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George W. P. Hunt / Hunt’s Tomb

The Life of an Arizona Freemason

George Wylie Paul Hunt. Born November 1st, 1859 in Huntsville Missouri. Seven-term Governor for the state of Arizona, President of the Arizona Convention which penned the Arizona Constitution, served in both houses of the Arizona territorial legislature and was U.S. Minister to Siam. Aside from becoming the first governor of Arizona, he led one heck of a life, and no one can say he was given a thing. Keeping true to what one would expect from a frontier western, G.H. Indeed carved his life out of the wild west and came out on top. Some people say the west changes a man, I say it simply reveals his character.

There are dozens of sites devoted to the history of Arizona frontiersmen, and these devoted researchers have spent countless hours compiling notes and doing the footwork to produce these great sites. My goal isn’t to type out these historians hard work on my own site but rather hit the highlights and point out how their lives relate to the hidden and occulted history of Arizona. If you want to know the finer details of these men’s lives please see these other authors works.

Some men came west and became outlaws, others farmers, and still others become the hand of unseen forces; men who look beyond immediate needs and desires of themselves and family and peer deep into the future past even their children s lives. They see an unfolding of time and feel it their duty to harness and guide this chapter of the evolution of our species. I believe Governor Hunt was such a man. There are men and then there are extraordinary men. Like Swilling and Duppa, G.W.P. Hunt was such a man, each rising to the top to commanded men and resources to a specific end.

Like many young men of his day, G.H. headed west at the age of 18. The west was a wide open and opportunities were for the taking. He ran away from his Missouri home one morning at 4 am and made his way west through Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico finally ending up in the Arizona Territory. He found himself in the mining town on Globe (which was to be his home for the rest of his life) and took a job waiting tables at Pascoe’s Restaurant. Later he worked as a mucker in the Old Dominion Mine before taking a job briefly on a cattle ranch then settling in as a clerk in a general store that was eventually bought out by the Old Dominion Commercial Company where he took advantage of the situation and quickly became president. During this time Hunt dabbled in politics unsuccessfully running for county recorder in Gila County in 1890. In 1892 and 1894 he made successful runs for Territorial House of Representatives during which time he sponsored legislation authorizing a $5000 reward for the capture of The Apache Kid. In 1896 he secured a seat in the upper house and sponsored a bill that required children between the ages of eight and fourteen to attend school for a minimum of twelve house a week. In 1907 he also secured passage of a bill outlawing gambling in the Arizona Territory.

Hunt went on to have a stellar political career and Feb 14th, 1912 was elected as the first Governor of the State of Arizona. Governor Hunt was quite the populist and while in office lobbied for legislation restricting child labor, lobbying, and usury, as well as disclosure of newspaper ownership, and the creation of workers compensation and old age pensions. It seemed he really was a man for the people, always thinking long term.

In 1918 Hunt decided to drop out of politics for a while when Woodrow Wilson appointed him Minister to Siam (Thailand). It is rumored that Mark Smith (a political rival) with the help of Henry F. Auhurst, asked President Wilson to make the appointment to get Hunt out of the way for an election. As the story goes, Wilson spun the globe around put his finger on Siam and said “Is this far enough?” but 18 months later Hunt was back and ready to jump back into politics.

Beginning 1923 Hunt served a six-year term as Arizona Governor where he won a number of close elections winning them all. He was a one issue candidate, that issue being the Colorado River Compact. Hunt was a champion of Arizona water rights and opposed ratification of the compact claiming it gave California an unfair advantage over the other states and cheated Arizona out of its birth-right. He was so adamant about this issue that his constituents joked that “while Jesus walked on water, Governor Hunt ran on the Colorado River.” Hunt was well educated however and obviously had more insight into what was being planned for the state of Arizona. He realized that water was the future out west and without it nothing was possible. Hunt returned in 1930 as for his seventh and final term as Governor of Arizona. His wife died the following year during this term and due to this and his age Hunt failed to gain his parties nomination the following year. George Hunt died at home December 24th, 1934 of heart failure


