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Pizzagate & Pedogate
Please note that a large portion of the information below was gleaned from the research originally done by Corey’s Digs. Who deserves immense credit for doing his part to move this issue forward. Please consider supporting Corey’s Digs Here. Thank you for your hard work.
The conspiracy that just won’t seem to go away, not that the mainstream media, Hollywood, and perhaps the CIA haven’t done their best to try and bury it.
This is where the rubber hits the road in the world of child trafficking and sex abuse and mainstream America’s first glimpse into what online researchers have known for decades. That the DC elite and their associates wheel, deal, and partake in pedophilia and child sex trafficking. But then again. THIS IS NOT NEWS TO ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN PAYING ATTENTION.
This case brought to the forefront names like John Podesta, Tony Podesta, James Alphonsus, Huma Aberdeen, Anthony Weiner, and Hillary Clinton and directly connected them to the world of pedophilia and child trafficking. There is ample evidence as well as circumstantial evidence to show that there is something really wrong going on in DC.

At the center of the affair was comic ping-pong. A DC pizza parlor which used the swirling triangle as their logo. The same swirling triangle identified by the FBI as the symbol used for “man on boy” pedophile signaling.

The scandal broke in March 2016, after the personal email accounts of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, were hacked. Those emails were then given to Wikileaks and disseminated worldwide. Emails between all the above-mentioned which prolifically used known FBI pedophile to pedophile codewords, and documented the planning of events that involved children specifically. Nearly all of these emails were among Democrat party operatives.
The emails further linked this group to Marina Abramovic’s “Spirit Cooking” events, which Marina has since attempted to rebrand as performance art. Pictures of these Spirit cooking events made their way in record speed across the Internet yet the “fixers” were there the whole time to tell us it wasn’t so. The mainstream media, biographers, and copywriters went into full production and did their best run cover for these leaked emails.
It got so bad that someone, probably the CIA, staged a lone gunman event wherein on December 4, 2016, 28-year old Edgar Maddison Welch, arrived at Comet Ping Pong and fired three shots from an AR-15-style rifle that apparently didn’t hit anyone, only the restaurant’s walls, a desk, and a door. The narrative went that Welch saw himself as the potential hero of the story—a rescuer of children and planned to “self-investigate” the conspiracy theory. He surrendered after officers surrounded the restaurant and was arrested without incident. No one was injured.

Notice they even picked a young white blonde blue-collar looking male to play the part. May as well try and kill two birds with one stone.
It was obvious in everyone’s mind that this was a staged event. Not that it didn’t happen, mind you, but that the event itself was constructed and executed and Mr. Madison will probably be very well taken care of after his time served. It seems he got four years for his part. This is what makes it so hard to convince the general public that shootings like this are staged. Most people believe that no one could or would ever attempt to pull off something like this. But they always leave a signature. Did anyone notice how many shots were fired? Three. 30 round capacity, and only shoots three rounds. Or 3 out of 30. OR 33.
An Examination Of The Pizzagate Emails
Wikipedia, Snopes, and crew were quick to script the official online narrative while the mainstream media ran cover and directed the sheeple to lick up the narrative. An online perusal of Wikipedia will show you the bias and scripted narrative which they did their best to script but which is still painful to read as there really is simply no way to spin the facts that came out in WIKILEAKS.
And then came the lawsuits. One of the greatest proponents of airing the pizza gate information was Alex Jones of InfoWars.
After the Comet Ping Pong shooting, Jones backed off from the idea that the D.C. pizzeria was the center of the conspiracy. On December 4, InfoWars uploaded a YouTube video that linked Pizzagate to the November 13 death of a sex-worker-rights activist.
In February 2017, Alefantis’ lawyers sent Jones a letter demanding an apology and retraction. Jones was given a month to comply or be subject to a libel suit. In March 2017, Alex Jones apologized to Alefantis for promulgating the conspiracy theory, saying: “To my knowledge today, neither Mr. Alefantis nor his restaurant Comet Ping Pong, were involved in any human trafficking as was part of the theories about Pizzagate that were being written about in many media outlets and which we commented upon.”
This, of course, was a definite win for the pedophiles and their entrenched networks and put a chilling effect on anyone else investigating Pizzagate.
Fire at ‘pizzagate’ shop reignites conspiracy theorists who find a home on Facebook
Comet Ping Pong
Comet Ping Pong hosted bands regularly. This is “Magestic Ape from the band Heaving Breathing. Keep in mind, this is a “family restaurant” and children were present.
Known FBI pedophile to pedophile symbols and codes.

