see my Number 12 page here.)
  • Symbol of material and spiritual food, because of the 12 loaves of bread which Jesus Christ broke to the Last Supper, Himself being the Bread of Life.
  • The Bible makes it a point to mention the savior of humanity only twice in his first 12 years, 1st and 12th. This is no accident as the number 12 is symbolic of God’s spiritual kingdom. Jesus was sent to prepare a spiritual kingdom in the heavens for all mankind. The Old Testament Book of Genesis states there were 12 sons of Jacob and those 12 sons formed the 12 tribes of Israel.
  • 12 patriarchs from and including Shem (one of Noah’s sons saved in the Ark) to Jacob (Israel): Shem, Arphaxad, Salah, Heber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – Genesis 11:9–32; 25:1–28:22
  • The New Testament tells us that Jesus had 12 apostles.
  • According to the Book of Revelation, the kingdom of God has 12 gates guarded by 12 angels.
  • Solomon’s throne of power had 6 steps leading up to where he sat, and there was a lion on each side of the six steps (12 total) – 1 Kings 10:18-20; 2 Chronicles 9:19
  • The 12 administrators of Solomon for all Israel -1 Kings 4:7
    Manasseh was 12 years old when he became king – 2 Kings 21:1; 2 Chronicles 33:1
  • 12 apostles will sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel in the regeneration – Matthew 19:28
  • 12 wells of water at Elim – Exodus 15:27; Numbers 33:9
  • 12 loaves of permanent offerings on the golden table – Leviticus 24:5
  • 12 loaves of bread were broken by Jesus Christ for the Last Supper -Luke 22:14–19
  • Elisha was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen when he was admitted into the College of prophets – 1 Kings 19:19
  • It took 12 years before a young Israelite male could be admitted as a “son of the law.
  • The Bride of Jesus in Revelation 12, the Church, wears a crown containing 12 stars
  • 12 baskets of bread were leftovers after the miraculous feeding of the 5,000 – Mark 6:41–44
  • 12 men were appointed to explore or spy the land of Canaan – Due1:23
  • Prophetic writings in the OT are completed with the twelve “minor” prophets of the Old Testament: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
  • The number 12 signifies the perfection of government or rule.
  • According to Bible scholars, 12 is the product of 3, which signifies the divine, and 4, which signifies the earthly.
  • The heavenly bodies are also connected to the number 12 since the stars pass through the 12 signs of the zodiac in their heavenly procession.
  • The number 12 has further significance, as it represents authority, appointment, and completeness. The number 666 is used to represent the devil and hell, whereas 12, 12, 12 is believed to signify God and heaven. The number 12 is also associated with the government of the cosmos.
  • The Virgin Mary stayed in the temple for 12 years.
  • Jesus was 12 years old when he questioned the scholars in the temple.
  • There are 12 legions of angels.
  • The tree of life in the new creation will produce 12 types of fruit.
  • The number of 144,000 servants of God is the sum of 12 x 12,000 (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel)
  • The dimensions and description given of the New Jerusalem in the Bible’s Book of Revelation have multiples of the number 12.
  • The wall of the city has 12 foundations and the names of the 12 apostles.
  • The city measured 12,000 furlongs and the wall was 144 cubits, which is 12 x 12.
  • The number 12 is symbolic of God’s spiritual kingdom, both in heaven and on earth, when the earth and heavens will be created anew.
  • Daniel 12:12 “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.” 1 + 3 + 3 + 5 totals 12
  • Twelve years of blood – “And a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years and could not be healed by anyone, came up behind him (Jesus), and touched the fringe of his garment; and immediately her flow of blood ceased.” Luke 8:43
  • The 12 stars of the crown -The twelve stars of the crown on the women in Revelation 12:1 is the foundation for the design of the European Union flag
  • The 12 Gates of Jerusalem – “It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed; on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates.


