[ Richard Miller's Testimony ]

Pre- “Cicada”/Cicada Gamejacking (Jan. 2015)

Cicada 3301 is an internet puzzle shrouded in mystery. It has a large following and an active
wikia (Cicada wikia) which I frequented 2012-2015. In 2015, I became aware of Thomas
Schoenberger who was related to eBay seller Larr.mosta. Larr.mosta was selling limited edition
Cicada 3301 prints with downloads promising clues. A member of the Wikia I was in contact
with purchased a print. I do not remember the full details, but somehow the print was
connected to a YouTube channel “Sophia Musik”. I began working my way into figuring out who
the connected “Sophia Musik” channel was which also had a part in these 2015 fake Cicada
puzzles. 2015 was also the only year the Cicada Wikia promoted these fake puzzles, they had
issues with the 2015 “puzzles” and now only include official PGP-signed and verified puzzles to
their Wikia.

Subject:I have a question about using my item or I want to send
the seller a message: REDACTED sent a message about CICADA 3301
“encrypted enlightenment”Limited Edition 1/33 print with
download #251807750582
Sent Date:Jan-29-15 10:50:43 PST
Dear larr.mosta,
larr.mosta, thank you again! I greatly appreciate your
in the price adjustment.
My question is regarding the download that is
included with the print: How do I access the download portion of
the print?…Will there be instructions when the shipment arrives?
Or Is this download accessible prior to the shipment arriving?
I look forward to gifting this great piece to my friend.

Dear Customer,
The download will be included with the shipment to avoid
any complications. Thank you again for interest in this Item.

After research, I learned the Sophia Musik channel belonged to Thomas Schoenberger who
took an interest in me. This was my first introduction to him. By nature, I googled him and
found evidence of stalking, and people from the Cicada Wikia said he is known for being a
Cicada “gamejacker” or stealing the tropes of the puzzles for himself.

Cicada (Methodology of predictions and self-fulfilling prophecies) (Jan. 2017)

2015 I went quiet, I was working overseas as a Merchant Mariner, in 2016 I had major surgery
which stopped me from continuing to work as a Mariner, after recovering and deciding what to
do, I snuck back into Thomas Schoenberger’s vicinity. He had been in contact with Lucky225
and Blake from soldierx to create a pseudo-phreak (telephone hacking) puzzle. After that point,
I created the “Storyflesh” cipher and was given the keys to do whatever I really wanted with the
fake Cicada puzzles and websites. I took the time to create intricate puzzles that Thomas
would praise me for and were nearly identical to the original 3301 puzzles. I was a fraud, but a
good one. The 2017 puzzles were littered with pseudo-prophetic messages which Thomas
insisted stay inside the puzzles. We threw shit to the wall and would see if it stuck. If one
extremely abstract message lined up with something vaguely, people would freak out and say
these puzzles were the work of a modern Nostradamus. That was the self-fulfilling prophecy.
In 2017 as well, we met and brought in some individuals into our cohort who were not as privy
to the 2015 events as I was. One of them was Manny “Defango” Chavez III. Manny was a useful
reporter as he had a large following and I frequently used him as a proxy in the curation of these
puzzles. Eventually, Thomas Schoenberger simultaneously created a narrative that some guy
from 4chan (Spanishfag) had the original spear of destiny from the Bible. He had Spanishfag
either deliver said spear to the Mojave desert, or got a fake spear and created a “promo” video
for YouTube which was posted to my (now) personal YouTube channel. This included a call to
action for solvers to find and deliver the spear to its “rightful owner”. Manny did a great job
with this task, and met Thomas & Michael at a restaurant, was allowed to film a YouTube video
with the spear, then to give it back. He was given a “Templar medical recipe” as a reward. This
was when Manny became indoctrinated into this LARP.

Cult-like Mentality (Theosophy) (2015- Current)

Back to 2015, I was introduced to a woman, Iona Miller who showed me her blogs and
ramblings essentially worshipping Thomas Schoenberger as the living incarnation of St.
Germain, which he claims as well. These blogs had several testaments to this cult-like influence
Schoenberger had over a large number of Authors. Friend/Girlfriend Lisa Clapier “PistisSophia”
was also involved with this cult-like worship as well.