Applied Symbology

The Pizzagate Gang
The occultism surrounding this group of people is obvious to any trained occultist. However, to the sheeple of the world, it can be explained away. This is what lies at the center of occultism and this is the source of its power. Not only is it a form of communication but it is a public ritual. These people have taken their rituals out of the Groves, out of their mansions, out of their temples, and have begun practicing them not only in full view of the world but have incorporated the world’s energies and pulled them into their spells.
The Podesta Brothers
John Podesta, Former White House Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, Former Counselor to Barack Obama, and Former Campaign Chairman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign
Tony Podesta, Bigtime DC Lobbyist and founder of the Podesta Group
John and Tony are very close with the Clintons, have worked together for decades, and even grew up in the Chicago area just 14-minutes away from each other – the Podesta’s in Jefferson Park, and Hillary Rodham Clinton in Park Ridge, IL.
Madeleine Beth McCann (born 12 May 2003) disappeared on the evening of 3 May 2007 from her bed in a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, a resort in the Algarve region of Portugal. Her whereabouts remain unknown The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance as “the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history.

John Podesta

Podesta says it’s related to this
On September 25, 2015 , John Podesta tweeted a series of tweets in support of the Global Goals organization. Global Goals promotes 17 Sustainable Global Goals adopted by the UN, with Sept 25 being the day they were formally adopted.

Podesta was also in NZ just 5 days before the NZ Shooting.

Below is the believed location where the above video was shot. Note Jimmycomet commenting and the other cringy comments

Tony Podesta

Tony Podesta, a longtime lobbyist in DC, and founder of the Podesta Group was indicted in 2017 for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Shortly thereafter, the Podesta Group closed up shop. Then, in July 2018, according to Tucker Carlson, Special Counsel Robert Mueller offered Tony Podesta immunity to testify against Paul Manafort, who had worked with the Podesta Group in a public relations campaign for the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, founded by three senior members of the pro-Russia Party of Regions – and who had been indicted on bank and tax fraud charges. Paul Manafort was sentenced to 7-1/2 years in prison. Meanwhile, Tony seems to have skated into the wind, without any confirmation as to whether an immunity agreement actually took place.
The Podesta Group and Amber Ready, Inc.
In May 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group as their agency of record to be their PR company, covering all media relations, and building a campaign to promote Amber Ready’s cell phone technology. The program enables parents to create, store and lock their children’s Alert profiles in parent’s wireless phones so that if a child goes missing, police can transmit the Alert Profiles in minutes via Amber Alert. Then-Principle of the Podesta Group Ed Rothschild stated “Working with AMBER Ready to help inspire nationwide support for their innovative child safety solution should prove to be very exciting and gratifying.”
That is a lot of data on children being stored in accessible cell phones.
Tony Podesta’s Artwork In His Home
A sculpture of the discovered dead body found in the home of Jeffery Dahmer.

Tony’s Wall Art

Marina Ambramovic
A Serbian performance artist and film producer who is best known for her provocative, and disturbing, art exhibitions and spirit cooking parties. Ambramovic’s book “Spirit Cooking with Essential Aphrodisiac Recipes” was released in 1996, utilizing ingredients such as fresh sperm milk, breast milk, and fresh morning urine. The spirit cooking festivities typically include feasting on replicas of full-size bodies with edible ingredients that give the effects of oozing blood and tissue. It seems to be a Hollywood hit.