Significance of the Number 12 in the Bible

Seems that the number 12 is awfully important to the Christian faith. This is because it is a key divisor of a Base 60 time keeping system as it relates to to keeping of time on earth. You know, a satellite of THE SUN. This was the system the Babylonians replaced the earlier Base 10 time keeping system with. A system which probably arose first due to the fact that humans have 10 fingers. Base 60 was preferred because number 60 has more divisors than any smaller positive integer. Those being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60. This means you can chop it up more for more accurate time keeping. So, what does this point to? It points to the authors of the Bible embedding this OCCULTED KNOWLEDGE/SCIENCE of timekeeping into the allegories and mythos of the Bible. For the common uneducated people of the world, they had the RELIGION to follow, easily retained through stories and allegory, cemented into place with emotion and faith. For the learned/priest class, there was the embedded SACRED KNOWLEDGE within the religion which they used to guide them. However, as with all sacred knowledge, there are many layers of gnosis and Base 60 is just the start.


Before and After Christianity
  • The Twelve Olympians are the principal gods of the pantheon, they were preceded by twelve Titans, and Hercules carries out twelve labors.
  • Several sets of twelve cities are identified in history as a dodecapolis, the most familiar being the Etruscan League. In ancient Rome, the twelve lictors carried fasces of twelve rods.
  • There are twelve Jyotirlinga(Self-formed Lingas) of Lord Shiva in Hindu temples across India according to the Shaiva tradition.
  • The Sun god Surya has 12 names.
  • There are 12 Petals in Anahata or “heart chakra”.
  • There are frequently said to be 12 Âdityas.
  • The chief Norse god, Odin, has twelve sons.
  • In the King Arthur Legend, Arthur is said to subdue 12 rebel princes and to win 12 great battles against Saxon invaders.
  • In Twelver Shi’a Islam, there are twelve Imams, legitimate successors of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. These twelve early leaders of Islam are—Ali, Hasan, Husayn, and nine of Husayn’s descendants. Sura 12 in the Quran is sura Yusuf, narrating the story of the sons of Jacob.

Deeper Occulted Mathematics of the Number 12

It is believed by many occultists that the esoteric importance of the number 12 hinges on the makeup of it’s divisors, primarily the numbers 3 and 4. While all primary numbers hold intrinsic metaphysical significance, and the divisors of 12 include 1,2,3,4,6 &12, it is 3 and 4 that seem to catch the spotlight. And of course we see this infused in religion to some degree or another as most religions are, at their core, reflections of ancient solar worship.

  • The 12 Gates of Jerusalem – “It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed; on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. Rev 21:12

We can see above that there are 12 gates of Jerusalem. 3 on the east, 3 on the north, 3 on the south, and 3 on the west. 3 gates on 4 sides of the city. 3×4=12.

3 = The Triad – Made up of 1 and 2, the Monad and the Duad, and often considered by occultists to be the first odd number as the Monad is the number of the creator or the whole, and not subject to the same rules as any other number. The Duad is the understanding that the Creator biforcated itself and from doing so polarization and ergo conflict naturally ensued. The Triad is the number of knowledge, specifically music, geometry, astronomy, and the science of the celestials and terrestrials. It is the Spiritual component. The WISDOM.  

4 = The Tetrad – Considered by Pythagoras as the primogenital number, the root of all things, the fountain of nature and the most perfect number. The Tetrad is the center of the week, halfway between 1 and 7, and is the first geometric solid.

Twelve is the first abundant number, with its factors adding up to more than itself. Twelve points on a circle can join to form four triangles, 3 squares, or 2 hexagons. As the product of 3 and 4, twelve is also sometimes associated with their sum, seven. Seven being (God’s Perfect Number). 

In a seven-note scale, notes increase as a pattern of five tones and two halftones. In modern tuning the five tones are divided to create a scale of twelve identical halftones, the well-tempered twelve tone scale we all hear every day. 

Twelve is often found arranged around a central solar hero, and there are many twelve-tribe nations. In ancient China, Egypt, and Greece, cities were often divided into twelve districts.  

