When the war of giants is over, the wars of pygmies will begin
-Winston Churchill
This is the story of Queho, pronounced (Kay-ho) although some say (Kwee-ho) and in Spanish the name means (to complain). The story is a fascinating one and has all the makings of an old west legend as it contains lawmen, Indians, murderers, posses, dry-gulching, a bandit, and a cave with human remains. All of this is only made more fascinating however due to its paranormal undertones.
The story of Queho is a local one that doesn’t often travel far from home. Although at one point it did receive some exposure in 1958 in Bill Burred’s Treasure television series part 1 and 2. But unless you grew up in the southern Nevada area and had a really cool grandpa who told you old stories around the campfire you’ve probably never heard this one. The following clips are the original airing of the program. Warning, they are a little, well……You’ll see…… I can’t believe this once passed for entertainment.
I stumbled across this story a few years back and became instantly captivated by it. Much of my research involves people and things which are long gone. Chasing shadows in esoteric dustbins of history if you will. What makes this story so different, so tangible, is its recentness. Furthermore, much of the life of Queho is very well documented through legal records by the State of Nevada, as he was accused of multiple murders, branded an outlaw, and hunted for 30 years. That being said, the life of Queho is still shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
The following clip is a report done George Knapp out of Las Vegas. He is an investigative journalist who researches and reports regularly on the paranormal. He is also a news anchor on a local Las Vegas news station.
Then there’s the paranormal aspect to this story. But this has gone largely ignored. What paranormal aspects you may ask. Well, Queho had double rows of teeth and exhibited many traits of “giants” spoken about around the time of Spanish contact including being rather tall. If you’re thinking this sounds like the Nephilim from the Bible, you are correct. In fact, it is an exact description. Furthermore, the life of Queho follows very closely the life of another “giant” of the southwest, Ho’ok. The story of Ho’ok comes from the Gila River Tribe not too far to the south, just outside of Phoenix, AZ. I covered it in an article here.
Fact or Fiction?
Before we get into this story I’d like to put this question to rest by stating that the story of Queho is very much fact. We know this because Queho has a grave and a headstone, and before he was interned his bones were driven around Las Vegas by the Elks Club during the annual Helldorado parade. Furthermore, he is known as “The first mass murder of Nevada” and “The mad Indian.” If all of that isn’t enough evidence, in March of 1919 the bounty on his head was raised from $1,000 to $3,000. However, some people still liken the story of Queho to that of lost gold mines and old west legends. Perhaps the story is just a bit too strange to be believed as is. Perhaps it’s easier to relegate it to fiction than to believe that an exceptionally tall Indian half-breed with double rows of teeth wandered the tri-state area of Nevada, Arizona, and California murdering people while living in hidden caves.
Just as strange, many historians have completely ignored the historical correlation between Queho and “giants” or perhaps just never made the connection themselves. Ignored are multitudes of stories of giants in the southwest, from Native American, Spanish, and American accounts; and it is within this connection I find the most fascinating aspects to the life of Queho as a possible descendant of these creatures and perhaps the Nephilim.
But before we get into all that, lets lay out the facts.
The Life of Queho (What We Know)
Queho was born sometime during the 1880’s, on Cottonwood Island on the Colorado River. Born to a Cocopa woman who died shortly after his birth, the identity of his father is unknown. It is said that his mother committed suicide by jumping into the Colorado River and while that may seem a little dramatic, no one contests it. His father is said to have been anything from a local Mexican miner to a Paiute, Mohave, or Arapaho. Yet others say he was a white soldier, and still, others say he was an unknown stranger who forced himself upon his mother. No version of history, however, puts the father as a Cocopa because Queho was known to have been a half-breed and it was this fact which brought so much distress and suffering to his early years.
We also know that Queho had a few rather distinctive physical attributes. The first being his height. He was apparently much taller than your average Indian. Second, he was born with two rows of teeth. This fact was widely known and even circulated by the authorities during his “wanted” days, and it is this unique dental anomaly authorities used to help identify the remains of his body in 1940. Lastly, he had a club foot. This was a physical handicap which further set him apart from others in the tribe and made him the target of much abuse and ridicule.