At one of Marina’s parties

Hillary Clinton
Of course, when it comes to Hillary Clinton were not talking strictly about Pizzagate as she was smart enough not to tie herself directly to it. This is where we morph into “Pedogate” and realize that “Pizzagate” was simply an aspect of it.
It goes without saying that Lori Clinton is universally known by both Democrats and Republicans and all Americans to be an unscrupulous liar at best and a vicious murder at worst. The Clinton body count is a running tab of all the people who mysteriously went missing or died in connections to the Clintons since they began the rise to power in Arkansas.
Laura Silsby
Probably one of the most well-known names that is talked about, is convicted child trafficker Laura Silsby. Here are the facts:
• On January 29, 2010, Laura Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border for trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti, allegedly into an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, without documentation.
• Silsby was with a team of 9 other members, all of which were from America, and 7 of the 10 were from Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho.
• Silsby is the former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge, which is documented in a Wikileaks email that indicates a plan to “rescue orphans from Port au Prince, Haiti,” in addition to requesting donations.
• Jorge Torres, the lawyer Silsby retained after her arrest, was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring that trafficked children and women from Central American and Haiti into the United States. He was a fugitive from justice when he was indicted in 2003 on charges of conspiring to smuggle aliens from Central America into the United States through Canada in 2002. He was hiding out in Canada under the name “George Simard” after a 1999 bank fraud conviction. The U.S. government was unable to locate him in 2003, but they tracked him once he showed up in the media, representing the Laura Silsby case, and going under the assumed name “Jorge Torres Puello.” He was extradited, plead guilty, and was sentenced on alien smuggling charges, to serve 3-years and 1-month in prison.
At that time, Jorge Torres was wanted by four countries in connection with charges including sex trafficking of girls and women, and making counterfeit documents and violating parole. He was wanted in El Salvador for bringing women and girls from Central America and the Caribbean into El Salvador and luring them into prostitution. Jorge’s wife was arrested for holding girls captive in a Nicaraguan house, and they had documentation indicating that they may have had protection from government officials.
• All of the Americans were released with the exception of the leader Laura Silsby, who they wanted to further question about the children, as well as her connection to Jorge Torres Puello.
• On February 7, 2010, Bill Clinton, then-special envoy for the United Nations, suddenly took up an interest in this case, intervened and struck a diplomatic deal for the release of the 9 American missionaries that were in a jail on child abduction charges, except Laura Silsby who the judge still had questions for.
• Just two days after Bill’s intervention, Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and several others were communicating in an email thread about USG’s options regarding the 10 Amcits, only the page containing the “options” is “denied” from being seen. In a cryptic message at the bottom, it states, “Cheryl asked for a memo from L for S BY TOMW AM outlining S’s options re the Amcits. Her questions:”
• Laura Silsby’s charges were miraculously reduced to “arranging irregular travel,” which got her a 6-month prison sentence in Haiti. On May 17, she was found guilty and sentenced to the time served in jail prior to the trial.
• Silsby returned to Idaho where she married in 2015, and took the last name Gayler. She became the Vice President of Marketing for AlertSense who works with the federal government on FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS), including the Amber Alerts when kidnappings occur.