From “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” Chapter XXXV The Theory and Practice of Alchemy, Part 1

Manly P. Hall Writes –

“The three substances (Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury) existing in four worlds, as shown in the table, sum up t5o the sacred number 12. As these 12 are the foundations of the sacred city. In line with the same idea Pythagoras asserted that the dodecahedron, or twelve-faced symmetrical geometric solid, was the foundation of the universe. May there not be a relation also between this mysterious 3 times 4 and the four parties of three which in the legend of the third degree of Freemasonry go forth to the four angles of the cherubim, the composite creature of four parts?”


The True (ESOTERIC) Meaning of The 12 Days of Christmas (Carol)

The 12 Days of Christmas song is an encoded mnemonic device designed to record and relay numeric knowledge and higher mathematics to subsequent LEARNED generations. Numerically, the song forms a TETRAHEDRON. The song embeds this knowledge within the framework of this religious HOLY-day song of allegorical solar worship.

This is an AWESOME example of Exoteric vs. Esoteric knowledge. People have been singing this song for hundreds of years and were none the wiser to the embedded meaning hidden within. I’m willing to bet however that the clergymen and priests are very well aware of this Gnosis. 

The 12 Days of Christmas is a French/English folk song encoding the numerical construction of a Tetrahedron.

The cumulative sum of total gifts, by day, when graphed out, form the Tetrahedron.


Interesting That the Sum of All the Gifts Equals 364 as written about in the Book of Enoch. Where else do we see the number 364 in relation to Solar worship?

From the Book of Enoch
(Book 4 Chapter 2 Verse 54)


And if five years are added together the sun has an overplus of thirty days,
and all the days which accrue to it for one of those five years, when they are full,
amount to 364 days.


Funny that this should be found in the Chapter entitled Luminaries and is all about time and the measurement of time in relation to the Earth, moon, stars, planets, and sun. In short, IT’S A CALENDAR. And not a very good one at that. But I digress on the shortcomings of Enoch.

Also from The Book of Enoch Chapter 2 VS 71,72,73

71 And at the ends of the earth I saw twelve portals open to all the quarters from
which the winds go forth and blow over the earth.
72 Three of them are open on the face of the heavens, and three in the west, and
three on the right of the heaven, and three on the left.
73 And the three first are those of the east, and three are of the north, and three
after those on the left of the south, and three of the west


What is it we see in Verse 73? Another 3×4=12 equation. It would appear that the 3×4 numeric mystery was quite important to within these ancient religious texts, as seen above in the #12 section. I suspect it’s because they encompass the esoteric understandings of the higher science which underlays them. AGAIN, Science and knowledge which is only available to those who join these sacred institutions, either, religious or academic, and is awarded a degree in which one can immerse himself and make a life work out of this knowledge to further the advancement of mankind’s collective knowledge and ascension, both physically here on Earth and Spiritually. Nothing has really changed. 


Tetrahedral Solar Worship in Playing Cards


The fact that the secret teachings of the Tetrahedron was hidden in a Christmas song is not that strange. Games, especially; myths, stories, and religions are often used to store esoteric and occulted knowledge. The sum of a deck of playing cards, counting jack, queen and king as 11, 12, & 13, is 364, which with the joker produces 365. These ancient games were once played regularly by men and women who probably had a better and deeper grasp of their hidden meaning than most people do today. 

  • The 52 playing cards represent the 52 weeks of the year
  • The 12 royals (Kings, Queens, Jacks) represent the 12 months of the year
  • Each suit of 13 cards represents the 13 weeks on each season
  • The 4 playing suits represent the four seasons/solstices
  • Some have interpreted the 4 suits to also represent the four phases of the moon or the four elements. 


Tetrahedral Solar worship in Human Sacrifice


The Temple of chichen Itza, located in Central Mexico was a major center of human sacrifice in ancient America. Archaeological finding and historical accounts reveal that the temple was used extensively for ritual killings particularly during AD 800-1200. The entire pyramid is a solar calendar celebrating the 365 days of the year. Each side of this pyramid has 91 steps, 91 x 4 = 364 + 1 for the top platform equaling 365. During the equinoxes, the late afternoon sun creates a serpent-like shadow that descends from the top of the pyramid, to the bottom, representing the feathered serpent deity Kukulkan. The Maya believed in the harmonious relationship between the celestial and terrestrial realms and many archeologist believe that mass ritual sacrifices were performed during these equinox and solstice occasions. Kukulkan was the Mayan deity associated with solar alignments. 