DayDay and other lies (Indoctrinated minors) (Jan. 2019/2017-Current)

I regret to say, early 2019 (1/31) I was randomly introduced to a child who I really had no clue
what he was talking about and just kind of “went with it”. He was 11 which I was not fully
aware of. TS was sending him very adult-oriented and scare manipulation images. As well as
feeding him promises of trust in himself, as well as putting him up to and guilt-tripping him for
not being able to donate to me raising money for a concert in 2019. The child also said “he does
not want to be hurt again, he’s sorry and Thomas put him up to apologizing for being unable to
donate to me”. I have ignored this child’s e-mails after I became more aware of who he was.
The child also frequently says “Long live PistisSophia” in e-mails to me. PistisSophia is Lisa
Clapier who is discussed in greater detail later on in my statement. There is also evidence that
they lied to him about Lisa dying, and that other children are involved. He still e-mails me to
this day and it is heartbreaking. A 60-year-old man has no place doing such things to a child,
and as such, I am including this section.
“On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 3:13 PM Th Stg <[email protected]> wrote:
Not at all. But no need to tell me
I do not care.
I care about your mind and creativity growing
On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 11:55 AM DayDay Da Ph <[email protected]> wrote:
my age doesn’t change the way you treat me does it?”
Additionally, Schoenberger used Pistis Sophia as a proxy to other minors, which he fed
lies to and pretended to be his own secretary “Jane”. He then claims “Jane” was real,
though I have e-mails confirming she is not.

Isaac Kappy (Impersonation(Namejacking)/LARP) (Sept. 2019 -Current)

The suicide of Isaac Kappy (actor and avid Q supporter) was weaponized as an imagined murder
by Thomas Schoenberger to defame, gang stalk, and direct Anti-Semitism against Gabe
Hoffman – CASE No.: 50-2019-CA-013860-XXXX-MB. This was also where I was attempted to be weaponized. Titus Frost and Thomas Schoenberger came to me asking me to crack a “Keybase” saying it was “Kappy’s deadman switch”. I said “Sure” then never responded again. Months later, Thomas created an e-mail full of ‘evidences’ from Kappy, claiming I cracked the Keybase. That is not how it works. Keybase.io uses an encryption protocol which would take thousands of years to crack. This was being played off as cracking a safe. After attributing these
‘revelations’ to me, which obviously were fabricated, I denied them publicly. Thomas then said
essentially “oops I forgot to mention it was someone else!” which was a woman named nem,
which he played off to be a revenge plot against her husband, or something like that. Around
the same time, I believe he used Kristian Smith and Zachary McQuaid as proxies using my
pseudonym of “Z” to spread the same story. At this time, I was quiet and staying out of this as
there were lawsuits between Thomas Schoenberger and Manuel Chavez III (Defango), as well as
Gabe Hoffman and others.

QAnon (Oct. 2020)

Heavy.com created a piece with researchers I am working with highlighting Schoenberger’s
connections to QAnon, and either gamejacking the movement, or LARPing (pretending to be)
the person from the movement. Thomas Schoenberger, however, solemnly swears he was not
involved as heavy.com has reported, and that he will sue them. In contrast, in personal e-mails
to me, he has shown to be involved with and colluding with people who may have gamejacked
the QAnon movement.

Lisa Clapier (Confession) (Oct. 2020)

I received a confession from Lisa Clapier (PistisSophia/SnowWhite7IAM on Twitter) that she is
‘behind Q’. Lisa is also the woman who the child, DayDay, follows to a cult-like mentality. She
pushes Q propaganda while having clamor to “peace and love”.

Gen. Michael Flynn (Oct. 2020)

Flynn’s connections are not directly related to me, as such I cannot confirm or deny them,
however, the researchers I work with had the following to say to Heavy.com:
“Schoenberger has a son named Wolfgang from his marriage to Iranian American musician
Faranak “Fara” Shahroozi, the cousin of NJK Holding Corporation founder and chairman Nasser
Kazeminy, according to Heavy’s source. Kazeminy is also the godfather to Schoenberger and
Shahroozi’s son.

In 2005, Schoenberger and Kazeminy formed Amadeus Investors LLC, which over time would
pay Schoenberger in excess of $100,000,” Heavy’s source said.
In 2017, The Washington Post reported “that Flynn received about $28,000 from the Trump
Presidential Transition. The largest source of income disclosed is $140,000 for Flynn’s work as
an adviser and consultant to Minneapolis-based NJK Holding Corp. That firm is led by Nasser
Kazeminy, an Iranian-born businessman now living in the United States.”