Queho was raised by his mother’s relatives on the Las Vegas Paiute Reservation. He worked odd jobs in the Eldorado mines and gathered driftwood along the Colorado River selling it to miners. There he is reported to have killed his half-brother Avote. Apparently, Avote went on a rampage and murdered several white folks. It was Queho and Jim White who were sent after his Avote, eventually tracking him down and killing him on Cottonwood Island (now under Lake Mohave.) Queho and White found Avote on the island and waited for him to pass before shooting him from behind. Queho was later quoted as saying “It seemed the most sensible way to do the job.” If you’re wondering why Queho would kill a blood relative, apparently in Queho’s day, when a native committed a capital offense it is the offender’s brother who was to deliver the punishment, in this case, execution. Avote had killed a whole mess of white people and the white community was expecting justice. It was either Avote or the whole tribe. They returned to Eldorado where Queho enjoyed hero status for a short time. Queho was 17 at the time.
What goes largely forgotten in many accounts is that Queho had a full brother, Steve Tecope. Steve was said to have lived a peaceful life up until July 27th, 1931 when he fatally shot a Japanese man near Searchlight, Nevada, (apparently not in self-defense) as was sentenced to life in prison. Coincidentally this is very near to where Queho’s cave and remains were located. Or perhaps this is not a coincidence and Steve lived in close proximity to his brother in an effort to help him elude the authorities.

Queho’s status of hero would soon change, however. In 1910 he left his home along the banks of the Colorado to explore the budding town of Las Vegas. This is when things took a turn for the worse. It was here, living among the whites he became embroiled in a feud over the killing of a medicine man, and it is here he is believed to have killed a Paiute named Bismarck. Although there is no record of either murder he left town before the end of 1910. According to the Las Vegas Age Jan 14th, 1911 edition “Queho was born in Eldorado Canyon and lived there an inoffensive red man until he spent a few months in contact with civilization and bad whiskey last year.”
Queho took up employment with J.M. Woodworth, who set him to work clearing trees on Timber Mountain in the McCullough Mountain range near Searchlight Nevada. This would be a mistake on Woodworth’s part as Queho would soon become enraged with his employer and fatally bash his skull in with a length of cedar.
Shortly thereafter, across the river on the Arizona side at the Gold Bug mine an elderly night watchman was found shot in the head, his food and badge missing. From the distinct footprints at the scene of the crime, there was no doubt it had been the doing of Queho. The word went out that a madman Indian was on the loose and the hunt began. Posses were assembled and trackers hired. They set out to catch what they thought to be an ignorant savage, but Queho eluded them all. By this time the story of Queho was growing into a legend and as you can imagine the story took on a life of its own.
According to newspapers, Queho got in the “killing mood” again in 1913. A 100-year-old blind Indian by the name of Canyon Charlie was found dead with a pick-ax wound to the head. The old Indians food supply was gone, but there wasn’t much there to steal in the first place according to the witnesses. At this time Queho was branded a madman as he could have just easily stolen the old man’s meager goods effortlessly, without killing him. Truth be told however, most people don’t believe this murder was the doing of Queho anyhow as he and Canyon Charlie were good friends.
Within two months, two miners on the Arizona side of the river had been murdered, found dead and shot in the back, their provisions and supplies were taken. Shortly thereafter the body of an Indian woman too was discovered. She had been gathering firewood when shot and was not robbed. Queho caught the blame for both of these. Next, he was accused to killing James Patterson who incidentally turned up a few days later unhurt, however in the search for Patterson the body of another murdered man was discovered. Queho was obviously blamed for this one as well.
By this time Queho fever was running high, bounties were issued and posses organized. Between 1915 and 1919 Queho got wise and ducked out, successfully evading law enforcement and capture. During this time the legend of Queho reached epic boogieman proportions and any and every act of mischief that transpired in the tri-state area was laid squarely at his feet.
It was only a matter of time before the spotlight was turned back upon him, however. In January of 1919, two prospectors by the names of Hancock and Taylor departed their camp on the Muddy River leaving behind their third man Brown who was prevented from traveling with them due to illness. Several days later neighbors checked in on their camp to find Brown alone and hysterical with fear. His partners were missing and was prevented from searching for them himself due to his illness. A search party was put together in nearby St. Thomas and took off downstream from their camp in search of the two miners. Not four miles away the search party discovered the bodies of Hancock and Taylor, shot in the back. Taylor’s head had been smashed in with an ax handle and only the two miners shoes were missing. Queho was, of course, the first suspect, and truth be told, the scene did fit his MO rather neatly.