The Temple of Chichen Itza. It has 91 steps on each side. 91 x 4 = 364. Plus one for the top = 365.

Here is the Number Sequence Pattern for a Tetrahedron


    Tetrahedral (or triangular pyramidal) numbers: a(n) = C(n+2,3) = n*(n+1)*(n+2)/6.
(Formerly M3382 N1363)
  0, 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84, 120, 165, 220, 286, 364, 455, 560, 680, 816, 969, 1140, 1330, 1540, 1771, 2024, 2300, 2600, 2925, 3276, 3654, 4060, 4495, 4960, 5456, 5984, 6545, 7140, 7770, 8436, 9139, 9880, 10660, 11480, 12341, 13244, 14190, 15180

What is a Tetrahedron and what knowledge does it embody?

The regular tetrahedron is one of the five regular Platonic solids, a set of polyhedrons in which all of their faces are regular polygons. Known since antiquity, the Platonic solid is named after the Greek philosopher Plato, who associated these five solids with nature. First and foremost the tetrahedron represents stability, structure, and manifestation, both literally and symbolically. Ergo, the tetrahedron is the number of physical creation. Four directions, seasons, elements, etc. Four is the number of three-dimensional space as it is the first possible shape when emerging from a two dimensional reality. For if you remove any one point the are left with a 3 dimensional plane. Everyday matter is made up of only four particles: protons, neutrons, elections, and electron neutrinos. The number four resonates quite literally with physical existence. In sacred geometry the tetrahedron embodies the principles of balance, harmony, and unity. Tetrahedrons appear in various forms of divination, including, tarot cards, runes, and sacred geometry-based systems. 





The regular tetrahedron was considered as the classical element of fire, because of his interpretation of its sharpest corner being most penetrating. Witches, this is the origin of your fire symbol. 



Regular Tetrahedron

A regular tetrahedron is one in which the edges of a perfect circle touch all 4 points of the tetrahedron.



Two tetrahedrons inverted and imposed into one another form the Merkabah.

The Merkabah is an ancient symbol created by inverting one tetrahedron and immersing it within another. The Merkabah is a sacred geometric shape used as a vehicle to understand spiritual ascension and interdimensional travel. It is an ancient concept rooted in various spiritual traditions, including Kabbalah, (Jewish Mysticism) Egyptian mysticism, and Mayan cosmology. The tetrahedron’s shape is thought to represent the Merkabah’s ability to connect the physical and spiritual realms.  




A two dimensional Merkabah

Kabbalistic teachings often associate sacred geometry with the unfolding of the Divine Plan. The tetrahedron could therefore represent a key building block in the formation of the cosmos, from the most abstract spiritual idea to its physical manifestation.

The Star of David

The Tetrahedron and Native Americans (Well, the number 4)

I would be amiss to not mention the importance of the number 4 in native American religion and culture. Observing all of the above 4’s in natural world, 4 is used prominently in the medicine wheel, sweat lodge, games, stories and myths. Quite often a hero or young maid must make 4 journeys, fight 4 monsters, endure 4 tests, etc. There are 4 sacred plants above all else; tobacco, sweetgrass, cedar, and sage. Native Americans recognize 4 primary races of people on earth. white, black, red, and yellow. And let’s not forget the 4 worlds, of which we are currently in the 4th or shimmering world. The number 4 is especially significant within the Apache tribe, however from personal experience it is also extremely prevalent among most tribes of southern Arizona. 

What Does Christmas And The Tetrahedral Have To Do With One Another?