Secret Societies

Hunt’s Tomb from the east

Hunt was an open member of the Freemasons and Odd Fellows, two of the many secret societies that operated in Phoenix at the time. Hunt was obviously so moved by his convictions and belief in the esoteric and occulted practices of Freemasonry that he had himself entombed in a white Egyptian pyramid atop an ancient Hohokam archeoastronomical site. A site that lays at the heart of the Ancient Hohokam culture. One must stop and ask themselves what convictions a man must possess to go against the accepted burial rites of his religion and have himself entombed in an Egyptian pyramid for all the world to see. While park rangers at Papago park will tell you a story how Hunt decided on this spot for a pyramid-shaped family mausoleum after visiting Egypt, it is obvious to me that the structure was clearly built for (those who have the eyes to see.) Symbolism in the occult is always multidimensional and has different meanings on different levels. Whereas a casual visitor to the tomb may just read the plaque and pay respects to an Arizona forefather, Masons and people in

the know will pick up the significance of the location, alignment to other monuments, and numerology encoded into the tomb features. I believe Hunt’s tomb to be more than just a burial site and monument, and instead part of a larger ritual that is ongoing to this day. Much the way the streets of Washington D.C. are laid out, or the symbols on the back of the dollar bill. Symbols have meanings, convey messages, and have real and lasting impacts on peoples subconscious minds. The ancients knew this and used them to their advantage.

What I find amazing is that this glowing white pyramid sits in the middle of Papago Park right between the Phoenix Zoo and the Botanical Gardens, and most Phoenicians are hardly even aware of its existence. When I do meet someone familiar with the site, they usually simply dismiss it as a quirky tidbit of Arizona history. What truly amazes me, however, is that those who are aware of Hunt’s Tomb never pause to wonder why a man who was obviously so moved by the convictions of his secret society as to build and entomb himself in an Egyptian (and it def

View from the southwest

initely is Egyptian) pyramid atop an ancient Native American archeoastronomical site may not have been governing necessarily in the best interest of the people of Arizona but rather in the agenda and furtherance of said secret society. Let’s not forget that in Hunt’s time most of the founding fathers were Freemasons. Starting with Jack Swilling and Lord Darrell Duppa and later George Hunt and Barry Gold Water. These men controlled land, banking, water rights, mining and ranch land, the farming districts, etc. It was these secret societies, primarily the Freemasons which laid the cornerstones and formed the institutions that still exist and force their unseen hand in our society today. My article Phoenix/Egypt documents many of these institutions modern buildings in Phoenix and Scottsdale today. Each one of them belonging to an insurance company, prime real estate broker, tech company, corporate law firm, or high-end elite apartment complex. See here.


The Tomb

It is often written that Gov. Hunt explained that he built his tomb on top of a hill overlooking Phoenix because he wanted his final resting place to overlook The splendid Valley.” What nobody realized is Hunt was likening the Salt River Valley to “The Splendid Valley” in Egypt. And yes, for those with the “eyes to see and the wisdom to understand” this was a Masonic reference.

From James Carlile McCoan’s book “Egypt” 1883

“About eighty miles by river above Cairo, nearly due west of Beni-souef, a deep sinuosity in this chain forms the splendid valley of the Fayoum, which has been justly called the Garden of Egypt. The most fertile tracts of the Delta fall below this specially favoured dis- trict, which, abundantly watered by an artificial cut from the Nile, and a complete network of canals, blooms over its whole area of nearly 700 square miles, with the most varied luxuriant vegetation. The Fayoum, in fact, enjoys a pre-eminence as to soil and products over nearly every other part of Egypt. Besides yielding rice and grain in equal abundance with the other provinces, it abounds in dates, flax, cotton, the vine, and almost every variety of fruit. It is also famous for its plantations of roses, the rose-water from which forms one of its chief exports to Cairo and the Levant.”

In Gov. Hunt’s time, Phoenix was an agrarian region. This subtle, passing reference to a region of Egypt which also contain a network of canals, cotton farming, grain, and many varieties of fruit is not by accident.

Pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill is unfinished, the ever shining capstone of illumination hovers above it.


Pyramid of Cheops, or The Great Pyramid of Giza. Capstone is missing. Top of pyramid measures exactly 30 feet across, same as the base of Hunt’s Tomb.

Thomas Maddock, Secretary of the Colorado River Commission for Arizona, designed the pyramid and supervised its construction under the guidelines of Governor Hunt. The structure is made of concrete and has a 30-foot base while the apex of the pyramid sits exactly 20 feet above the base. It was erected by Del Webb at a cost of $1700.00 and was paid for by Governor Hunt in 1932. The entire surface of the tomb is covered with 4-inch white tiles and gleams in the sunlight during the day. This is a modern day finish and exactly what the Egyptians used to do to their pyramids. They would cover them with polished white limestone also known as casing stones that would shine in the sun and be visible for miles. The Hohokam too covered their platform mounds with Caliche clay from beneath the desert floor here along the Salt and Gila rivers. It is said that the sun reflecting off of Casa Grande and the other platform mounds would have been easily visible atop mountains over 25 miles away. Does anyone find it a coincidence that these cultures on opposite sides of the world finished their Pyramids to the exact same effect, and that Governor Hunt decided to do the exact same thing with his mausoleum on an ancient Hohokam solar site?

