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Isaac’s Final Letter

With the exception of the above letter, Isaac wiped clean his entire Instagram account just prior to the event which took place in place in Bellemont, AZ on 5/13/2019. The admittance of guilt on a number of topics and apologies parroting those in his last periscope streamed Friday 5/10/19, convinced many people, including authorities, the Isaac took his own life. Even though he stated multiple times in videos and private conversations with close friends that he wasn’t suicidal.
Then, there are those who believe that Isaac didn’t write this letter and it was planted on his Instagram account after wiping it clean by those who orchestrated his demise. The thought here is that this letter was posted May 12 one day before his death while the video came out on May 10th, two days prior. If this letter was a plant, those who wrote it had two days to script it to match it to his periscope. Multiple friends of his have reached out to me and stated they don’t believe he wrote that letter. Nearly everyone stated that the portions of the letter apologizing for debts & tax delinquencies were simply too far out of character for Isaac to have penned and almost seemed comical.
There is also the fact that he was going to his parent’s house on Sunday (the day he posted this letter). Who would he pack up his belongings and make the effort to visit his mother for Mother’s Day, only to commit suicide on a 20′ overpass along the way? If one were to plan a suicide, Bellemont, AZ seems a quite strange place to pull it on. especially seeing that the only reason he was there in the first place was that he had a blowout on a tire. So much about the letter in conjunction with everything else simply doesn’t add up.
Then there was the part about selling drugs. Isaac did smoke marijuana occasionally and probably bought and sold it from time to time. But nobody knew him to be either a drug dealer or a drug addict and everyone I spoke to about this considers this slander.
If this letter was penned by Isaac, and I tend to believe it was, I believe it was done so from a position of trauma. The things Isaac apologized for in this letter are simply things people never apologize for, much less in public. WHO APOLOGIZES PUBICALLY FOR NOT PAYING TAXES and then commits suicide? Something got to Isaac so deeply, so profoundly, so completely, as to turn him inside out and force him to confess nearly every shortcoming he believed himself to possess.
Is not out of the realm of impossibility that there was a campaign afoot which not only fed into but encouraged this self-torture. The level of guilt running through Isaac at the time of this letter is mind-boggling is simply not consistent with his personality or history. Or at least his history prior to visiting Australia.
Like his last Periscope, Isaac does a lot of double-talking in this letter. Without ever saying he is suicidal he talks about not being here in the near future. Of course, when framed in the context of official sheriffs reports saying he committed suicide in Belmont, Arizona, this letter scrips the bill. But when one listens to his last periscope he mentions he may return. He speaks about being torn limb from limb to a friend the day after he made the periscope. He talked about his guilt for treason and the fact that he would opt for public execution to atone for his shortcomings. He spoke of his love for the country and the Q movement, but he states that he failed them all and must now suffer the consequence.
The fact that he saw no other way out. The fact that he wrapped this one decision into an end-all-be-all signed sealed and delivered act is truly perplexing and so far the character with his positive upbeat and perpetually optimistic outlook on life.
Isaac knew he had loved ones as well. He knew there was an army of people out there one to help them no matter what. What could’ve been so bad that there was no escape from? What could’ve been so bad that one pens a letter such as this and bares his soul and failures to the world?
I’m going to say it. It smacks of ritualistic self-deprivation. The only thing sweeter than vanquishing your enemies is getting them to vanquish themselves. Again, I believe Isaac wrote this letter from a place of extreme mental and emotional trauma. In this self vanquishing, self-loathing letter not only replaced the photos files, and videos attempting to out the pedophile networks in Hollywood but at the time of Isaac’s death it was the only thing that remained. Whether intended or not
Whether intended or not, this letter is ritualistically succinct and congeals with other ritualistic of this event.
I’m new to your page. I’ve made a few comments. Both you & Alicia have commented back. I appreciate it. It’s been a whirlwind since discovering both you & that Michael Fisher on the same day, which was only 4 days ago. I spent hours listening regarding this guy. That’s a whole different convo. I’m writing now because I’m just beginning to explore the Isaac map. Here’s my question. Do you know why the date on his letter is July 4th when he passed on May 13th? And by what I heard discussed on your show, it makes me think what horrible thing happened to him in Australia? Anyway…I’m going to continue exploring the map. I appreciate you reading this!
I don’t know what the 4th of July predating was all about on Isaac’s final letter. Those who thought Isaac to be in witness protection believed it meant that he would be coming out of hiding on that date last year (2019). Some thought it meant that JFK Jr. would be making a grand reappearance and running for political office with Donald Trump in the upcoming election. I believe it had something to do with the information being fed to him during his final days. I believe that Isaac was under V2K attack because he said as much to friends. But I also believe there was a handler involved. Someone who had gained Isaac’s trust, who was feeding him poisonous info which contributed to his downward mental stability.