Coincidentally, in May 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group as their agency of record to be their PR company, covering all media relations, and building a campaign to promote Amber Ready’s cell phone technology. The program enables parents to create, store and lock their children’s Alert profiles in parent’s wireless phones so that if a child goes missing, police can transmit the Alert Profiles in minutes via Amber Alert. Then-Principle of the Podesta Group Ed Rothschild, stated “Working with AMBER Ready to help inspire nationwide support for their innovative child safety solution should prove to be very exciting and gratifying.”
A Quick Recap to Wrap This 2009 Group Together
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) stated that since 2009 they have “placed a particular focus” on combatting human trafficking. The Polaris Project and Free the Slaves are BOTH CGI members. As indicated above under the NXIVM section, members of the Clinton Global Initiative are by invite only, and are required to give minimum donations of $15,000 annually.
Also in 2009, is when the Podesta Group partnered with Amber Ready, Inc., which ultimately creates a database of information on children across the globe, stored in cell phones, which are highly accessible, especially when technology is designed to be accessed.
Finally, Laura Silsby had been planning her trip to Haiti and working on developing her “orphanage” in 2009, eventually making her way to Haiti in January 2010, when she was arrested for trafficking 33 children, and who’s lawyer was extradited on charges of smuggling women and children. Despite all of this, she managed to get a job at a company that works with the Federal Government in direct relation with Amber Alert. Curious.
Bill and Hillary Clinton came to the rescue of Laura Silsby.
Timeline of Hillary’s Work Specifically Involving Infants & Children:
1970: Worked at Yale Child Study Center, learning about early childhood brain development, and research assistant on the book Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, and handled cases of child abuse at Yale-New Haven Hospital
1970: Summer – worked on Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor
1971: Met husband Bill, interned at law firm Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein where she worked on child custody and other cases
1973: Postgraduate study on children and medicine at Yale Child Study Center, her article “Children Under the Law” was published in the Harvard Educational Review, staff attorney at Marian Wright Edelman’s Children’s Defense Fund in Cambridge, MA, consultant to Carnegie Council on Children
1977: Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families – a state-level alliance with Children’s Defense Fund, and worked pro bono in child advocacy during her work at Rose Law Firm
1979: Published “Children’s Policies: Abandonment and Neglect and “Children’s Rights: A Legal Perspective
1985: Introduced Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth (preparedness & literacy)
1988-92: Children’s Defense Fund Chairman of the Board and on the board of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital’s legal services
1995: Wrote an article on orphaned children that led to the Adoption and Safe Families Act in 1997
1996: Published book “It Takes A Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us”
1997: Supported State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and promoted nationwide immunization against childhood diseases; hosted childcare conference and early childhood development and learning conferences at White House; initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act which required states to terminate parental rights for children in foster care for 15 out of 22 months and provided funding for efforts in encouraging adoption as well as subsidies for adoptive children up through age 18; By executive memorandum, her husband President Bill Clinton added the “Adoption 2002 Initiative” which aimed to lower barriers to adoption so as to double the rate of adoption by 2002
1999: Instrumental in passing Foster Care Independence Act, doubling federal funding for teenagers opting out of foster care, launched the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children along with Lady Catherine Meyer and Cherie Booth Blair
2000: Hosted children and adolescents conference and conference on teenagers at White House
2005: Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act with other senators to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games
2007: Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, worked in Pakistan to train nurses and midwives to perform both births and abortions
2009: Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, worked in Zambia, Malawi, Haiti, Mexico and Central America to train nurses and midwives to perform both births and abortions. Partnered with the Polaris Project who runs the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and Hotline, and is also a Clinton Global Initiative member, to build an “Anti-trafficking approach replicable worldwide.”
2010: Clinton Health Access received $25 million from IKEA for CHAI to join the “Every Woman Every Child” initiative so CHAI can partner with governments to educate moms on the right treatment for their child’s diarrhea and encourage manufacturers to develop child-friendly formulations, with a focus in Kenya, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.
2012: Hosted a Clinton Global Initiative Conference focusing on human trafficking, with former president Obama as the keynote speaker.
2013: Through Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation focused on early childhood development and initiative “Too Small to Fail” led by former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard to encourage girls worldwide to enroll in secondary schools; Lead “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project,” a partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study data on progress of girls and women around the world; Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, launched a 7-year health program in Rwanda with Ivy Leagues from the U.S. and $150 million from the U.S. Government, to train over 6,000 young women to be nurses and midwives for performing both births and abortions.
2014: Partnered with the Polaris Project, a CGI member, in creating an online “Global Modern Day Slavery” database directory.
2018: Campaigned for women’s right to abortion, and cheered Governor Cuomo’s on, leading up to his announcement of passing New York’s new abortion laws allowing abortions up to full term, which removed legal protections for failed abortions where babies are born alive – meaning, they allow them to die.
Hillary’s Involvement with The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC)
Back in the mid 1990s, Belgium reached out to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, in request for assistance with their missing children issues. The NCMEC’s Board of Directors authorized the creation of a new organization that would devote itself to doing globally what NCMEC was committed to doing in the United States. In 1998, members of the Board of the newly created International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) held their first meeting, and in April 1999 it was launched by then First Lady Hillary Clinton, Lady Catherine Meyer, and Cherie Booth Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The full archived press release can be viewed here.