One week later Maud Douglas, the wife of a local miner was found shot in her cabin. On the floor were stacked items of food and grain left behind. It was decided that Queho was to blame for this one too, but there is room for doubt as the boy Maud was raising Leo Kennedy (4 at the time) states that it was Maud’s husband Arvin Douglas who killed Maud. None of this mattered though as authorities claimed they saw Queho’s tracks at the scene and had already made up their minds.
At this, the people of Nevada were enraged. Sheriff Sam Gay and Deputy Frank Wait rounded up a capable posse and hired the best trackers they could find, among the group, were two Indians. Orders went out, dead or alive. The Posse cut Queho’s trail at Las Vegas Wash and tracked him to Muddy Mountain, however, they lost the tracks in a snowstorm. There they split into two parties, each going the opposite direction and circling the mountain to meet on the other side. The idea was to ensnare Queho in a flanking maneuver but this didn’t pan out as they expected. The party found the remains of two freshly killed bighorn sheep but not Queho. They eventually cut his tracks again and followed them back to Las Vegas Wash. Queho had doubled back on them. The search went on for days and the posse couldn’t seem to catch up with Queho, however, this soon became clear as to why. One morning deputy Wait awoke to find the two Indians of their party had built a huge bonfire in an obvious attempt to signal Queho of their position. Wait dismissed them on the spot and the posse continued without them.
By this time the posse had whittled down to 3 men, and each one of them demoralized and worn out. It was then that Wait caught Influenza and had to return back to Las Vegas, and with this, the posse officially disbanded. Although Queho remained a very wanted man the active search for him ceased.
Enter Clarke County Sheriff Joe Keate. Keate had first been sent to southern Nevada in search of Queho while serving as a state police officer in the early 1930’s. Although he never caught up with his elusive prey he believed himself to come rather close one night when a bullet whizzed past his ear barely missing his head. This would be the last official “hunt” for Queho and it seems at this point that authorities were content to just let him be so long as no one else turned up dead.
What was also evident at this point was that Queho had help. A network if you will, of friends, and fellow tribal members who offered him assistance at several points in his life, never turning him in. One of those was a man name Murl Emery, the legendary Colorado River boatman. Murl operated a ferry at Nelson’s landing in Eldorado Canyon for many years and not only admitted to seeing Queho often during this time, but offering him help when needed. Perhaps Murl didn’t believe that half those murders were placed at the foot of the culpable party as he had no fear of Queho himself. He was once quoted saying “Why don’t you let that poor Indian rest?”
So, in 1919 Queho pretty much dropped off the radar successfully eluding authorities his entire life. It wouldn’t be until February of 1940 when he was officially seen again. It was Charley Kenyon, and brothers Art and Ed Schroeder who found Queho’s cave while prospecting in Black Canyon, about ten miles below the Hoover Dam. They had been working the canyon for mineral when they spotted a stone wall of sorts and traversed the cliffs of the canyon wall to investigate it. Here they discovered, behind the wall a perfectly fortified cave. It was 2000 feet above the river and commanded a view of the entire canyon. In front of the cave was a tripwire rigged to an alarm bell. On the other side of the cave, they discovered Queho’s mummified remains. One of his legs had been wrapped with a bandage at just about the height snake bites are common and although “natural causes” would later by the official cause of death, it is commonly thought that this is how he died.

Along with the remains was discovered, A 30-30 Winchester rifle, a repeating shotgun, high-quality bow and arrow set with steel-tipped arrows. Blasting caps, dynamite, and plywood (obviously stolen from the Hoover Dam construction site) the badge of the old watchman Queho had killed at the Gold Bug mine in 1910, several pairs of eyeglasses along with many pairs of shoes, pots and cooking implements. In the photo taken at the scene before the body was removed, you can also see rowing oars, rope, and what looks to be a spear.
So Queho had been found. Or had he? One old timer by the name of “uncle” Joe Perkins claimed that the body was actually that of an Indian named Long Hair Tom who was a close friend of Queho. Tom was friendly with the white and was able to move freely between them and the Indians. It was believed that Tom resupplied Queho on a regular basis and may have even shared the cave with him from time to time. But within the skill of the mummified remains lay double rows of teeth, and Queho was well known for this by all Indians who knew him. Did Long Hair Tom have two rows of teeth as well? The records don’t say anything about this.