Flynn resigned after serving only 24 days as Trump’s National Security Agency director in 2017.
Former acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates subsequently accused Flynn of being
compromised by Russia and he was accused of lying to investigators as part of the Robert
Mueller probe into the 2016 election.

“In a 2015 deposition, Schoenberger claims that he worked on a covert operation planned for
Afganistan with Bijan Kian in 2011. Kian was a partner with Flynn in the Flynn Intel Group and
he was indicted in the Mueller investigation,” Heavy’s source clarified.
As a former high-ranking official in Trump’s administration, Flynn has given a full-throated
endorsement of QAnon. Being that his legal defense is funded in part through QAnon events,
and he has multiple ties to Schoenberger and his associates, Flynn is an influential figure in the
Q community.

“Flynn is so influential in the Q community, that in order to show their dedication to QAnon,
many followers online frequently display three stars in their Twitter bio, which references Flynn
being a three-star general,” Heavy’s source explained.”

Ezra Cohen-Watnick (‘Confession’ from Thomas, Oct. 2020)

Schoenberger confesses that “Eyethespy” aka “EtheFriend”, a notorious account on Twitter
spreading Q conspiracy is Ezra Cohen-Watnick. This is either Thomas in collusion with the
individual in question, or in collusion with an individual impersonating a government official.
Thomas Schoenberger also reveals a confession of intentionality of disrupting civil suits (Manuel
Chavez III, Gabe Hoffman, et al.) by “asking a favor” with positional interference from Ezra
Cohen-Watnick. He claims this will net him $7,000,000 dollars. Thomas also says he wants to
“destroy” these people and “spend money foolishly”.

Other Evidences of Gamejacking and monetization

Thomas Schoenberger worked extensively with Michael A. Levine and myself during the 2017
puzzles. At which time, after the puzzle itself (http://sevens.exposed &
http://1711141131131.xyz) gained traction, discussion of filing a trademark happened, as well
as securing a deal with Sony pictures for a movie. After watching a video from Manual
“Defango” Chavez III, a friend named Beth filed and got the trademark for Cicada 3301. Beth
turned over half the trademark to Michael A. Levine. Thomas told her that the name and
trademark was to protect the integrity of Cicada 3301, the organization. Beth had no
knowledge of a movie deal, but was aware of Sony and thought there was a T.V. deal, and was
ultimately played by Thomas Schoenberger. The same night Beth put in a request to speak with
a lawyer and was afraid someone with nefarious intent would use the trademark. Additionally,
Beth attempted to turn over the trademark to myself, I declined. She had been threatened
extensively by Thomas at this time. At one point, Beth was going to sign over the trademark
under the pretense that Schoenberger stop threatening her, Michael A. Levine drew up the
paper. Schoenberger did not last a day without threats and created a LinkedIn account to stalk
Beth’s husband. She ended up giving the trademark to Marcus Wanner, a member of the wikia
mentioned in the first paragraph, the trademark was signed over under the name Primus
Holdings, LLC.
Lastly and unrelated to Beth or Primus Holdings, LLC, Thomas is trying to get a documentary
deal tying Cicada 3301 and QAnon together on present day.

Threats to me (Oct. 2020)

After turning over my e-mails to Gabe Hoffman and Manuel Chavez III in an attempt to help
them in their cases, I received threats from Schoenberger. In which he accuses me of being paid
off and racketeering. Neither of which are true. In addition to the e-mails with threats, I also
was accused publicly on Twitter on his Twitter (@namemysock). For background, Schoenberger
is known for making fake Twitter accounts the “@namemysock” is tongue in cheek to that.
“Parody Lives
Sun, Oct 25, 9:24 PM
to blake, me
You are proven to be a proxy for Defango and a backstabbing little bitch for hire
I introduced you to Fox….Guess you leave that part out….and it is my music that launched the
puzzle into orbit. And as much as you brag, your role was not as important as you claim. Your lies
about me ever selling limited edition prints,and the lies about Kappy are moronic.
How you doing Richard?
I have all sorts of emails I can send you and you can upload the truth to your website..