Richard Branson’s mother, Eve Branson, was a founding board member of ICMEC in 1999 and served on the Board of Directors until 2005. Richard Branson was ICMEC’s founding sponsor. ICMEC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity supported entirely by private funds and resources, and is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. It is a non- government agency. It also has an Asia-Pacific office and Latin America & The Caribbean office. Since their inception, they have helped to create four national or regional missing and exploited children’s centers around the world. One of those is the Global Missing Children’s Network (GMCN), which happened to launch in 1998, the same year ICMEC launched. There are 29 member countries on 5 continents allegedly working to help recover missing and abducted children.

In a photo of the Board of Directors provided on Wikipedia, Eve Branson along with her son Richard Branson, and a lot of other familiar faces are pictured.
Bill and Hillary Clinton’s ties with Richard Branson go way back, as well as forward. They are all currently working together on The Ten Island Challenge pilot program, which launched in 2012 and began with ten islands, and quickly evolved to over twenty islands, all throughout the drug and child trafficking transits in the Caribbean. Since their inception, they have now branched out to form alarming new partnerships and focus on the tourism and hotel industry. This Ten Island Challenge program, funded by GEF, an arm of the World Bank, OPIC, the Dutch postal code lottery, and the Norwegian government, has allegedly set out to setup islands with solar farms and renewable energy.
Most of these Caribbean islands have been deemed tier 2 & 3 and are subject to U.S. aid restrictions due to their level of human trafficking and subjecting large populations to modern slavery – as the documentation reveals in this report. Based on Hillary’s portrayed background in fighting for children’s rights, why then would she wish to focus her energy on setting up a small solar farm to feed a block of homes on each of these islands – all of which include free solar systems to the government buildings – rather than fighting for the suffering children that reside on these islands?
Another important and relevant fact to include, is that Planned Parenthood setup the Caribbean family Planning Affiliation on 10 of those islands as well. The same year Clinton’s Ten Island Challenged launched, Planned Parenthood Federation announced their plan to training youth leaders in Latin America, Africa and the U.S., as well as their desire to combat the vulnerability of youth to unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion. Why is this relevant? Because the Clintons have been working with Planned Parenthood since 1993 when Bill Clinton removed the “gag order” to secure ongoing funding for clinics performing abortions, and both have been training midwives and nurses to perform abortions in multiple countries, which all began in New York City.
Back to ICMEC: To understand the magnitude of ICMEC’s reach, in a 2014 report for the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations pertaining to “International Parental Child Abduction” it states that ICMEC has trained law enforcement in 121 countries. They have reviewed laws in 200 countries and worked with parliaments in 100 countries to enact new law on child pornography. They built a global missing children’s network to include 22 countries, established national centers in multiple countries, and created a regional center in Europe, serving 13 countries in the Balkan region.
In addition, they met with 400 Arab leaders in Cairo to create an agreement on child protection. They also partnered with the Vatican, Mayo Clinic and Il Telefono Azzurro to create ‘The Declaration of Rome’ on children’s rights. And finally, they entered into formal partnerships with Interpol, and launched a Global Health Coalition of pharmaceutical companies and health care institutions to address a public health crisis with child sexual abuse.
In 2005, six years after the launch of ICMEC, it was estimated that 600,000 to 800,000 humans were trafficked across international borders each year, with 50% being minors, according to the U.S. Department of State, and according to the International Labour Organization (ILO), “global profits made from forced laborers exploited by private enterprises or agents reach $43 billion every year, of which $31.6 billion was from trafficked victims.” Nine years later, in 2014, the (ILO) reported “forced labor in the private economy generates $150 billion in illegal profits per year, three times more than previously estimated.”