Even in death, the story of Queho is a bizarre one. Perhaps even more so than in life. Immediately after the discovery of the remains, Charley Kenyon and the Schroeder brothers were paid $300 by the Las Vegas Elks Club who purchased the body from them. A dispute then broke out as to who owned the remains. Sheriff Gene Ward put the remains and artifacts discovered at the county courthouse, supposedly this was done for identification purposes. The remains were then turned over to the Palm Funeral Home where they were placed in a glass case and put on further display for three years. Wait located a man named Archie Kay of Moapa who claimed to be Queho’s next of kin and for $25.00 gave Wait a bill of sale for the remains and artifacts. Wait took this bill of sale to the Boulder City Justice of the Peace and there Wait demanded that the remains be released from county custody. The court horrified and refusing to become part of this spectacle refused to honor the bill of sale. The following year a new magistrate was elected and the remains came into the possession of the Las Vegas Elk’s Lodge.
The Elks Lodge made no secret of ownership of the body and used it in their display in the annual Las Vegas Helldorado Days Parade. This involved loading the remains in the back of a convertible and driving the remains around in the parade procession before they were finally deposited into a replica of the “death cave” they were discovered in. In this replica cave, the Elks lodge kept many of the actual artifacts discovered along with the body.
After many years of this, the remains and artifacts were stolen and later found in Bonanza wash. The artifacts were never recovered and it was widely suggested that the theft was a hoax perpetrated by the Elks Lodge itself to dispose of the decomposing body while avoiding the cost of a proper burial.
At this point, Ronald Wiley, a former district attorney of Clark County, disgusted by the whole spectacle, purchased the remains (now literally a bag of bones) for $100 and gave them a proper burial at his Cathedral Canyon. Here in this canyon, there is a monument/headstone bearing Queho’s name and the simple yet elegant words “He lived alone.”
It is rumored that the monument at Cathedral Canyon is not the true burial place for Queho but that he is buried nearby on the ranch. The location is supposed marked but quite difficult to find.

So there you have it, the story of Queho. When viewed through the prism of accepted history ignoring the stranger bits, it almost seems like your standard old-west outlaw tale. Well, almost.
First things first. Queho is quite the dichotomy. He was supposedly a savage, yet was able to function in society when it served him. He was extremely smart, yet made horrible decisions which defined his life. He lived the life of a hermit yet never lacked for a helping hand when in need.
Queho was obviously a real person who led what we would consider in today’s world, a life of crime. But the question for me isn’t was he real, but rather, what was he? He seemed almost superhuman in his ability to traverse some of the most rugged country in the American Southwest while avoiding detection and capture. He also seemed to scratch out an existence in a topography of pure canyon and stone while doing so. He lived the primitive nomadic life of a warrior in a time and place that was relatively modern.
Today backpackers, canyoneers, and river runners train, and prepare for even short excursions into this wasteland of rock and sun. Seasons are chosen carefully, avoiding the deadly heat of summer as well as flood seasons, and the brutal frozen winter. It seems Queho never left this area and somehow found a way to maneuver here and thrive. The Paiute Indians of this area are known to be low desert dwellers and able to survive in the harshest of deserts, but it seems Queho took this to another level. Being an avid desert dweller myself and knowing what that would take, I can’t help but wonder if perhaps there are other reasons Queho was able to pull this off.
What has preceded in this article thus far is an amalgamation from the body of work out there in internet-land regarding the story of Queho. At this Point, I’d like to make some observations and draw some connections between some of the more ubiquitous facts which parallel most versions of this story and what we may discern from them. It’s here I’ll also draw a connection to what I believe to be the residual echo of giants in the Americas.
Included among those common threads
Queho’s mother died shortly after giving birth
Queho’s father was never identified and his race is in question
Queho was a half-breed
Queho was an unhappy youth. His half-breed blood and club foot made him an outcast and the subject of much ridicule.
Queho had double rows of teeth
Queho had a club foot
Queho killed his half-brother
Queho was accused of killing many men and was wanted by the authorities for over 30 years
Regardless of exactly how many people Queho actually murdered he had the capacity to be extremely violent.
