Michelle Deanne Trefethen is the woman who invited Isaac to live with her.
Kayla Bridget O’Conner was Michelle’s neighbor/friend/assistant who began assisting her after Isaac moved in. Kayla is also the same person who went through Isaac’s personal belongings (to everyone’s horror) in a live Periscope, the day after Isaac’s death.
When I inquired as to who she was during that live periscope, she was quite purposefully vague in her answer and would only say that she was the neighbor. In her video, she spoke as if she knew Isaac very well yet everyone I’ve spoken with, in the course of this investigation states that Isaac never once mentioned her.
It’s been widely speculated and alleged, that Michelle and Kayla with their Hollywood connections were acting as handlers for Isaac and lured him into her Apple Valley home where he could be isolated, controlled, and manipulated. Of course, this follows the narrative that Isaac was being driven to the point of insanity through mental and emotional trauma in order to drive him to suicide. This would invalidate any and all information he had come out within the previous year. No one believes crazy people, especially those who commit suicide.
After having spoken with Michelle extensively I don’t believe her to be any part of an elaborate black hat operation to slowly drive Isaac crazy. I will, however, agree with the majority of people who view her as extremely eccentric. I would even go so far as to say that Michelle struggles with some serious mental health problems. This, however, does not constitute foul intent. It’s my opinion that Michelle is currently suffering herself in many ways and could probably use some help in her life. I would ask that people do not harass her in any way. (As of November 2020, I can confirm that Michelle has been in and out of a psychiatric facility. since the time of Isaac’s death.)
Full Interview with Michelle (Transcribed)
Isaac Moves to Apple Valley
Isaac went to live with Michelle in Apple Valley, CA September of 2018 (No one is sure of the exact day). What struck everyone as extremely suspicious is that Michelle tweeted Isaac directly and offered him a play to stay. Or another way to say it is. She found Isaac, Isaac didn’t search her out. What’s more, she offered to let the room to him for free. This is the primary reason many people believe Michelle to be a bad actor and her and Kayla to have been acting as Isaac’s handlers. And I have to say, it does look extremely suspicious in hindsight.

Fearing for his safety at the time and trying to lay low Isaac took Michelle up on her offer and moved to Apple Valley. He would soon grow to hate living there however and would eventually let this be known to his friends. More than this, living with Michelle greatly affected Isaac’s mental health as well. There is no doubt that Isaac’s mental health declined rapidly and at a steady pace in his final few weeks at Michelle’s Apple Valley home. Isaac would also eventually tell friends in his last week that the money he was gambling was an attempt to make enough to get out of there.
I’ve interviewed two people who visited Isaac where he was living at Michelle’s house in Apple Valley, CA. Both described Isaac’s immediate area as clean and tidy, in spite of the fact that he was an emotional and psychological mess. He also stated to both friends that he hated living there and was trying to find a way to move.
Kayla’s Periscope in Isaac’s Room
This first Periscope was broadcast May 17th. It was quite shocking as Kayla, the woman filming it, is in Isaac’s room going through his personal items and effects for all the world to see just days after his death. I actually caught the live broadcast and was glad to see so many people admonishing her for doing this. My first thought was,
“She’s going through physical and digital evidence live on Periscope before the authorities have a chance to go through it.”
I can say that the entire periscope felt off, I realize that is a subjective opinion but I wasn’t the only one. It felt like a planned, scripted, event that was being executed in order to script a narrative. POINT OF NOTE. Manny Chavez (Defango) was in the chat as well, asking her to open up Isaac’s computer and read his email. He even offered to help break into it if she wanted him to.
For some reason, the authorities never searched Isaac’s room for personal effects either. In fact, no authorities ever even visited Michelle’s home to speak with her about Isaac. When I spoke to the Coconino County Medical Examiners office I asked them if they were aware of Isaac’s celebrity status and (then) current involvement with Hollywood pedophilia, child trafficking, and Jeffery Epstein. To which the Investigator said she was. I asked her if they had questioned anyone in California, either Isaac’s friends or housemates. She responded no, and that it was a simple case of suicide and didn’t warrant an investigation. She stated that she had Isaac’s last periscope and Instagram postings and that was enough to prove that Isaac was Suicidal and had committed suicide. She also stated that to investigate Isaac’s residence would be an extremely complicated process as it was located in California and would simply be impossible to work with all the other agencies. (For real, that’s what I was told.) There was no inquiry into his life or behavior at Michelle’s house or any of the events which most certainly led up to Isaac’s death in Bellemont, Arizona.
Michelle and Kayla’s Video
The second video to be live-streamed by Kayla from Isaac’s bedroom was only a couple of days after the first and this time it included Michelle. If people found the first one to be bizarre, cold, and indifferent, this one really blew it out of the water. To call this live stream extremely bizarre is an understatement. It seemed to wander excessively, covering many topics including Morgellons Disease, O-Negative people, Isaac being possessed by a demon, promoting her recently written book about Isaac, and starting a retreat in Isaac’s name there on her property.
Interestingly she says that Isaac plagiarized her concept of JUDAS. 17:25 mark. She says that’s where he got the idea from. In this video, she also speaks about how Isaac was a drug addict even though she never saw him do any drugs. (When I interviewed her in late September of 2019 she would tell me that Isaac never did drugs.) When I inquired as to why she stated he was a drug addict in the video she said that it looked like he was on drugs the day she came back from Las Vegas. Michelle was also to last person to see Isaac just before he left her house in Apple Valley for New Mexico.
There are other claims in the video as well which are contested by Isaac’s friends. The claim that Isaac was a narcissist, on drugs, and a shut-in. She says he abused her dog, never helped around the house, and in the end, punched holes in the walls, however, a witness I interviewed (Alicia) who was in Isaac’s room with him on Saturday, May 11th stated that only one of the holes looked like it was from a punch while the others looked like a square object about the size of a pipe of some kind hit the wall at an angle and did the damage.
Michelle Deanne Trefethen

