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[ December 14, 2020 "Eye of the Storm" CENTER OF THE SOLAR ECLIPSE RITUAL ]

December 14th, 2020 is the exact halfway point between the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 & The Total Solar Eclipse of April 8th, 2024.

2422 / 2 = 1221

Election Day to Dec 14, 2020

The Number “42”

(The Duration of Suffering)

Dec 14th, 2020 to Inauguration Day 2021

The Number 38

(The Number of Sickness)

The number 38 is only spoken of in the Bible one time. John 5:5

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

Corona Virus? Vaccines? Hummm…..

Events Which Have Occured on Dec 14th in History

  • 557 Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, is significantly damaged by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake
  • 644 Uthman ibn Affan, companion of Muhammad, appointed 3rd Caliph of Islam
  • 835 Chinese Emperor Wenzong conspires with chancellor Li Xun and general Zheng Zhu to kill all the eunuchs, but the plot is foiled. Also known as the Sweet Dew Incident
  • 867 Adrian II begins his reign as Catholic Pope
  • 872 John VIII elected as Catholic Pope
  • 1124 Theobald Buccapecus elected Pope Coelestinus II (he refuses)
  • 1287 During St. Lucia’s Flood in Northwest Netherlands the Zuiderzee seawall collapses with loss of over 50,000 lives. Fifth largest recorded flood in history
  • 1542 Princess Mary Stuart succeeds her father James V and becomes Queen Mary I of Scotland at 6 days old
  • 1575 Polish Parliament selects Istvan Bathory as king of Poland
  • 1582 Zealand, Brabant Netherlands adopt Gregorian calendar, tomorrow is 12/25Read Article
  • 1600 Olivier van Noort sinks Spanish galleon San Diego at Bay of Manila, 350 die
  • 1751 The first military academy in the world, the Theresian Military Academy, is founded in Austria
  • 1774 First incident of American Revolution – 400 New Hampshire militiamen successfully attack Fort William and Mary
  • 1793 1st state road authorized, Frankfort, Kentucky, to Cincinnati
  • 1812 The French invasion of Russia, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, officially ends with the French having lost as many as 530,000 people
  • 1864 War of the Triple Alliance: Paraguay invades the Brazilian province of Mato Grosso
  • 1882 Henry Morton Stanley returns to Brussels from the Congo
  • 1889 American Academy of Political & Social Science organized in Philadelphia
  • 1897 Emilio Aguinaldo signs the Pact of Biak-na-Bato, to end hostilities and dissolve his government, in exchange for amnesty and “$800,000 (Mexican)” as an indemnity
  • 1900 Birth of Quantum Physics: German Physicist Max Planck presents a theoretical derivation of his black-body radiation law
  • 1900 France and Italy sign a secret agreement by which Italy recognizes France’s right to exploit Morocco in return for France’s conceding her the same right in Tripoli
  • 1903 The Wright brothers attempt to fly the Wright Flyer for the first time at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
  • 1907 The schooner Thomas W. Lawson runs aground and founders near the Hellweather’s Reef within the Scilly Isles in a gale. The pilot and 15 seamen die.
  • 1911 Norwegian Roald Amundsen‘s expedition is the 1st to each the South Pole Read Article
  • 1913 Greece formally takes possession of Crete
  • 1916 America’s first board-certified doctors are named by the American Board of Ophthalmology following an examination at the University of Tennessee Medical School in Memphis, Tennessee
  • 1917 UFA, Universal Film AG, forms in Germany
  • 1927 Iraq gains independence from Britain, but British troops remain
  • 1939 Soviet Union attacks Finland-League of Nations drops the Soviet Union
  • 1941 1st NFL division playoff, Bears beat Packers 33-14
  • 1941 Premier Winston Churchill travels to US on board HMS Duke of York
  • 1941 U-557 torpedoes British cruiser Galatea
  • 1944 US Congress establishes rank of General of Army (5-star General)
  • 1946 Togo made a trusteeship territory of UN
  • 1946 UN General Assembly votes to establish UN HQs in New York City
  • 1947 The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) is founded in Daytona Beach, Florida
  • 1952 Uprising of captives in Pongam South Korea, 82 die
  • 1955 16 countries join the United Nations, including Austria, Finland, Italy, and Spain
  • 1959 Joe B. Jordan in F-104C starfighter sets world altitude record, 31,513m
  • 1960 Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) forms
  • 1960 Washington Senators joins American League
  • 1962 Mariner 2 makes 1st US fly-by of another planet (Venus)
  • 1962 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1967 DNA created in a test tube
  • 1967 Prime Minister of Canada, Lester B. Pearson announces that he is retiring from politics, succeeded by Pierre Trudeau
  • 1969 Jackson Five make their 1st appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show”
  • 1971 Golden Gate Bridge lights out all night due to power failure
  • 1971 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1971 The Pakistan Army executes an estimated 1,111 of East Pakistan’s intellectuals during the Bangladesh Liberation War
  • 1972 Eugene Cernan & Harrison Schmitt leave the Moon
  • 1977 Egyptian & Israeli representatives gather in Cairo for a first formal peace conference
  • 1978 China performs nuclear test at Lop Nor, PRC
  • 1978 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
  • 1979 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1980 At 2 PM EST there is 10 minutes of silence in memory of John Lennon