Queho’s remains were found in a cave 2000 feet above the Colorado River, not far from the Hoover Dam. Among the remains were scattered objects and property he had stolen from those he allegedly killed.
Queho was wanted for murder yet alluded authorities and avoided capture for over 30 years.
These are the agreeable facts surrounding the life of Queho, and I think it gives us quite a bit to go on.
So where am I going with the story you may ask? Well, I’m headed into the deep desert of course. From the moment I heard the story of Queho, I recognized many of the fingerprints of tales of giants from the ancient southwest. Only this time a modern and fresh account. And whereas most researchers only view history through the prism of sanctioned academia, and have to explain away anomalies as fancification, I do not.
So what are the connections between Queho and other “giants” found all over the world and written about throughout all of history? For starters, hyper-violent tendencies and double rows of teeth. When was the last time you heard of or saw someone with double rows of teeth? They are around of course, just not very common these days. This trait seems to have faded along with their enormous stature but still manifests from time to time. Sure you find tall people and occasionally persons of exceptionally tall stature, but I’m not speaking of people with diseases or flukes of genes, I’m referring to people who carry the genetic material of a race of creatures who were much larger than modern-day humans and whose size was almost always accompanied with aggressive behavior which of course was manifested with Queho.
An Introduction to Giants of the Americas
If this is a new topic for you and you’re staring at your screen thinking “what is he talking about?” I understand. I pushed this topic aside for a couple years as it kept popping up in my research. I urge you to do a quick search on real giants of Earth. Steven Quayle is an excellent source on this topic as Tom Horne and a multitude of others. Whereas this field of study was once thought to be that of pure fantasy (because of our preconditioned reality base due to childhood programming) a few decades ago by mainstream researchers it has now reached a level of undeniability as new evidence emerges all the time. Specifically DNA evidence.
Without exception, every Native American tribe in the Americas has tales of giants in not only their oral traditions but their creation stories as well. Most tribes say that the time of these creatures was ending about the time the Spanish set foot here. The Spanish themselves recorded many encounters with these giants in their early travels here in the Southwest and these records were sent back to Spain or the Vatican and are accessible today. Some of them can be found in a book titled, “The suppressed History of the Americas”
The Karankawa tribe along the coast of Texas is a perfect example. This tribe claimed they were descended from a race of giants who lived in the great plains to the north. These people were hyper-violent, cannibalistic, and on average 6 1/2 to 7 feet tall. They were so violent they couldn’t be dealt with and were eradicated.
The Pawnee tribe of the great plains also have in their creation story tales of giants. They claim the Creator made man to big the first time and that he had to great of an appetite. Because of this, he ate everything in existence. The creator decided to wipe them out with a flood and start over. He told the Pawnee to build a large ball of wooden sticks and seal it with pitch from the pine and spruce. Then before causing a great flood, he instructed them to get inside of it with everything they would need to survive for 40 days. Most of the giants were wiped out but a few of them survived. Because of their near extinction, they couldn’t maintain their race and faded out slowly. These are the giants the Native peoples of this continent battled with for years and the same giants the Spanish encountered early on. The Pawnee live where the Karankawa claimed to come from.

Of course, the Paiutes tell the now famous tale of the red hair giants who lived in the very area that Queho was from. If you’ve never read the story research Love Lock Cave. I write about it extensively in my article giants here on this website. These red hair giants too were predacious, cannibalistic, and exceptionally violent. As the story goes, the local tribes, after growing tired of being killed and their people eaten, band together and drove the giants into a cave where they killed them. They accomplished this by building a great fire at the entrance of the cave, suffocating them. Those who came out were slain by the much smaller but far more numerous humans. The Love Lock cave is quite close to Queho’s place of birth.
Without going into all the evidence for giants here (please see my article on giants) It will suffice to say there is a huge, massive, monstrous, amount of evidence which has been left by those who have come before us which attest to these creatures existence. There is also a copious body of work which has been performed in the past two decades which compiles and organizes this evidence. I urge you to research this for yourself and perhaps gain a different perspective of your world, both past, and present. In the meantime.
