“I do not know what I may appear to the world,
but to myself I seem to have been only like a
boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting
myself in now and then finding a smoother
pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst
the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered
before me.”
― Isaac Newton
Born at a time that was the old west, and blossoming into the sprawling jungle of concrete and steel that we see today, Phoenix AZ glitters like a gem emerging from the sand. The founding fathers of Phoenix came here almost two centuries ago, and tapping the natural resources of the rivers and climate developed this virgin valley into the oasis it is today. Or maybe not. Well, definitely not. In fact, there was nothing untouched or virgin about the Phoenix area.
Although far from a secret, few people are aware that a rather advanced culture once thrived where Phoenix now stands. The Hohokam empire spanned some 1,500 years in this valley, and dare I argue, perhaps greater cultures before them. In spite of building great platform mounds reminiscent of Egyptian and Aztec pyramids, and hand digging over 1000 miles of irrigation canals, they thrived from the current cities of Tucson to Ajo and south into Mexico. More important to this article, however, are the similarities and obvious connections between Phoenix and Egypt itself, both ancient and modern.
Whereas a few brave souls have done the heavy lifting on this particular rabbit trail of history, most refuse to even consider a past different from the officially sanctioned version, in spite of the all the evidence. What follows is a brief introduction to this topic. If this strikes a cord or peaks your interest, I urge you to delve deeper into this subject and come to the truth yourself. Speaking for myself, what began as the curious tug at an odd little thread of history has turned into miles of string and I find the official tapestry of history quickly unraveling.
It is my suspicion that at one point in history a pre-pharaonic culture entered the central Arizona area and laid the groundwork for a great empire. An influence reminiscent of Egypt or perhaps a culture that was influenced its self by Egypt. Perhaps the people who eventually became the Hohokam stumbled across these ruins, took and adapted what they could, and became the great civilization they were. It is obvious that the level of sophistication the Hohokam achieved was not entirely of an organic nature. This is not so hard to believe as almost every culture throughout history, once attaining a pivotal benchmark of influence, institutions and resources have always expanded that influence both culturally and economically. The Spanish, British, and French empires come to mind first. The Romans, Phoenicians, and Greeks before them and what of the Mongolians and Chinese. Any number of cultures may have visited the Americas long before modern European expansion.
Whereas the above is yet to be proven, I believe there is an undeniable body of evidence illustrating that certain groups(s) and institutions have adopted ancient knowledge systems that do indeed trace back to Egypt, and established a foothold in Phoenix early on. One of those groups definitely being the Freemasons. Crazy? Conspiratorial? Seeing zebra tracks where only horses tread? Check it out and decide for yourself.
I would like to begin with the obvious. Phoenix and the surrounding area is a hot dry desert located in a valley with many rivers converging and running through it. Likewise, Egypt enjoys the same climate and river topography. Throughout history, many great civilizations have risen from desert climates. This only seems natural as it allows for multiple planting seasons, increased crop yields, mild winters, and low disease rates. Providing sufficient water and advanced agriculture techniques have been developed, deserts seem the ideal climate for our species. Having already mastered desert life, if Egypt or a pre-pharaonic culture was to expand its empire, Arizona would indeed seem an ideal location.
Before one dismisses this idea please familiarize yourself with the ever-growing body of researchers who no longer subscribe to the isolationist theory of cultural dispersion which once dominated the halls of academia, and are increasingly adopting the theory of cultural diffusionism. This shift is due in part to the number of artifacts and genetic evidence being discovered across our planet. As the public becomes savvier we have inevitably begun questioning the official historical narrative. This has led to private research which has challenged academia and uncovered evidence and new theories that may point to our true collective history. In fact, the Smithsonian Institute itself is trying to figure out how to quietly tip-toe out of the corner it has painted its self into over the last century, lest they lose what is left of their credibility and become entirely obsolete. It is no great secret that the Smithsonian Institute chooses the version of history it promotes and suppresses that which does not fit the official narrative.
