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The Judas Prophecy
In the end, Isaac Kappy stated to friends both in public and private that he believed himself to be the reincarnation of Judas Iscariot and would have to pay for his betrayal.
This is truly one of the strangest aspects of this investigation. The Judas prophecy manifested concurrently yet separately with key players whom Isaac would meet before and Isaac knew them. The Judas Prophecy would work its way into Isaac’s mind and be the ultimate catalyst for his actions.
What is the Judas prophecy?
The Judas prophecy is a prophecy/lucid dream had by Thomas Schoenberger on March 14th, 2018 and he immediately made a video and posted it on March 15th. The curse went as follows.
Your shadow will haunt you, your guilty mind shall haunt you, The crocodiles and hippopotami will haunt you, you who will suck the Nile dry with your ego, you who is a braggart, you who is a brain mule. You are judas with neither shade nor tree who will be consumed by your own betrayals.
After issuing this prophecy through video, Defango continued to harass him throughout the month of April. On April 27th, Thomas felt compelled to email this prophecy to Mr. Chavez to warn him of what was to come if he didn’t change his ways. (The following is the actual email)

Defango obviously took this as a threat and made the situation known publicly through social media on his YouTube channel and claimed that Thomas was Gangstalking him and making threats against his life. Thomas states that at no time did he actually ever threaten Defango and simply warned him of a dream he had.
Thomas believes that after he sent this prophecy to Defango, he contacted Lestat and both of them began to “Mind Fuck” Isaac with it in order to transfer the prophecy/curse. He believes that because Lestat had been relentlessly attacking him since the day his mother died on Aug 17, 2018.
The following video is a very concise synopsis and timeline of the events (FROM THOMAS’S PERSPECTIVE) that occurred in regards to the Judas prophecy, as well as the fallout and aftermath, pertain to the death of Isaac and the blame being cast. It is obviously biased in favor of Thomas S. as Thomas produced it, but it does urge the viewers to leave a comment if they have any information and the authorities will be in touch. To be honest, at this point, it is my opinion that Thomas Schoenberger is nothing more than a chaos agent who works at some level with military intelligence.
There were many instances of either the Judas name or concept that Isaac was exposed to his last year.
Michelle (Isaac’s Roommate)
Michelle referred to her ex as Judas since before she met Isaac and after Isaac moved in with her. First, Isaac’s roommate Michelle would have a falling out with her then-boyfriend whom she would nickname “Judas” she would call him this regularly instead of using his real name. Michelle informed me during our phone conversation that when Isaac moved into her home in late Aug 2018, she was regularly calling her ex, Judas, and Isaac was exposed to it for the entire time he lived there. She would refer to her ex as “Judas” for the entire time Isaac lived with her. Michelle also writes about it at length in her book.
Without a doubt, this is the first time we know that Isaac was exposed to the Judas concept while he was going through all of the ordeals he was going through. Being a Christian he was obviously familiar with Judas Iscariot. This by itself probably wouldn’t have meant anything to him, but when one adds what happens next, one can see how the idea of the Judas Prophecy fixed into his psyche.
The Judas Prophecy/Curse
Concurrently occurring was the feud between Thomas S. and Manuel Chavez, wherein Thomas made a warning/curse to his ex-business associate Manuel. He called him Judas, and this prophecy became known as the Judas Prophecy.
The story of the Judas prophecy is also tightly wrapped up in the facts surrounding the controversy and alleged illegal activity of an online upstart company called Shadowbox, which ironically was started in order to combat online gangstalking. The two key players who evolved from this legal tar baby were its founder Thomas Shoenberger and a contracted employee by the name of Manuel Chavez (Defango).

Along with an embedded occultic and numerological foundation, the death of Isaac Kappy is underwritten by intense and consistent religious archetype scripting. Scripting presented itself from the very beginning of my investigation and was not hidden in the least, in fact, it was already a controversy in another online social media feud. A vicious and seemingly never-ending feud between Thomas Schoenberger, Manuel Chavez (Defango), and Arturo Tatoyovsky (Lestat). Thomas and Manuel (once partners) eventually had a falling out in a business venture wherein the company Shadowbox was asked to perform illegal cyber-surveillance and wiretapping on parties involved in the Seth Rich murder case. It is unclear what exactly transpired as both parties have diametrically opposed versions of the story. But for the purposes of understanding the Judas prophecy let’s move on from here for now.
Within this feud which seems to consume anyone who happens across it, are the perpetual back-and-forth accusations of theft, slander, blackmail, gangstalking, and illegal wiretapping. There are even open accusations of curses (The Judas Prophecy), witchcraft, and spiritual warfare. Most disturbing, however, is the accusation that each of the others is responsible for contributing to the orchestrated mental breakdown and eventual death of Isaac Kappy.
Defango was the first to come out on May 14th and blame Thomas S. for the mental breakdown of Isaac and made the claim that Thomas had been breaking his mind and purposefully driving him into a psychotic episode. Lestat has maintained too that Thomas is some sort of mind slayer, who uses sorcery to torture people and get them to commit suicide or kill others. And lastly, Thomas S. holds that the Judas curse/prophecy, which was meant for Defango, was transferred to Isaac via witchcraft by Lestat who is a “Known Satanist and pedophile.”
Thomas Schoenberger Accused Pavana Davis of Being Judas
Tracy Twyman Died Shortly after Isaac Kappy
Author Tracy Twyman who was murdered in July of 2019, just a few weeks after Isaac died, had written a book called The Judas Goat. It was reported that Tracy was found hanged in her garage, presumably murdered, after she’d gone to the FBI with her research and proof of child sex trafficking (the same topic Isaac was researching.) The bizarre coincidence doesn’t end there, however. Tracy had been receiving death threats from a man who lived in Valle Arizona, a small town located just 50 miles from where Isaac died in Bellemont, AZ. As of November of 2020, the man still owns the property and resides there.