All of this begs the question, if ICMEC is as all-powerful as they claim, and have taken all of the above steps to help prevent this worldwide epidemic, why then have the numbers of trafficked victims significantly increased since its inception in 1999 rather than decreased? When does “at any moment” go into effect exactly?
Follow The Money: Financial Connections to ICMEC
The board of ICMEC (past and present), nearly all have a work history with big pharma, biotech, and banks. These folks have put together a fantastic itemized list of board members, a timeline with press releases linking to ICMEC, and donations. Full credit goes to them for compiling the financial information extracted below.
Göran Ando, served on the board for ICMEC, and worked for Novo Nordisk, UK Ltd., and Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd.
• Novo Nordisk paid $1.7 million to Podesta Group between 2004-2012
• Novo Nordisk donated between $50-100k to Clinton Foundation
• AstraZeneca PLC donated $100,000 – $250,000 to Clinton Foundation
• AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP donated $50,000 – $100,000 to Clinton Foundation
Mike DeNoma, is a former director of ICMEC and currently serves on the board of directors for ICMEC. He is also the senior advisor to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP, and has held high-ranking positions at Standard Chartered Plc / International Private Banking Business, and Citibank NA.
• Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP paid over $1.3 million in lobbying fees to the Podesta Group
• Standard Chartered Bank (more below) donated $1,000,001 – $5,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
• James A. Kohlberg donated $50,001 – $100,000 to Clinton Foundation
Victor Halberstadt, vice chairman of the board of directors on ICMEC, worked for The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and Daimler-Chrysler. Interestingly, he was also a Trustee for the Population Council, New York.
• Daimler Trucks North America LLC donated $500,001 – $1,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
• Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund donated $250,001 – $500,000 to Clinton Foundation
• The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. donated $1,000,001 – $5,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
Dr. Franz B. Humer, chair on the board of directors for ICMEC, with an extensive resume, including Roche Holdings AG, Citigroup, Diageo PLC, Genentech, Inc., and many more.
• Roche Group paid the Podesta Group over $1.5 million between 1998 – 2006
• Roche Holdings paid the Podesta Group $560,000 between 2007 – 2009
• Citigroup Inc. paid the Podesta Group $100,000 in 2001
• Diageo PLC paid the Podesta Group over $1.3 million between 2010 – 2016
• Genentech, Inc. donated $10,001 – $25,000 to Clinton Foundation
• Citi Foundation donated $1,000,001 – $5,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
• Citigroup Inc. donated $500,001 – $1,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
• Diageo PLC donated $50,001 – $100,000 to Clinton Foundation
Dr. Raymond F. Schinazi, is a former director of ICMEC and currently serves on the board of directors for ICMEC. He founded several pharmaceutical companies, including Pharmasset, Inc. which he sold to Gilead Sciences for $11 billion in 2012.
• Gilead Sciences, Inc. donated $100,001 – $250,000 to Clinton Foundation
Per-Olof Loof, former director of ICMEC and currently serves on the board of directors for ICMEC.
• Donated $2,700 to Hillary For America in 2016
Podesta Group lobbying fees can be found here from above financials. Here is an archived version as well.
The Clinton Foundation donors list, with an archived version as well.
On April 9, 2019 Standard Chartered Bank, big donor to Clinton Foundation, admitted to illegally processing transactions in violation of Iranian sanctions and agreed to pay more than $1 billion. The criminal conspiracy went on from 2007 – 2011, and resulted in SCB process roughly 9,500 financial transactions worth approximately $240 million through U.S. financial institutions for the benefit of Iranian entities.

Beginning to get the picture of who runs the show, and who collects the dough? This begs the question – is ICMEC about saving children or making money? More importantly, what is being exchanged for all of this money?
Global Modern Day Slavery Directory – A Clinton Global Initiative

In addition to all of the above involvement with human trafficking, the Clinton Global Initiative partnered with the Polaris Project in 2009, to build an anti-trafficking approach, replicable worldwide. The Polaris Project operates the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) and runs the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Polaris is based out of D.C. and is funded in part by the Department of Health and Human Services. Together, they created a “Global Modern Day Slavery” database of organizations across the globe to monitor human trafficking, in 2014. They claim it is the most comprehensive database of modern day slavery organizations ever compiled for the public, and as noted on the map above, there are 199 countries in this database.
They state “By enabling actors in the anti-human trafficking field to better locate, identify, and connect with each other, the tool will help connect victims of human trafficking and at-risk populations to the help they need.”