The Canals
Sigmund Freud, and later Tyler Durden once stated: “Soap is the yardstick of civilization.” I would like to add to this; “irrigation”. If you research long enough you will discover that there are between five hundred and two thousand miles of ancient canals engineered by the Hohokam people over a period of nine hundred years. A brief inquiry of an archaeologist at the Pueblo Grande Museum revealed that they believe there are about 1000 miles of canals, however, they admit that this isn’t published anywhere. What’s more this archaeologist stated that this number will undoubtedly change as we discover new canals and determine that other canal segments discovered by early researchers could not be field verified or do not go as far as originally thought. She continued with “there really is no definitive answer as archaeology continues to be a discovery process.” This being stated, I have conservatively gone with their number of one thousand miles here.
Researchers agree that at least two hundred miles of these canals (trunk canals) were 60-70 feet across and 20 feet deep, leaving the other eight hundred miles of (distribution canals) between 10-20 feet across and respectively 10 feet deep, followed by yet more (lateral canals) or feeder ditches which fed the fields. These canals fed approx 45,000 acres of farmland. Supposedly these canals were dug by hand using only flat rocks and digging sticks, and the earth moved with baskets.
Let’s pause for a moment and examine what it would take for a people to accomplish this task. First things first you would need a population base in order to mount this momentous task. Once mobilized, you would need an authority structure powerful and influential enough to direct them, all the while maintaining food production, political and religious structures, provide for defense, and produce all the goods that we know the Hohokam did. Don’t forget, they were traders and moved goods as far north as the four corners area as well as south into Mexico. How does a culture keep in place the institutions necessary to sustain this operation for one thousand years? Take a brief moment to consider any culture that comes to mind and how it has evolved after just one-tenth of that time. Naturally moving and growing into new and different directions as cultural evolution, and technologies unfolded. Apparently, this didn’t happen to any significant effect with the Hohokam.
It is estimated that the Hohokam numbered into the 85,000’s at the height of their culture and when they disappeared they ranged between thirty and fifty thousand. Note that the main population centers were in the Phoenix and Mesa area (around 45,000) but more than likely half of them were scattered from Tuscon to Yuma and outlying areas north to the Verde Valley. Would that have been enough manpower required to achieve this task?
Having input the measurements for the two hundred miles of main canals into a cubic yard calculator it comes out to 54,755,600 cubic yards of earth. To put that into perspective the bed of a pick-up truck holds about one cubic yard of dirt or soil. Add to this the fact that they weren’t digging through soil, but instead hard-packed desert floor as well as Caliche clay, using only sticks and flat rocks, and moving the material with baskets and It would seem this canal system quickly approaches a project on par with that of the construction of the great pyramids. Only the Hohokam didn’t have pack animals or even the wheel. Remember the above number doesn’t include the other eight hundred miles of canals.
This being said, these canals were the only large-scale canal systems in North America at this time. How is it that a technology such as this occurred only to these people and was implemented with astonishing efficiently and turnkey perfection? Usually, accomplishments such as this are built up on top of previous lesser innovations over generations and make advances along-side new inventions and technologies. Keep in mind that the Hohokam were farmers; they had no advanced architecture, no metallurgy skills, and no mathematics, much less the higher mathematics necessary for constructing graduated canals. I would like to point out that archaeologists marvel that the canal system is engineered to almost perfection in terms of grade, and flow (three feet of drop per mile) and many of the canals in use today in Phoenix are laid right on top the original Hohokam ones. There is even evidence that they used bottom feeding fish to help keep clean and maintain their canals, exactly like we do today.
An astonishing fact worth mentioning is that the Tohono O’odham Indian tribe, who claim to be direct descendants of the Hohokam practiced a type of floodwater farming called ak-chin farming. Ak-chin is a Piman word describing the alluvial fan at the mouth of an arroyo. This just so happens to be the same method of farming used in ancient Egypt. More noteworthy is the fact that the Hopi practiced, and still continue to practice this same method of farming. There are only two places on earth that man-made structures line up with the three stars in the belt of Orion. The first being the three pyramids at Giza and the second being the three villages on the Hopi reservation at first, second, and third mesa. Although I have not come across a study of the ancient villages of the Hohokam, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn of the same phenomenon here.
Is it possible these canals were already here when the Hohokam wandered upon them? Before reclamation, the Salt River is known to have flooded the Phoenix area regularly. Is it possible they just dug them out and put them to use much the same way Jack Swilling did? If so, there would be no way of knowing as they left no records.
