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Confessions of a Chemical Molecular Geneticist


A three-hour conversation with a chemical molecular geneticist affords some interesting insight into the world of DNA research, as well as an unbelievable confession.

What follows is a short recap of my conversation with a DNA geneticist which took place during a 15-hour tour from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon in 2014.

This is the first of what I hope to be many short videos covering some of the most remarkable stories people have told me while on tour around the State of Arizona.

Being a professional guide affords me the opportunity to meet amazing people from all over the world on a daily basis. Over the years I have made full use of this opportunity and engaged with them on numerous topics including many of those which we cover here on The Phoenix Enigma.

Among the many unforeseen gifts, this experience has provided me is the chance to learn from these people’s experiences and see the world from their perspective.

Everyone goes on vacation. Doctors, bankers, finance executives, surgeons, security guards, military personnel, etc; and everyone has a story to tell. What’s interesting, is that when a really start listening and let people know it’s okay to voice their opinions people tell you the most remarkable things.