EVERYTHING, if your are NOT a Christian. It’s ironic, to say the least, that the greatest teachings of Christianity (this and others) can only be accessed if one does not approach Christianity as a religion, but instead as a living record of esoteric knowledge that it is. I suppose that is what separates Priests, Rabbis, from the flock. Something tells me that the Imams haven’t figured much of this out yet. 

Perhaps you now have a better understanding of all the occulted symbolism surrounding the Pope.

To the modern “American Christian” Christmas is the celebration of the birth of their lord and savior Jesus Christ, whom God had sacrificed so that anyone who should believe in him will have eternal life. AND, anything that speaks or suggests to the contrary is the work of Satan and is meant to cause said Christian to lose his way and fall into the clutches of the dark lord himself.

HOWEVER. When filtered through the lens of Astrotheology, recognizing that Christianity is simply an allegory for Solar worship, it becomes clear that the Christmas (Holy)day season preservers and transfers teachings and truths of many occulted truths about our physical world including the Tetrahedron. Or perhaps a more poignant way to say it is –

“The celebratory rituals and festivities surrounding Christmas are imbued with ancient sacred knowledge. This Christian tradition coupled with religious faith preserve this knowledge throughout the ages allowing those with the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the mind to understand, access to this ancient sacred knowledge. To the purpose that, as our species evolves we may collectively access this ancient and once lost knowledge.”


The simple truth is that most religions throughout time have been solar religions. This is because, the Sun is the engine around which all life on earth is dependent. It is the God of the our physical existence. Perhaps if we leave Earth someday (either globe or flat) we shall require a new religion. Who’s to say? Perhaps that is the reason for the big push towards scientism these days. As our species has made such huge leaps and bounds in the realm of science we have seen our world change faster than ever before. Not only have humans changed physically, but our very thought processes and the way we engage with our world around has changed significantly as well. I have a suspicion that only the elites have the vaguest idea about where our species is headed. So in the meantime –   

Christianly is a solar religion that worships the Sun through allegory. This Astrotheology, is practiced & celebrated through rituals, preserving the esoteric meanings of the underlying knowledge.

So What Are the 12 Days of Christmas?

Well, we hinted at it above, but the 12 Days of Christmas was an attempt to reconcile the different practices and celebrations within the church, while aligning it with the Solar Calendar.

Do they have anything to do with the Birth of Christ or the visiting Magi? Not in this writers opinion. I believe we are simply looking at allegorized solar worship. There are some Biblical scholars believe Jesus to have been born on September 16th, or 18th. While some hold that he was born sometime in June. Still the Mormons believe that Jesus was born April 6th. And there are of course many other suggestions available as well, supplied with heaps of evidence and faith that back up and support their respective theories, beliefs and faiths.

Interesting, Orthodox Christianity celebrates the birth of Jesus on or near Jan 7th, and yes, this has everything to do with the conversion of the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. In countries such as Belarus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Russia, Ukraine and Armenia, where Orthodox Christianity is observed, Christmas is celebrated on January 6.

More interesting still, the January 7 celebration of Christmas Day is not a nationwide public holiday in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States. What do these countries have in common. They are all Five Eyes Alliance nations. These are also the countries currently going through the great replacement. That is, replacing the citizens or European ancestry of these countries with those from 3rd world nations.

Still, one thing is quite clear. No matter what day or days these feasts and rituals are celebrated, it is known as The 12 Days of Christmas, and this is the point. Twelve is an ethereally religious number as it pertains to Christianity, as it was to PRIOR religions that practiced allegorical SOLAR WORSHIP.