The Platform Mounds
Pueblo Grande, Casa Grande, Mesa Grande Temple Mound, Snake Town. These sites contain some of the last remaining structures built by the Hohokam People. Among them being great houses, ball courts, race tracks, pit houses, and platform mounds.
Whereas there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that whoever build the great pyramids also eventually influenced the construction methods of the Mayan pyramids; the Hohokam platform mounds seem to me an entropic extension of the pyramid idea. These mounds were often constructed utilizing trash piles and sometimes sterile dirt. Piles of broken pottery and debris were compacted and then capped with a layer of adobe to form a solid platform on which another smaller square or rectangular mound was built and so on. These were not little mounds of dirt, but rather huge projects requiring massive labor and organization. Mesa Grande and Pueblo Grande mounds are roughly the size of an American football field. Like the canals, these mounds are an impressive testament to the Hohokam legacy.
Pueblo Grande Museum is a wonderful site, located at 44th St. and Washington, just outside of Papago Park. Here archaeologists have done a great job of preserving what is left of this great mound and have even built a walkway where one can walk atop of the mound and explore the site from above. Like all the other sites there are solar markers built into the structure itself. Here at Pueblo Grande, there is one particular room where the rising sun lines up over the Papago Buttes, through a door, then a second door marking the summer solstice. There are other openings in the construction that record the lunar cycles as well, no doubt recording procession. If this is the case, the Hohokam had a lot more going on than we may currently realize.
Could a “primitive” culture such as the Hohokam have come to all these advances by themselves? We know there was extensive trade with Central America at this time, no doubt the ball courts, rubber balls, and corn came from there. But the Mayans and Aztecs, how did they come to build such structures? And what of their prophecies of Quetzalcoatl returning from across the oceans from the east.
Known as the feathered or plumed serpent of the Aztec and Toltec culture, by 600 AD Quetzalcoatl was a well known and worshiped deity throughout all of Mesoamerica. Although depicted as a feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl was just as often represented as a bearded white man. He was said to have brought arts, sciences, and useful social customs to the people of Central America. It is often theorized by scholars, both biblical and secular alike that he was in fact actually a real person, perhaps St. Thomas, an ambassador of an expanding civilization or even Jesus Christ.
Once again. I don’t believe it too large a leap, or a leap at all for that matter to think that a culture expanded its influence, discovered a less civilized people and taught them some skills. In fact, this is usually the rule rather than the exception. Are we to believe the Egyptians; a culture which supposedly constructed the most magnificent structures in the history of the human race, structures that still confound top researchers today, developed extensive agriculture techniques, figured out Pi and Phi as well as other mathematical certainties, and decoded the stars, never left the confines of the Nile? How can a culture reach this benchmark and not explore the seas? Or maybe it wasn’t them at all. Perhaps it was those who came before the Egyptians, perhaps they built the Sphinx and Pyramids. Some researchers believe so.
A Pyramid in Downtown Phoenix
Of all the things I’ve come across in my research, this has got to be without a doubt the one bit of proof that ties the modern day city of Phoenix with either Egypt or a group of people whose hand has laid the foundation of our past and is directing the future of our city.
Here we have laid down in the very gridwork of our city streets the image of not only a pyramid, but an unfinished pyramid with an (all seeing eye), the eye being the location of the Arizona Grand Mason Lodge or otherwise known as (Montezuma Lodge). For those of you new to symbolism, this is the symbol of the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill. There can be no doubt that this was intentional, however, the question remains. Who designed this and why?
This is a Google maps snapshot of the Phoenix downtown area, South being up. The forty-five-degree street creating the side of the pyramid is Grand Ave. While Grand Ave stops at Van Buren St, marked by the horizontal black line, if one were to continue south past Van Buren to the apex of the pyramid, everything between the two form the unfinished capstone and the Montezuma Lodge lies in the exact center of this capstone.
Grand Avenue was first roads connecting Phoenix with Glendale and extending as SR60 all the way out to the town of Wickenburg, site of one of the earliest and most profitable gold mines in the history of Arizona. This road also continues out on the same trajectory all the way to Las Vegas with only slight deviations along the way.
