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Larping, Gangstalking & Social Media Chaos Theory
The goals of disinformation are multiple.
- Attempt to destroy one’s credibility and slander.
- Generate chaos and ergo waste valuable time, energy, and resources.
- To sow falsehood and confusion into a paradigm in an attempt to hide the truth that is already there.
- Cause such a state of circus that anyone looking at the scenario will immediately trivialize it.
Gangstalkers and Disinformation agents
Within the group of individuals who surrounded themselves around Isaac Kappy are those who engage in the most exhausting corner of social media. These people make it a point to concern themselves with these darkest matters of the online world, throw themselves into the mix, and make it darker. I believe there are several reasons for this. Online drama and wars break out not only among these people, but around them as well, and these people are eventually are labeled LARPers, Anti-LARPers, shills, bad actors, agents, white hats, black hats, snitches, illuminate, pedos, etc…The drama is exhausting and all-consuming, to say the least. The dark, salacious, and emotionally volatile subject matter Isaac dealt with was fertile ground for emotionally less stable individuals as well as those with psychological and mental diseases. Pour onto this the hostility and inhumanity the internet naturally breeds and you have a perfect storm. There are those who base their YouTube channels and social media income around such drama in an attempt to generate ad revenue from it, they pull in other people and channels in an attempt to create more drama and opportunity, and sometimes these battles escalated to legal significance. Several lawsuits sprung up from the LARPing which took place in the wake of the death of Isaac Kappy. Gabe Hoffman vs. Thomas Schoenberger, Gabe Hoffman vs. Julio Cesareo Jacquez, Gabe Hoffman vs. Allesandro, Gabe Hoffman vs. Zach McQuaid, (Totaldisclosure.com), then there are the ancillary lawsuits/restraining orders that these individuals are involved in. Thomas Schoenberger vs. Manny Chavez, Beth Bogarts vs. Manny Chavez, Fitzgerald….. and on and on and on. Although unrelated to Isaac Kappy directly, YET related to Manny Chavez and Thomas Schoenberger, If you pull the strings for 5 minutes you will find the names, Jason Goodman, Dobert David Steel, Dave Sweigert, Ed Butowsky, Timothy Charles Holmseth, and a dozen others.
I believe many of these people are simply mentally ill, while others are 1st or 2nd tier government intelligence agents.
LARPers & LARP Busting
LARP or LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) has been around since the 1970s and was born from the tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons.
However, when used in the context of online social media it is used and carries with it insinuations of someone who is lying or fabricating information in order to boost their social media ranking and subsequent revenue. The term LARPing as it is used here is used as an attack or an accusation.
According to the tightly knit, yet often internally combative world of online “LARP Busters” they are civil servants who, for the good of humanity, dedicate their time, platforms, and resources to debunking false narratives and fake news. They have taken it upon themselves to expose the LARPers, who, in their view fabricate false narratives and spin lies and fear porn in order to gain YouTube subscribers, revenue, and donations. They claim that these LARPers do real damage to real people and that they need to be stopped. Each of them has attempted to position themselves on the moral high ground in order to separate themselves from those they attack.
However, In my short time investigating the death of Isaac Kappy, I have found something else to be entirely true. It has been my finding that these Anti LARPers and in fact, LARPers who are projecting their sickness onto researchers and those who are creating content in their respective fields. What’s more, in the process of doing so they are attempting to build a subscription base and revenue of their own, and this seems to be obvious to everyone but them. It’s been my observation that these people offer nothing of value in the way of content to anyone and that their entire platform is simply MANUFACTURED DRAMA and instigative attacks. It is plain to see that they are simply social media grifters. If it wasn’t for their accusations of other people they would have no content of their own.
Still, this is America and everyone should have the right to say what they wish. And they do. But it doesn’t just stop there. These people coordinate and attack others to a level that sometimes causes mental, emotional, psychological, and even monetary damage. THIS IS KNOWN AS GANGSTALKING.