  • The Twelve Olympians are the principal gods of the pantheon, they were preceded by twelve Titans, and Hercules carries out twelve labors.
  • Several sets of twelve cities are identified in history as a dodecapolis, the most familiar being the Etruscan League. In ancient Rome, the twelve lictors carried fasces of twelve rods.
  • There are twelve Jyotirlinga(Self-formed Lingas) of Lord Shiva in Hindu temples across India according to the Shaiva tradition.
  • The Sun god Surya has 12 names.
  • There are 12 Petals in Anahata or “heart chakra”.
  • There are frequently said to be 12 Âdityas, referring to a froup of major solar deities, who are the offspring of the goddess Aditi.The name Aditya, in the singular, is taken to refer to the sun god Surya.
  • The chief Norse god, Odin, has twelve sons. Some sources suggest that Odin’s eyes being the sun and moon may have been influenced by Egyptian mythology, particularly the god Horus, who was also said to have the sun and moon as his eyes.
  • In the King Arthur Legend, Arthur is said to subdue 12 rebel princes and to win 12 great battles against Saxon invaders.
  • In Twelver Shi’a Islam, there are twelve Imams, legitimate successors of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. These twelve early leaders of Islam are—Ali, Hasan, Husayn, and nine of Husayn’s descendants. Sura 12 in the Quran is sura Yusuf, narrating the story of the sons of Jacob.
ALSO Quite Interesting (It Would Appear That the Number 12 Has Been Foundationally and Institutionally Embedded Within Western Civilization Throughout the Ages)
  • The basic units of time (60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours) are evenly divisible by twelve into smaller units.
  • 12 stars are featured on the Flag of Europe
  • There are 12 troy ounces in a troy pound (used for precious metals, the base of our economic systems.)
  • In the former British currency system, there were twelve pence in a shilling.
  • In Greek mythology, the number of Labours of Heracles was increased from ten to make twelve. (Same as our calendar, later.)
  • In English, twelve is the number of greatest magnitude that has just one syllable.
  • There are normally twelve pairs of ribs in the human body.
  • The Twelve Tables or Lex Duodecim Tabularum, more informally simply Duodecim Tabulae was the ancient legislation underlying Roman law.
  • In the United States, twelve people are appointed to sit on a jury for felony trials in all but four states, and in federal and Washington, D.C. courts. The number of jurors gave the title to the play (and subsequent films) Twelve Angry Men.
  • Twelve people have walked on Earth’s moon. (Allegedly)
  • The United States of America is divided into twelve Federal Reserve Districts (Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco); American paper currency has serial numbers beginning with one of twelve different letters, A through L, representing the Federal Reserve Bank from which the currency originated. (This dates back to Rome, folks)
  • According to UFO conspiracy theory, Majestic 12 is a secret committee, allegedly set up by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to investigate the Roswell UFO incident and cover-up future extraterrestrial contact.
  • 12 is the number of the French department Aveyron.
  • King Arthur’s round table had 12 knights plus King Arthur himself.
  • 12 inches in a foot.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous has 12 steps, 12 traditions, and 12 concepts for world service. (Same as the Gates of Jerusalem, 12 Gates, 12 Tribes inscribed, 12 Angels protecting)

But Why?

Because, Tetrahedral geometry is a fundamental concept in mathematics and appears in various fields, including chemistry, physics, and biology. Its importance lies in its widespread occurrence and significance in understanding molecular structures, chemical reactions, and biological processes, and materials properties. Its study is essential for advancing our knowledge in chemistry, biology, and materials science.

Now, couple these teachings with that of the Sun/Son, the source of all life on Earth/the source for eternal life; and you quickly understand why this knowledge was nestled into not only our current religious system, but many religions which came before. 

The Sun and Twelve Houses of Heaven

Note the 3 X 4 + 1 Occulted Numerology

The Changing History of the 12 Days of Christmas

For those wishing to geek out on the particulars, and changes in the song over the years, I pulled this table from Wikipedia.