How much money have you been paid?
So sad you can be bought.
You did not originate music,concept,or even direction and now you are a script kitty for
Defango? I assumed you were your own man.Clearly that’s not the case.
No wonder the solving community mocks you….
Hope you grow up one day…
Blake CCed….and this email hits the aether soon with Blake’s email info stripped…
Once again,who is paying you?
You are bought.
I also will be deposing you in 2 court cases and demanding full financial disclosure. My lawyer
has already been victorious in court against someone you comm with.
I am not only lawyered up, I have had contact with law enforcement.ScreenCapped your lies
and collusion.
This will be an expensive lesson.Hope your backers know how to play chess…..Financial
disclosures coming…and looks like a RICO case as well.
Remember,I never hurt you.I was good to you.Michael was as well. When you were sick,I sent
money.When you were attacked,I defended you When you lied,I forgave you.
What comes next will be done through my attorney.
Regarding his claims, I do not have a bank account and am a dependent on my mother’s taxes
while attending University. If any of these payments were true, they would be done through my
PayPal, as it is the only thing that I use.
I also told him I received Christmas money twice, and birthday money which were very
generous gifts totaling $810, but in no way conclude I had been ‘paid off’. After back and forth
e-mails, I just told him I had been sent death threats, albeit fabricated, which he bought. I did
lie about threats, but for personal safety at the time and to keep a close watch on him as I am
fearful of the things he may do or be doing.

Seth Rich Files & Shadowbox (Aug 2017)

Thomas Schoenberger reached out to me on 7/8/17 trying to assist with Trevor Fitzgibbon
(VoxVeritas and WikiLeaks PR person) in covering up allegations of sexual misconduct. CC’d was Manuel Chavez III and we discussed possible journalists he could talk to as well as handing over evidence back and forth. Shortly after, Manuel Chavez III lost his job with Fyresite.

Beyond this point, I was not involved. The rest of my account of events are bits and pieces
shared in e-mails from TS and others.

About a month later in August, Shadowbox Solutions, LLC was formed an “online reputation
firm”, which considering Fitzgibbon’s initial introduction is ironic to say the least. Ed Butowsky
hired Shadowbox Solutions to assist in restoring his reputation regarding his investigation of
Seth Rich’s death in which Butowsky was under scrutiny for.

Over the time Shadowbox was hired by Butowsky and put up in a hotel room for over a month,
Thomas Schoenberger frequently did no work for Butowsky and blamed it on recent
‘heartbreak’ and ‘puzzle dramas’ with Cicada 3301. Manuel did all the work for Butowsky.
Schoenberger instead focused on the Seth Rich case and dismantling Russian involvement with
the WikiLeaks drop of the Clinton e-mails from 2016. Business partner in Shadowbox, Trevor
Fitzgibbon and WikiLeaks’ PR person was a stakeholder of note with that research, as well as Gen. Michael Flynn (if involved).

Ed Butowsky complained to Shadowbox Solutions about Thomas Schoenberger’s lack of work
and eventually kicked him out. Thomas was accused of then threatening Ed Butowsky, and even extorting him for $300,000. Schoenberger also accused Manuel and Butowsky of ‘felony
solicitation’ and ‘wiretapping’ in response. However, Schoenberger has a history of making
claims about people who make claims about him and those accusations should be taken with a
grain of salt.

Afterward, Schoenberger asked to make a deal with Stuart Blaugrund, a Dallas-based attorney
who was put under scrutiny during Shadowbox Solution’ investigations. Butowsky asked (in my
personal opinion) for help with misinformation spread about himself by Blaugrund in a crude
way which was misunderstood and cause contention between the client, Butowsky and
Shadowbox Solutions, which was weaponized against Butowsky. Though again, that is my
personal speculation.

Full Disclosure

In response to Schoenberger’s lies, I lied back and resorted to flattery in most cases.
Schoenberger is a man I do not trust but would talk when pressed. Over the course of knowing
Schoenberger, I was 22 and now I am 27. I kept him in my line of sight out of fear. To me, he is
dangerous, so I said and did things for my own protection as well as to solicit this information.
Schoenberger has admitted to or provided evidence the following, as outlined in this
• Extortion
• Intimidation
• Doxing
• Threats of Doxing/Hacking
• Defamation
• Gamejacking/Impersonation
• False accusations, lies, and deceit towards other individuals
• Collusion or impersonation of/with a government official
• Disruption of Civil Suits
• Indoctrinating minors
• Taking a figurehead role in Theosophy
• Treason/Spreading treasonous propaganda and being in collusion with others who do