Connections Between Queho and Giants
Region. If you took a moment to check out my article on giants you will note that the Southern Nevada, Utah and Northern Arizona region ranging west into California is ground zero for accounts of giants throughout native American history and their creation stories. This is where Queho lived and never left.
Deformities, or rather genetic similarities between himself and his half-brother. Queho was born with a club foot, while his half-brother Avote was known to have a deformed hand. We know this because at the age of 17 Avote was the first person Queho ever killed. Apparently, he had gone on a rampage and killed some local white folks. Queho led the manhunt tracking down his half-brother, eventually finding and killing him. Two conflicting accounts state he either cut off Avote’s hand or head and brought it back to prove Avote was dead. What’s interesting here is that both Queho and Avote had physical deformities, both were murderers, and both were wanted by the authorities. I see genetic memory in this; traits shared by the family.
Hyper-violent and perhaps psychopathic. It seems Queho made no qualms about killing people, either for survival or to maintain his freedom. Some accounts portray Queho as almost animalistic and barely human. But to be fair there is one account that paints him in a much better light. Here it is.
One afternoon, a local miner came into a clearing near Timber Mountain and there, seated on a rock, his .30-30 rifle across his lap, was the ‘ignorant savage’ himself. Fred Pine, who had known Queho in Las Vegas, greeted him in his most amiable tone of voice. Queho responded in kind, no animosity in his voice. So they did lunch. Pine dug out a bag of sandwiches and passed some of them to Queho. When he had finished, Queho told Pine that he, too, wanted to share his lunch, and produced a dried rodent of some sort. Pine gracefully declined. After about a half-hour, he decided to try and make an exit. He said good-bye and walked away, expecting to be felled at any moment. He wasn’t.
‘I guess he just wasn’t in a killing mood that day,’ Pine later recalled. — Las Vegas Review Journal 3.
That being said, there were a lot of people shot in the back or found with their heads bashed in either with an ax handle or similar object, and Queho is the connecting factor. Most likely he didn’t kill everyone he was accused of but no doubt he violently killed many. I only wonder how many people he killed who were never found.
The mysterious father. This is perhaps the wild card and greatest potentiality for non-human blood to have entered Queho’s lineage. This doesn’t, however, explain his half-brother’s violent actions. Unless there was a genetic peppering from giants randomly in the native American Indian population as a whole. It could be that Queho’s mother carried genetic material from the giants herself and simply mated with another Native American who did so as well, creating Queho. This to me seems most likely the case and meshes seamlessly with other accounts of giants among Native American populations both pre and post Spanish contact. If you read the story of Ho’ok you’ll know that she (Ho’ok) was conceived by an unknown father as well. It seems perfectly reasonable and actually probable that these races of giants did occasionally breed with humans, leaving genetic material dormant in their offspring. Of course, this is pure speculation but every culture on earth speaks of this. The bible, of course, speaks to this in great volume in Gen 6:4, 2Sa 21:20, 1Ch 20:6, Num 13:32-33, as well as other places. Spanish conquistadors often wrote about tribes of giants they encountered in the Caribbeans, Yucatan Peninsula, and Southern regions of the Colorado River. Even the northwestern tribes of the U.S. and western Canada speak about giants in their ancestry. The Lil’Wat tribe of southern BC claims they used to be a giant race before the creator took away their stature and strength and made them small as punishment for their wicked and immoral ways. Also, according to biblical scholars who subscribe to the angelic view of Genesis; in the Middle East today, the locations of bloodshed and upheaval are the exact spots occupied by the races of people God told Daniel to wipe out to a man, woman, and child. Meaning, that the violent, Arab races are descended from these violent, tribes of giants.
There is enough material out there to draw very clear conclusions that modern day humans are not the only intelligent bipedal humanoids on our planet. I surmise enough genetic material has crossed between the giants of old and modern-day humans to manifest physical, behavioral, and instinctual characteristics.
Common traits of giants
Six fingers on each hand six toes on each foot
Doubles rows of teeth
Exceptionally strong tendency towards violence
Red hair
Societies based on warfare or raiding
Often cave dwellers
How did Queho evade authorities for so long? Although not much is known about Queho’s brother Steve it seems rather suspicious that Queho’s remains were discovered in a cave not to far from where Steve shot and killed that Japanese man. Was Steve just passing through, or did he, in fact, live in Searchlight, NV? Was he resupplying his brother on an ongoing basis or was he in cahoots with him? We don’t know, but I don’t think it a coincidence.
