Welcome to The White Rose sticker armory. I have mirrored below the official instructions provided on the “The White Rose” telegram group for you to get set up at home to start printing your own stickers on the cheap.
How To Get Started Printing COVID-19 Resistance Stickers
Step 1 – Buy a cheap Brother QL-810W, QL-800, QL-700, QL-600, QL-570, QL-550, or QL-500 label printer.
Step 2 – Download the latest sticker archive for free, pinned at the top of the White Rose Telegram channel @jointhewhiterose
Step 3 – Print hundreds of stickers per minute, for DIRT cheap, from the comfort of your home.
Step 4 – Wake up the sleeping giant!
Everything you need to know about how to print our stickers can be found here:
Share everywhere!
Here is what we purchased and are using for our sticker production. These are thermal printers so there is no cost for ink. We can literally print hundreds of stickers per hour.
Printer – Brother QL-810W Ultra-Fast Label Printer with Wireless Networking (Note, the price of this printer has gone up $50.00 in the course of a week.)
Paper –enKo – Compatible DK-2205 Continuous Paper Labels (2.4 Inch x 100 Feet) Compatible for Brother QL Label Printers – 12 Rolls + 4 Refillable Cartridges (Note to order “Continuous Paper Labels” for your stickers. Otherwise, your label stickers may be too short for your printing needs.)
Sticker PDF File – Is available for download at @jointhewhiterose
A Cheaper Alternative for Smaller Scale Sticker Printing
(Sent in by a loyal TPE viewer, AW2019)
Other affiliated Telegram chat groups involved with the resistance
JoinTheWhiteRose Channel (https://t.me/JoinTheWhiteRose)
The White Rose Chat (https://t.me/thewhiterosechat)
News4AChange (https://t.me/News4AChange)
We Are Change Chat (https://t.me/WeAreChangeChat)
The Great Reopening UK (http://t.me/thegreatreopeninguk)
A Stand In The Park UK (http://t.me/astandintheparkuk)
A Stand At Your MP (http://t.me/astandatyourmp)
Save Our Rights UK (http://t.me/saveourrightsukofficial)
Oracle Films (http://t.me/oraclefilms)
English909Radio (http://t.me/English909Radio)
World Doctors Alliance (http://t.me/worlddoctorsalliance)
World Wide Demonstration (http://t.me/worldwidedemonstration)
Subversive Stickers (t.me/subversivestickers)
Some tips about what NOT to do with our stickers:
– Please do not place our stickers on people’s cars, homes, or small businesses. This only pisses people off and doesn’t help the cause in the slightest. We disavow this kind of behavior completely.
– Please do not place our stickers over useful information such as bus/train times or postage collection times. Again, this only pisses people off and doesn’t help the cause in the slightest.
– Please avoid placing more than two or three stickers in any one location. Any more than that will likely cause information overload and end up getting ignored completely. Our stickers are most effective at planting seeds and getting people to think when distributed across many different locations, instead of concentrated in one location. Sometimes, less is more.
– When stickers get torn down and need replacing, avoid placing the new stickers next to the torn down ones and instead just cover over the torn stickers. Dozens of torn stickers in one location looks very unsightly.