Below is a Short Interview I conducted of Thomas Telling The Story in His Own Words
Isaac and the Judas Prophecy
This is where the death of Isaac Kappy enters a realm where social media, religion, psyops, and the paranormal all converge. It is also the first and perhaps the best opportunity for law enforcement/investigational authorities to begin questioning those who may have had a hand in Isaac’s death, as here we find consistent and well-documented accusations that Isaac was the recipient of a deliberate and concentrated online gang stalking campaign. Each party has publicly accused the other of deliberately manipulating Isaac in an attempt to recruit him to their side of the feud/gangstalking campaign. What’s more, everything has been recorded and archived on social media platforms, emails, text messaging, and recorded phone calls, and the players involved are involved in ancillary legal matters which also tie in with the work Isaac was doing. (See Seth Rich)
Somewhere along the way, there was a transference. Somewhere along the way, whether intentional, unintentional, a government psyop, witchcraft, gaslighting, suggestive implant, brainwashing, V2K or Isaac assimilating it on his own, this Christian archetype manifested and wrote its way into the tonight and he had to fulfill the prophecy narrative, fixing itself to Isaac Kappy and infecting his sovereignty. If you listen to Isaac’s last video you hear him speak often about being a betrayer. Being Judas. He also made mention of this several times to friends in his last week. Isaac even told a friend on Saturday, May 11, 2019, that he was a betrayer and was going to have to fulfill the Judas prophecy himself.
According to Thomas Schoenberger Lestat had three photos of Judas in his house and had a strong connection with the archetype. According to Thomas Lestat was into Enochian magic and practices witchcraft quite heavily. Thomas believes the transference was made through witchcraft by Lestat to Isaac.
Another strange occurrence happened when Isaac’s roommate Michelle made a comment about Judas and a live periscope she did with her friend Kayla shortly after Isaac’s death.
Last Conversation Isaac Had With a Friend
Again here, we see the heavy religious overtones to the conversation and Isaac comparing himself to Judas.

Timeline of Events
May 2018 – Thomas had been calling Defango Judas since this time.
July 22, 2018 – Isaac makes the first periscope at Comi Con calling out Seth Green and Stephen Spielberg.
July 22-26th – Thomas met Isaac online as soon as Isaac began tweeting about Seth Green and Thomas offered to help Isaac get his word out. At the time Isaac had no traction. Thomas reached out to him first.
July 27th, 2018 – Thomas facilitated Isaac appearing on Nathan’s show Lift The Veil, and shortly thereafter Defango became mad that Thomas had not sent Isaac to him to appear on his show instead.
There is proof since Aug 2018 that Lestat was attacking Isaac. Lestat was angry that Isaac was making “Q” famous.
Sept 1, 2018, Isaac goes on a live broadcast with Nathan Stolpman and Titus Frost.
Oct 12, 2018, Thomas, Isaac, Frank Bacon have a conversation wherein Isaac says that Defango was pushing him, bothering him, that he did not like or trust Defango. He felt like Defango was trying to play with his mind.
Oct 13, 2018, and Isaac went on to Titus Frosts show (Thomas did not set up)
March 15th, 2019 Thomas S. publishes Judas Prophecy video
April 27th, 2019 Thomas emails Defango the above curse/prophecy.
May 10th, 2019 – Isaac makes several comments in his last periscope comparing himself to Judas.
May 12, 2019 – Isaac makes several more comments in his last Instagram live stream comparing himself to Judas. In this video, he calls himself “The Judas” and reiterates several times that he had let people down.
Thomas Schoenberger
Thomas Schoenberger, (more on Thomas in cicada 3301) has made no secret about his believed physic abilities. He also claims to be the recipient of “prophecies” on an irregular yet consistent basis throughout his entire life. Some of which have been documented prior to them coming true. According to Nathan Stolpman from the YouTube channel Lift The Veil, Thomas has even predicted other events such as a tornado in Oklahoma and the burning of Notre Dame.
Mr. Schoenberger is part of the group of people who make and disseminate puzzles for the online Cicada project. A project many believe is actually a government-funded hacking recruiting site that attempts to organically glean the best codebreakers from the Internet. Mr. Schoenberger is also a composer and releases his compositions on his YouTube channel called “Sophia Musik.” Although his critics state that he is a fake and does not write nor play these compositions as he has never been filmed playing and does not play live.
I’ve had many conversations and several interviews with Thomas, most of them about the Isaac Kappy investigation. Thomas has always appeared to be open with me and in fact, has forwarded me all of his correspondence he’s ever had with Isaac which doesn’t appear to be much at all. He has been quite open about his connection with Isaac and even where he disagreed with him in some cases. He’s also been quite open about the ongoing feud with Defango and Lestat, which he considers gang stocking. But then again, Thomas S. is most certainly not the victim here. Please see the section on the Mind Map titled “Thomas Schoenberber/Cicada 3301” for my full finding on Thomas Schoenberger.
After Isaac’s death, someone changed his name on the IMDb page.