Queho basically lived along the Colorado River. When I pulled up a map of the area and overlaid the events of his life, everything seems to have occurred within the area of about 100 miles. There are no stories of Queho traveling to nearby California, Arizona, or Utah to evade authorities or start over. He was a creature of habit. Instinctual you may say. There seems to me a primitiveness within him that drove his life. Something he reacted to as opposed to responding or controlling. In this sense, Queho was extremely animalistic.
Another thought. The area that is now southern Nevada and Utah and northern Arizona is largely owned by the Federal government. National and State parks abound all throughout this area AS DO CAVES. There are caves everywhere in this part of the country and I can’t begin to tell you how many caves and cave systems honeycomb the area. The Federal government has acquired considerable tracts of land for both parks and military use in the west. Many of the known caves are sealed off to the general public and only government sanctioned researchers are permitted access. Did Queho take advantage of these caves? Did his tribal affiliation permit him knowledge of caves and cave systems of this ancient land, and allow him to evade those who searched for him? I think this most likely the case and personally have little doubt.
The Paiute Indians of this area are the only known tribe in the Americas which have a necropolis story in their religious traditions. According to the Paiute after one dies they go to an underground world beneath their home there in the desert. The strange thing is, back in the early 1900’s a cave system was supposedly discovered just above the floor of Death Valley which runs under and through the Panamint Mountain range. As soon as word of this find surfaced the U.S. government scooped it up and declared it a military base. This same thing has happened all throughout this area.
The strange treatment of his remains. You read about the bizarre treatment of Queho’s remains. I can understand why the Sheriff’s office would display the remains as this was a common practice across the entire country at the time. We see photographs of many of the bodies of criminals and outlaws, from Jesse James to Billy the Kid. But why would a fraternal order end up with them and use them in an annual parade? Surely this is a unique situation manifesting through bad taste and judgment. Perhaps not. Fraternal orders and secret societies are widely known for taking trophies and utilizing them in their rituals, such is the case with the skull of Geronimo. If you visit Geronimo’s grave in Oklahoma you will also see that it is capped with a monument of a pyramid and although Geronimo’s body lay under this Masonic symbol, his skull does not. The Skull and Bones order (an offshoot of the Freemasons) located at Yale University are alleged to have stolen Geronimo’s skull and use it regularly in their rituals. It is considered a trophy of sorts.
If one looks at the order of the Elks Lodge it seems innocent enough, but the requirements for initiates entering the order are the same as that of Freemasons, with the exception of the “not being a communist” part. The Elks lodge obviously saw some value in the remains and used them in their annual Helldorado parade/ritual. The ritualistic aspects of the aforementioned parade are plain enough to see.
In Conclusion
So there you have it. Queho. Outlaw, murder, renegade, fugitive, loner, (giant?) A man who was truly a legend in his own time and to this day still. Is the tale of Queho simply one of a half-mad Indian on the frontier of the old west or is there a deeper story in the details? I believe there is much more to this story than perhaps we will ever know, and I believe those details trail off into a much deeper and perhaps mysterious history of ancient America.
Are higher authorities and secret societies aware of the true history of the Americas and our world? I believe they are indeed. I believe much our official history has been sculpted through the new religion we call “science.” Furthermore, I believe this has been done in order to control the narrative and the direction of the future. After all, he who controls the past controls the future. All of this ties into broader subjects of course including the eradication of a creator from collective belief systems, the economy and technology, and the management of the human species or (stock) on the planet. But we’ll save those for another day.
As for the details of this story. It is obvious that as time marches on, historical accounts become romanticized and facts begin to fade and take on new dimensions, these new dimensions often reflecting the personal fancies of those doing the accounting. Still when researching history one finds common threads within stories, and through the gathering of these threads, one can reconstruct the fabric of history, no matter how much of it has faded to time.
WOW!!! Yessss! If all the collective evidence of giants was presented in a courtroom, it would be wholly damning. Thanks for writing this. I’ve never heard of him before. And I’ve read extensively on the giants of old. Apparently Abe Lincoln even mentioned them in one of his speeches. I love learning new stuff. And I agree! It’s important, because of how recent it was.