I first came across this in a book written by Gary David, “The Eye of the Phoenix”, and it was Mr. David’s work which spurred me to dig deeper into the roots of Phoenix. As amazingly obvious this symbolism is, it seems nobody is aware of it, and after pointing it out most people explain it away as just simple engineering aesthetics. It seems to me that most people refuse to believe that there could possibly be a group of people organized and determined enough to mark their territory before capitalizing on its resources. This has been done in Washington D.C. Philadelphia, Boston, London, San Francisco, and many other cities across the world. This symbolism is of Masonic design, which itself is Egyptian in origin. For more on this subject please check out my Chase Pyramid page.
More Phoenix Pyramids
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Phoenix Area Mountains
The mountains in and around Phoenix are something that taken alone would mean very little but when examined in concert with everything else makes one take notice of the astonishing coincidence. It’s not only the shapes of these mountains but their names that have captured my attention. We’ll begin with Camelback Mountain.

Camelback stands today in the middle of Phoenix but would have originally sat on the northern edge of the great Hohokam cities. At 2707 feet Camelback is still the prominent landmark of Phoenix. When viewed from the north or south (but especially the south) it looks just like a camel laying down facing due west. Am I suggesting that ancient people carved this out of an existing rock formation? Not in the least. Is it possible however that an expansive culture from the middle east, exploring new land may have seen this mountain and recognizing the obvious resemblance took it as a sign that this should be the site for their colony? Is it possible that it would have been considered a counterpart to the great sphinx? The Sphinx points due east and Camelback due West. I am just speculating, but it is interesting that the only place camels are native to is the middle east and north Africa.
Squaw Peak is the largest of three peaks found just north-west of Camelback Mt. From a distance, and with very little imagination, these peaks look like three pyramids rising out of the desert floor. There are three pyramids at Giza.

The Hieroglyphic Mountains found just north of Phoenix run east-west along the southern edge of the Bradshaw mountain range. It is said that these mountains got their name from a large amount of native American Indian Petroglyphs located within them and the vicinity and that the local cowboys being uneducated did not understand the difference between petroglyphs and hieroglyphs. Hummm. It is interesting to note that Castle Hot Springs is located within this mountain range and is itself quite a mysterious, and special place. These privately owned springs have even earned themselves a place on the Arizona list of heritage waters because of their exceptional purity and depth from which the waters originate. It is also interesting that it has been used as a healing spring by some of the wealthiest and most powerful Americans in U.S. History.

Mummy Mountain, located one mile north of Camelback Mountain supports high-end residential developments on the lower slopes while the upper portion of the mountains is set aside as a preserve. The area between these two mountains is known as Paradise Valley and boasts some of the highest property value in the Phoenix area. This mountain was once known as horseshoe mountain and before that Windy Gulch. It was in the 1940’s that Charles Mieg purchased the mountain for $12,000 and changed the name to what it is today. He believed it resembled the profile of a mummy laying down. How he saw this is any ones guess as it looks nothing like a mummy from any angle.
Although not in the Valley of the Sun, and much further north, the Grand Canyon boasts many names of mountains and rock formations associated with Egypt and Hindu religions. Among them; Temple of Shiva, Isis Temple, Temple of Cheops, Cheops Pyramid, Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple, Tower of Set, Tower of Ra, Osiris Temple, Horus Temple, Vishnu schist, and Brahma Schist. The naming of these formations at the G.C. is explained away as “being fashionable at the time.” More on this topic on the Grand Canyon Mystery page. Also, there is the Cleopatra Hill on which in Jerome, AZ was founded. One of the richest mines in the history of our country.
Are the names and shapes of these mountains just coincidence to an Egyptian connection or was there some guidance in the development of our modern day city of Phoenix AZ and this corner of the world in general? If we go to Utah, California, New Mexico, Nevada, will we find equally as many land features named after Egyptian culture? I have looked, and there are a few here and there, mainly in Utah, home of the Latter Day Saints, of which Brigham Young was a high-level Freemason.