When they began this project in 2014, they had 200 organizations in the database. There are now 2936 organizations and hotlines working on human trafficking and forced labor. There are 26 in D.C. alone. If one has done any research on human trafficking, there is a lot of telling information to be garnered from this database. It’s definitely one heck of a network.
The Global Modern Day Slavery Directory has also partnered with Liberty Asia’s Freedom Collaborative, an online, password-protected platform for anti-trafficking “stakeholders” that offers a newsfeed updated by users, a global community of organizations and research, and programmatic and legal resources. USAID and UNDP are just two of Freedom Collaborative’s partners.
Liberty Asia also partnered with La Strada International and the Polaris Project in 2013 to launch an alliance of human trafficking hotlines around the world. Google funded this effort with $3 million dollars after determining that most illegal groups were involved in human trafficking in some way. Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas, said that there wasn’t great coordination between all of the hotlines.
“If you call one hotline in one company, it generates data locally, but there is no way to correlate data with a hotline in another country,” said Cohen. “[So we thought]: can you integrate all these hotlines so it doesn’t matter which one you call? You need an integrated ecosystem to make the right response.”
• The Polaris Project is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). Members are by invite only and donate a minimum of $15,000 annually.
• Catherine A. McLean is the Chairperson for the Board of Directors at Polaris. McLean was the senior advisor to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign in 2008.
• Steve Rosenthal, on the Board of Directors, served as Associate Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Labor during the Clinton administration.
• It’s also important to remember that the Clinton Global Initiative was never formally setup correctly and is not a legal entity.
Anthony Weiner
Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff when she was secretary of state, and Vice-Chair of Hillary’s 2016 Campaign for President, recently completed serving prison time for sexting with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner’s laptop contained 340,000 emails, with a significant amount of them being between Hillary and Huma. On page 294 of the IG report, it states: Initial analysis of laptop – thousands of emails, Hillary Clinton & Foundation, crime against children.

The FBI also released a document indicating “Anthony Weiner; Producers of Child Pornography” with a blanked out box below it. Note that “producers” is plural. They also stated that a significant number of the 340,000 emails were between Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton.

In the June 2018, Office of the Inspector General 568-page report reviewing the various actions by the FBI and DOJ in advance of the 2016 election, they state “In September 2016, the FBI’s New York Field Office (NYO) and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) began investigating former Congressman Anthony Weiner for his online relationship with a minor. A federal search warrant was obtained on September 26, 2016, for Weiner’s iPhone, iPad, and laptop computer. The FBI obtained these devices the same day. The search warrant authorized the government to search for evidence relating to the following crimes: transmitting obscene material to a minor, sexual exploitation of children, and activities related to child pornography.
On page 303 of this report, the case agent, being the only one that had the authority to release the laptop, stated his concerns over no one contacting him:
The crickets I was hearing was really making me uncomfortable because something was going to come crashing down….And my understanding, which is uninformed because…I didn’t work the Hillary Clinton matter. My understanding at the time was I am telling you people I have private Hillary Clinton emails, number one, and BlackBerry messages, number two. I’m telling you that we have potentially 10 times the volume that Director Comey said we had on the record. Why isn’t anybody here? Like, if I’m the supervisor of any CI squad in Seattle and I hear about this, I’m getting on with headquarters and saying, hey, some agent working child porn here may have [Hillary Clinton] emails. Get your ass on the phone, call [the case agent], and get a copy of that drive, because that’s how you should be. And that nobody reached out to me within, like, that night, I still to this day, I don’t understand what the hell went wrong.
Anthony Weiner was released from prison on February 17, 2019 and sent to a halfway house in Brooklyn, New York. Huma Abedin still works side-by-side with Hillary Clinton on her illegally-run ‘Onward Together’ 501(c)(4) political organization. Til this day, what is on that laptop, remains a mystery.