Here is where LARPers & LARP busting turns dark. And here’s where the potential was for the weaponization of the online social media world. Gangstalking can be one of a number of things to put in the context of the used in. The classic definition involves a group of conspirators who secretly attempt to make people crazy through continued seemingly random harassment. Tactics include surveillance, sabotage, burglary, vandalism, mind games, crazy manufactured scenarios, etc. nonstop environment of insanity meant to break someone’s mind without physically hurting them,
Gangstalking is organized harassment at its best. It is the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quiet, etc.

It’s organized, widespread, and growing. Some describe this form of harassment as, “A psychological attack that can completely destroy a person’s life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators.”
The people getting targeted seem to be (single) woman, minorities, outspoken individuals, whistleblowers, dissidents, people who have gone against large corporations, etc.
The form of gang stocking which concerns us here, however, is online gang stalking. And while some look at the world of online LARPing as simply a dark world of stupidy, there is every reason to believe it is organized illegal harassment. The problem is, there is no physical harm perpetrated and the attacker(s) is often thousands of miles away carrying out his/her attacks anonymously and at little/no cost to themselves. while sometimes profiting from the harassment through ad revenue. The other problem is that laws haven’t caught up with the social media infrastructure yet.
Where it gets really scary is when one realizes that this entire social media paradigm and gangstalking tactic is readily co-optable and insertable into any organized intelligence or counterintelligence operation. The world of online social media is the perfect theater for spy games. After all, this is where Intel is at and gets shared. Several of the LARPers listed in the LARPers box of the Mind Map are absolutely involved in gangstalking per definition of the word as I have been a personal victim of their activity.
Craig Sawyer is a real person who engages in actively stopping child trafficking in Tucson, AZ. He was pulled into the child trafficking conspiracy porn LARP and became the target of many misguided online truthers, 2nd, and 3rd-tier operatives, and Isaac Kappy. I believe Isaac was fed disinformation about Craig and unfortunately used his platform to call out Craig for things he did not do. This is one example of how online co-intell-pro operatives have weaponized social media.
The following interview was conducted by me on May 31, 2022. In this interview, Zach McQuaid lays out in detail what happened to him at the hands of Thomas Schoenberger.
My Descent into the World Of LARPers
Early into my investigation, I was put in touch with Thomas S. wherein I interviewed him and aired it on my YouTube channel. In the course of this interview, Thomas made several statements about Lestat and Defango being responsible for the mental breakdown of Isaac.
This is all it took. The next day there were several videos posted stating that Thomas was my handler and that I was a disinformation agent. My identity my history, my occupation, my content, and nearly everything about me was questioned. What didn’t happen was that nobody bothered to contact me for clarification or correction. When I did eventually reach out to speak to the people I was met with insanity and paranoia. Every attempt to open a dialogue resulted in accelerated and more vicious online gang stocking which still continues to this day.
I’d like to state for the record that my experience with this group of people has been the single greatest waste of time, energy, and resources I have encountered during this investigation. The sheer level of ego, narcissism, suspicion, paranoia, ugliness, and hatred, personal agendas, juvenile behavior, CONFUSION and mental illness involved with this group is truly something to behold. And I, at times found myself being sucked into it. If these LARP busters are affiliated with intelligence agencies, I must admit they are somewhat effective in their operations.
LARPers and Intelligence
Is worth noting at this time however that there is evidence to suggest that many of these LARP busters may very well be either knowingly or unknowingly second or third-tier government intelligence operatives. In the current information age where nothing is able to be hidden for long, even the intelligence agencies admit that the best weapon they have to combat it is disinformation. It is highly possible and even probable that many of these “LARP busters” do indeed work for three-letter alphabet agencies at least in some capacity. I’ve had one source inform me that they have proof of this for two of them.
Isaac was MOST CERTAINLY being attacked by online disinformation trolls.

The online attacks never stop. I can tell you this from my own experience. Couple this with organizing the break-in and theft of most of his personal property and you have some serious gangstalking going on here. Real and viable damage is being systematically carried out in an organized effort to achieve the desired effect. In Isaac’s case, I believe that effect was to drive him to the point of psychological, and emotional despair. Add to the mix V2K and you can quite easily drive someone to suicide. Which is still murder.