Lyrics to Isaac’s song The Present – 1:25
"I was in the garden just havin' a laugh
Till I met a monster cross my path
Hey Girl Flower,
Do you want some ultralight?
I can get you lit up one of two ways
What's it gonna be man?
What's it gonna be man?

I spoke to the person who helped Isaac write this song. She states that Isaac wrote all the lyrics himself with the exception of the chorus. That was a collaborative effort.

Michelle’s Tweets

Michelle posted this to her FaceBook page on Sept 1st, 2019.
Happy Sunday
Well, yesterday was a Broom Hilda Double Header
Dad came to visit from San Diego a month of torture ago…
Within just a half hour of his arrival, he was opening the door for police officers
Who were serving me legal papers from Isaac’s parents
They are claiming the world and conning the world at the same time…
Yesterday, I was surprised to hear my own Mother calling from my patio when I awoke
She had a bag with a few wrapped gifts…
And started with pushing me about working…
Telling me I didn’t eat…
Was trying to get me to call the police when I reminded her that I was still ill…
That Dad had made my dogs very sick again….
He has this parasite and won’t listen…
I asked why after no text for over a month, no invite to Christmas….and 5 years of no interest in helping me save mine and everyone else’s life …
What brought her here this morning unannounced and suddenly concerned?
She did NOT pass the sniff test…
I told her she is a Witch and I told my own Mother to get the F out…
I called her a Mother of Darkness…
She sat in the driveway calling the police to no avail and then left…
Within a half an hour, Isaac’s Mom and Brother showed up with an officer at the door…
The other Mother of Darkness…
She had conned the cops…I asked for the Court papers….a stack of fluff…it was a con job and they were forced to leave…
My Mother lives in LA, my Father lives in San Diego…
Isaac’s family lives in New Mexico and should not be in any contact for any reason with each other…
But obviously they are…
Obviously my parents are working with his parents….
To harm and con me…
These people are dangerous and my family is a danger to me…
The neighbor has a camera crew hiding next door…
They were ready for the drama but Spirit had me hang blankets on the line to help block the view…
They were all set for double drama all caught on film…
I am in the middle of something very scary and terrible…
The Same people that may have made Isaac jump are working with my family ….
This is a wicked scheme…I am hiding in my own home…
God help me…
Kayla Bridget O’Conner
Who is Kayla Bridget O’Conner?
It would seem that even Michelle can’t answer this even though she was her assistant and had a key to her house.
Michelle states she met Kayla at a local cigarette shop in Apple Valley that she barely knew her before Isaac moved in with her. Shortly after Isaac moved in they went to the cigarette shop for cigarettes and that’s where Kayla recognized him. Michelle then hired Kayla to be her personal assistant. Somewhere along the way, cigarette shop owner got involved with selling drugs with a woman who worked there. Kayla quit. The shop owner committed suicide apparently, and two weeks later the cigarette shop burned down. That’s interesting.
At this point, Kayla no longer speaks to Michelle and has abandoned her in the fallout of the Isaac Kappy situation. Apparently she still resides in Apple Valley no one is sure.
Kayla is alleged to practice some sort of witchcraft or energy work and has stated that her mother is apparently a full-fledged which herself. A little bit of research or show me that Apple Valley is completely inundated with covens and witchcraft. It’s not even hidden.
At one point Kayla Bridget O’Connor had several social media platforms up but has since removed them all. She also took down her periscopes videos and is pretty much disappeared from social media. The question everyone’s mind is:
Was she deep state plant who’s job it was to keep tabs on Isaac and help script the narrative after his death? Or, is Kayla what she portrays herself to be and really had no idea as to what the death of Isaac Kappy meant? If this is so, then why did she go through his personal items on a live periscope before the police had a chance to investigate it?

@truthofaflower deleted her Twitter and Instagram accounts as well as all her broadcasts from Periscope.

She knows Seth Green. Personally. Has worked with him. Yes, that Seth Green – the same one #IsaacKappy outed as a pedo last July. Kayla knows him.