The tomb is aligned true to the cardinal directions and the entrance to the tomb faces east towards the rising sun. Most every Native American building, especially houses, have their doors facing east (towards the rising sun). This is a form of sun worship, the sun being the giver of life. The Sphinx faces due east as well.

Recreation of the capstone of the Pyramid of Cheops in Cairo. Measures exactly the same size and Hunt’s Tomb.

While researching the mathematics and ratios of Hunt’s Tomb and pyramids from around the world for this article, I discovered something quite amazing. If one were to walk to the top of the Giza pyramid also known as Khufu’s Pyramid, or The Pyramid of Cheops one would notice that it is almost exactly 30 feet across the top of the pyramid. This means that the base of the missing capstone of the Giza pyramid had a base that was almost exactly 30 feet across or the same as Hunt’s Tomb. There can be no doubt at this point that Governor Hunt did not design his tomb after an Egyptian style pyramid, but instead actually designed it to BE the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid of Giza. However, to the uninitiated it would appear simply as a pyramid. Once again, we see multidimensional coding in this tombs construction and symbolism. It should be obvious to people at this point that this tomb is far more than just an eccentric burial site of a colorful Arizona frontiersmen, and anyone stating so really should turn off their TV and crack a book.3b2b4e81f6e84bf64552d19c30e7a1fd

The Platform

The platform that the pyramid sits on is full of codes as well. If one Includes the raised platform the pyramid sits directly upon, there are three levels in all, and whiling viewing the site from above, one will notice it is also laid out in three squares. All Freemasons lodges have three steps which lead into the building, these represent the first three degrees of the Freemasons Lodge, otherwise known as the blue lodge. These are the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason.

Was Arizona Claimed by Freemasons Long Ago?

Aerial view of Hunt’s Tomb. Notice the three joined squares or steps. This is no accident and represents the three steps of the Freemasons Blue Lodge.

Is Hunt’s Tomb a claim marker of sorts? As I’ve stated, there is much more going on at Hunt’s Tomb than firsts meets the eye. It is obvious Governor Hunt’s obsession with and involvement in Freemasonry has probably had more of an effect on the history of Arizona than anyone will ever know, and I can’t help but wonder what all Governor Hunt had going on in his private life and belief system. It is also apparent that the Freemasons still to this day have a controlling hidden hand gripped firmly on the economy and very infrastructure of our city. To what extent I do not know, but the ivy schools back east crank out new members every year and these people become the presidents and CEO’s of major institutions, many of them run for public office as well. I don’t pretend that Freemasons are a violent nefarious force hellbent on mankind’s destruction, but rather believe that they are a highly organized and well-funded group of men who have gained control of the banking system, courts, and higher office and guide these institutions along specific agendas while enriching themselves. Dare I say Phoenix is a stronghold of Masonic vision and enterprise? I do.

Comments (3)

Thank you for publishing this incredible article. I was there 2 years ago for the Nov. race and decided to go to the botanical gardens before I flew out the next day. As I finished the gardens I decided to do some hiking back down through the trails. I hiked down past the hole in the rock and came upon the park. After hiking through the park I came upon the monument. At the time (as you described above) I took a couple pictures and thought nothing much of it…until today. Recently, let’s just say I’ve finally started waking up and seeing things with fresh eyes…including many of the key points you discuss. I was going through some photos and bam, there was the pyramid and I thought to myself “woah, why do I have this crazy white pyramid” I knew there was a reason. So, I looked closely at the photo I took, googled the burial site, and found your page about it. What a treasure chest I found of incredible history and truth. It’s great to know there are others out there trying to expose the truth to others who may still have a veil over their eyes. God bless you for all you’re doing!!!

Thank you for the comment sir. I truly appreciate it. I work hard to research and provide accurate information..

Just wanted to let you know George W.P. Hunt was my step great grandfather. I was one of who spread his granddaughters ashes around his tomb. I have a beautiful engraved gold locket he gave to his daughter Vergina dated 1915. In the locket is a photo of George wearing what appears to be a military uniform. The photo is in a gold frame that can be removed from the body of the locket. Inside the locket are what appear to be dried rose pedals. Very unusual locket and l am interested if it has possible meaning? I can send photos. Just need to know where?

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