Pima Cotton AKA Egyptian / American Cotton
Yet another modern-day connection between Phoenix and Egypt is Pima Cotton (Gossypium barbadense). Pima Cotton, also known as (ELS) or extra long staple was previously called (Egyptian-American Cotton) and is primarily grown in Peru, the southwest U.S., And Australia. It is known around the world to be one of the superior blends of cotton as it is extremely durable and absorbent. Being named in honor of the Pima who first cultivated the plant in Sacaton AZ in the 1940’s, this cotton is still grown here today.

It was in the early 1900’s that the local variety of cotton grown throughout the Southwest by native peoples for thousands of years was crossed with an Egyptian variety and became what it is today. This variety does wonderfully here in the Arizona desert as the climate is very similar to that of Egypt’s. This begs the question. Is it only coincidence that the native peoples here in the Phoenix valley have grown the same crop using the same methods as the Egyptians did half a world away?
The next time you drive along the 101 past Scottsdale, AZ look off to the east, what you’ll see are the fields of the Pima farmers, some say, descendants of the Hohokam, still growing cotton as they have for thousands of years.
The Naming of Phoenix
Obvious enough our name descends straight from mythical realms itself. In Greek mythology, the Phoenix or Phoenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Said to live between 500 and 1400 years the Phoenix is always associated with the sun and obtains new life by burning itself to ashes on a pyre and rising anew to begin another cycle. Coincidentally the Hohokam civilization lasted about 1400 years before it died and Phoenix arose from its ashes.
The name Phoenix was chosen by decided upon by two men sitting atop an ancient Hohokam platform mound near what is now Sky Harbor Airport. It was Lord Darrell Duppa who stood up and said. “This canal was constructed in an age now forgotten. Prehistoric cities lie in ruins all around you. A great ancient civilization once thrived in this valley. Let the new city arise from its ashes. Let it be called Phoenix.”
The Benu or Bennu is an ancient Egyptian deity/bird, usually depicted as a Heron. He was the god of the sun, creation, and rebirth and was most likely the inspiration for the Greek Phoenix. Interestingly archaeologists have found along the banks of the Nile remains of an extinct, much larger Heron that once lived there 5000 years ago. The Bennu was the sacred bird/god of Heliopolis and actually depicted in the flesh the deity Ra. Ra is the Egyptian solar god, primarily of the midday sun. Ra also being the all-seeing eye of Ra or the eye of illumination at the top of the pyramid on our one dollar bill. If one examines closely the pyramid on our dollar bill they will notice that it is not complete. The top stone is missing and in its place is the all-seeing eye. This was intentional and was meant to convey that civilization is always a work in progress and Ra is shining down from above, providing illumination and knowledge to mankind. Which brings us to this.
Am I stating conclusively that ancient Egyptians visited Arizona and established settlements thousands of years ago? Am I stating that there are Egyptian relics buried throughout the deserts surrounding Phoenix? I am not. I am however acknowledging that there is mounting circumstantial evidence which piles coincidence upon coincidence upon coincidence pointing to a past that differs from that of official mainstream archaeology. Evidence which begs answers to questions that have yet to be asked.
I do however assert that today’s Freemasons of Arizona have much more going on than the general public may be aware of and that many of Phoenix’s modern-day connections with Egypt stem straight from this secret society. A society which has built its symbolism, rituals, and dogma straight from the esoteric teachings and belief systems of the ancient Egyptians and secret Kabbalistic mystery schools of ancient times past. I don’t necessarily believe them to be an evil force hellbent on the destruction of mankind, or any such nonsense, but instead a highly organized group of capable and often wealthy individuals molding the world around them according to their vision, a vision not necessarily being that of the public at large. A free public citizenry is supposed to live in a society governed by self-rule and a democratic process, not the whims and desires of a few who control, land, banking, and resources. It is apparent to me that Phoenix, AZ is a shining example of the Freemason’s efforts and success, and more than likely only a small part of a much larger plan which has been playing out for centuries already. I believe that the level at which they operate and the influence they wield goes largely underestimated and unrecognized in our society today.
Right on!!!
Very interesting. Saw your video of Superstitions. It was told to me that before the white man came to this area you could stand at the highest point of South Mountain and see the Pacific Ocean. A friend lived by the foot of South Mountain and heard many tails of these sorts. Have you ever been to Alto AZ http://ghosttowns.com/states/az/alto.html . Went there and had a very interesting experience of going back in time, perhaps a portal nearby.