Source Giver 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mirth Without
, 1780
My true love sent to me Partridge in a pear-tree Turtle doves French hens Colly birds Gold rings Geese a laying Swans a swimming Maids a milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping Ladies dancing Lords a leaping
Angus, 1774–1825 My true love sent to me Partridge in a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Colly birds Gold rings Geese a laying Swans a swimming Maids a milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping Ladies dancing Lords a leaping
Baring-Gould, c. 1840 (1974) My true love sent to me Part of a juniper tree Turtle doves French hens Colley birds A golden ring Geese a laying Swans a swimming Hares a running Ladies dancing Lords a playing Bears a baiting Bulls a roaring
Halliwell, 1842 My mother sent to me Partridge in a pear-tree Turtle doves French hens Canary birds Gold rings Geese a laying Swans a swimming Ladies dancing Lords a leaping Ships a sailing Ladies spinning Bells ringing
Rimbault, 1846 My mother sent to me Parteridge in a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Canary birds Gold rings Geese a laying Swans a swimming Ladies dancing Lords a leaping Ships a sailing Ladies spinning Bells ringing
Halliwell, 1853 My true love sent to me Partridge in a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Colly birds Gold rings Geese a laying Swans a swimming Maids a milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping Ladies dancing Lords a leaping
Salmon, 1855 My true love sent to me Partridge upon a pear-tree Turtle-doves French hens Collie birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a-milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping Ladies dancing Lords a-leaping
Caledonian, 1858 My true love sent to me Partridge upon a pear-tree Turtle-doves French hens Collie birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a-milking Drummers drumming Fifers fifing Ladies dancing Lords a-leaping
Husk, 1864 My true love sent to me Partridge in a pear-tree Turtle doves French hens Colley birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a-milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping Ladies dancing Lords a-leaping
Hughes, 1864 My true love sent to me Partridge and a pear tree Turtle-doves Fat hens Ducks quacking Hares running “and so on”
Cliftonian, 1867 My true-love sent to me Partridge in a pear-tree Turtle-doves French hens Colley birds Gold rings Ducks a-laying Swans swimming Hares a-running Ladies dancing Lords a-leaping Badgers baiting Bells a-ringing
Clark, 1875 My true love sent to me Partridge in a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Colour’d birds Gold rings Geese laying Swans swimming Maids milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping Ladies dancing Lords leaping
Kittredge, 1877 (1917) My true love sent to me Some part of a juniper tree/And some part of a juniper tree French hens Turtle doves Colly birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming [forgotten by the singer] Lambs a-bleating Ladies dancing Lords a-leading Bells a-ringing
Henderson, 1879 My true love sent to me Partridge upon a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Curley birds Gold rings Geese laying Swans swimming Maids milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping
Barnes, 1882 My true love sent to me The sprig of a juniper tree Turtle doves French hens Coloured birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Hares a-running Bulls a-roaring Men a-mowing Dancers a-dancing Fiddlers a-fiddling
Stokoe, 1882 My true love sent to me Partridge on a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Colly birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a-milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping Ladies dancing Lords a leaping
Kidson, 1891 My true love sent to me Merry partridge on a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Colley birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a-milking Drummers drumming Pipers piping Ladies dancing Lords a leaping
Scott, 1892 My true love brought to me Very pretty peacock upon a pear tree Turtle-doves French hens Corley birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a-milking Pipers playing Drummers drumming Lads a-louping Ladies dancing
Cole, 1900 My true love sent to me Parteridge upon a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Colly birds Gold rings Geese a laying Squabs a swimming Hounds a running Bears a beating Cocks a crowing Lords a leaping Ladies a dancing
Sharp, 1905 My true love sent to me Goldie ring, and the part of a June apple tree Turtle doves, and the part of a mistletoe bough French hens Colley birds Goldie rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Boys a-singing Ladies dancing Asses racing Bulls a-beating Bells a-ringing
Leicester Daily Post, 1907 My true love sent to me A partridge upon a pear-tree Turtle doves French hens Collie dogs Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a milking Drummers drumming Pipers playing Ladies dancing Lords a-leaping
Austin, 1909 My true love sent to me Partridge in a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Calling birds Gold rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a-milking Ladies dancing Lords a-leaping Pipers piping Drummers drumming
Swortzell, 1966 My true love gave to me Partridge in a pear tree Turtle doves French hens Collie birds Golden rings Geese a-laying Swans a-swimming Maids a-milking Pipers piping Drummers drumming Lords a-leaping Ladies dancing