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Dead Man Switch

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Dead Man Switch

A “Dead Man Switch” is a piece of, or body of information (files, videos, audio recordings, etc) which a person lets known exists, but holds back from releasing unless they are harmed or killed. This information is usually entrusted to one or more people who have been advised to release it to the police, media, etc should they themselves be killed.

This was the first mention of a Dead Man Switch.

Since Isaac’s death, dozens, if not hundreds of videos have surfaced from researchers and disinformation agents claiming to either have or be Isaac’s deadman switch. The simple fact remains.


The Deadman Switch and KEYBASE

Early on in this investigation, a few different key codes were floating around and rumored to be the codes to access accounts to where Isaac had hidden his deadman switch. These key codes were the ones Vegan Mikey was in possession of and was attempting to use to extract funds and services in exchange for developing.

When the Keybase account that Isaac and others had created was first made public and became known to the researcher community, somewhere around mid-June, I reached out to members of the Famalam. I discovered here that Brett, Geo, and Greg were the primary architects of this account on the Keybase site. I worked with Brett since he was willing to work with me and he went through every corner of the account to look for any hidden files, attachments, linked accounts, etc…He reported there was nothing. The site was the same as it had been when all the members migrated over to Telegram. Geo also confirmed this for me a short time later.

Since that time I’ve asked Brett to go through the Keybase account one more time just to double-check, as rumors of information emanating from the Keybase account continued to surface. Brett has done so and maintains that there is no information to be had from that account, and the people saying so are simply disinformation agents and throwing mud in the water at this point. I happen to believe Brett.

Vegan Mikey and the DMS

The story of the dead man switch caught fire due to Vegan Mikey, who stated just after Isaac’s death that Isaac had handed him over files of data and research that were to be developed in case of Isaac’s death.

One of two things happened next. 1. Vegan Mikey didn’t release the information Isaac has entrusted with him and instead used these keycodes & data files to extract money and resources from the Famalam, as well as a foundation created by a few members of the Famalam. His ploy was that he needed resources in order to develop the dead man switch in conjunction with “a man from Langley” whom he could never give the name of. Vegan Mikey maintained that this data information file he had, had to be hand-delivered to this man in person because the man wanted no electronic signature. Vegan Mikey even asked me to make the trip and hand-deliver it to him. Of course, this never would have happened as VM never had any files to hand over in the first place. 2. VM never had a DMS. At this point, I’m firmly in this camp. 

I caught on to Mikey’s scam early and called him out on it. This is when the investigation turned from Isaac to Mikey for a short period of time in an attempt to find out his connections to all of this, seeing that he was so wrapped up and it. The full story of Vegan Mikey’s grifting ways is in a separate section of this project dedicated solely to him.

I am convinced beyond any doubt that the red herring of the DMS was pushed harder by Vegan Mikey than anyone else and for nothing more than an elaborate GRIFT. Vegan Mikey truly is a horrible excuse for a human being. You can see his drug and alcohol-induced ramblings on his Periscope channel when he is sober enough to speak.

Vegan Mikey Attempts to Sell Isaac Kappy’s Dead Man Switch to Robert the Deplorable

The following video is another perfect example of how Michael Whalen attempts to insert himself into any tragedy and PROFIT MONITARILY from it. Again, When it comes time to put up or shut up Michael simply attempts to move the carrot. He has no real answers, no real information, no true investment. HE IS A CON MAN.


Vegan Mikey Attempts to Explain Why He Won’t Make the DMS Public While Telling Me He’ll Turn Over the DMS

The following conversation is between myself and Michael Whalen (Vegan Mikey). He called me out of the blue while live streaming. I was aware of him live streaming at the time and took the opportunity to allow him to show his true colors to the world once again. VM is so full of rage and greed that he simply can’t get out of his own way. This audio is ripped from his live stream broadcast. Again, you will notice here all of VM’s attempts to divert, subvert, and muddy the one issue at hand. 

There Never Was A Deadman Switch

It is my opinion that there never was a dead man switch. It’s obvious to me from the above video as well as all of my research into the matter, that Isaac simply used those words to explain the actions he took to insulate and protect himself from being a target from Seth and Claire as he thought they were going to kill him at the time.

It’s also obvious to me after researching and studying Mikey’s history as well as his actions with me and the Fam, that Mikey simply picked up on the word and carried it forward incorporating it into his plan to extract money and resources for as long as he possibly could.

I believe the “dead man switch” was picked up by multiple people during the fall out of Isaac’s death and used for personal games and agendas. Because the dead man’s which could never be proven, it was the perfect ghost. Something which could be pulled out and employed whenever needed and used to disseminate disinformation as needed. Like terrorism, it can be manufactured at will to move forward agendas.

Recent Dead Man Switch activity

In mid-September 2019, I was approached by Thomas Schoenberger and asked to publicly run with information that supposedly had come from a cracked key base file. I was told that there were copious records and information on certain key players whose names have been mentioned at length in the course of this investigation. When asked to provide evidence of this I was provided links to public websites and told that these links were aggregated in this file/dead man switch, which had been hidden the whole time in the key base account.

I stated that for me to run with this information and put it out I would require personal access to the account and access it for myself and run it through members of my own team to verify the authenticity of it. Thomas Schoenberger told me “that cannot happen” so I did not run with it. This information was then given to another YouTube content creator who ran with it.

While this information, although not proven to me to be any dead man switch, certainly triggered known enemies of Isaacs and resulted in a four and a half-hour live YouTube stream wherein this man threatened to sue multiple people for defamation.