  • 1980 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
  • 1980 Massacre at Bob’s Big Boy restaurant in Los Angeles with 3 people killed and 6 injured
  • 1981 Israel annexes Golan Heights (seized from Syria in war of 1967)
  • 1986 Voyager, piloted by Dick Rutan & Jeana Yeager, takes off from Edwards AFB, California on 1st non-stop, non-refueled flight around the world
  • 1988 US agrees to talk to Palestine Liberation Org for the 1st time in 13 yrs
  • 1990 Right to Die case permits Nancy Cruzan to have her feeding tube removed, she dies 12 days later
  • 1991 Ferry boat Salem Express sinks in the Red Sea, 476 killed
  • 1992 52 people, including 25 children, are killed when a helicopter from Tkvarcheli is shot down during the War in Abkhazia
  • 1993 Muslim fundamentalists murder 12 Kroates/Bosnians in Algeria
  • 1993 “Philadelphia” one of the first mainstream films about AIDS, directed by Jonathan Demme, starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington premieres in Century City, California
  • 1994 Construction begins on the Three Gorges Dam, China
  • 1995 AIDS patient Jeff Getty receives baboon bone marrow transplant
  • 1995 The Dayton Agreement is signed in Paris by leaders of various governments ending the conflict in the former Yugoslavia including Slobodan Milošević, Alija Izetbegović, Franjo Tuđman and Bill Clinton
  • 1999 Flash floods in Venezuela after torrential rainfall results in the deaths of thousands of people and causes a total collapse in the state’s infrastructure
  • 2003 President of Pakistan Pervez Musharaf narrowly escapes an assassination attempt
  • 2003 US President George W. Bush announces the capture of Saddam Hussein
  • 2008 President George W. Bush makes his fourth and final trip to Iraq as president and is almost struck by two shoes thrown at him by Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi during a farewell conference in Baghdad
  • 2012 28 people, including 20 children, are shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut
  • 2015 Bus plunges off a bridge into Balboa River near Argentina city of Rosario de la Frontera, killing 43 frontier police on board
  • 2015 “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” directed by J.J. Abrams and starring Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Harrison Ford has its world premiere at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles
  • 2016 University of Toronto scientists present findings of the world’s oldest water – 2 billion years old from a mine in Canada
  • 2016 Amazon announces its 1st delivery by drone 2 km from their warehouse in the UK
  • 2017 The Vatican announces it has rediscovered the lost last paintings of Raphael in the Vatican Museum, painted in 1520
  • 2017 The Walt Disney Company buys most of 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion
  • 2017 US media regulator the Federal Communications Commission votes to end net neutrality
  • 2017 Train plows into a school bus cutting it in half, killing 4 children and injuring 20 near Perpignan, France
  • 2017 Suicide bomber kills at least 18 police officers at a training center parade in Mogadishu, Somalia, Islamic group al-Shabab claim responsibility
  • 2017 British surgeon Simon Bramhall admits to branding the liver of 2 patients with his initials
  • 2017 Australian government establishes a Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry
  • 2018 Report by Reuters US pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson knew for decades their talc was contaminated with asbestos
  • 2019 Miss World won by Miss Jamaica Toni-Ann Singh in London. First time all five major beauty titles held by black women.
  • 2020 America begins its first COVID-19 vaccinations using the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on the same day it records over 300,000 deaths
  • 2020 Total solar eclipse visible across southern Chile and Argentina
  • 2020 US Electoral College reaffirms Joe Biden’s presidential election victory

Dec 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse

The only total solar eclipse of the 2020 year arived on Monday (MOON DAY) December 14, in the worlds southern hemisphere. It was visible from Piedra del Aquila, Neuquen province, and Argentina.

Eclipses are used in ritual work a number of ways. Primarily in a metaphorically sympathetic manner to ride the energetic coattails of occulting and de-occulting something. The total energy of the event and its effect on people can also be harnessed if it is experienced by enough individuals in a working oscillating model. Orchestrated events (false flags, political theater) in conjunction with mainstream news takes care of this in the modern energetic systems OR spells.

The exact crossing point of the pathway of these two total solar eclipses is a rural and secluded location called “Bakers Crossroads.”

Here is a Google earth image of the area.

Camp Cedar

I want to be careful here and not accuse or label anyone in a dark light. This is especially true if that person or group is doing God’s work. Still, it is worth pointing out that the only thing located at Bakers Crossroads is a camp called “Camp Cedar.” Their moto.

“Empowering survivors of sexual abuse”

Here is their website.

The following snip was taken from their website.

December 21, 2020 Winter Solstice – Saturn/Jupiter conjunction

An astronomical tension has been building in the evening sky this month. The two largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, have been getting closer to each other after sunset.  And on Dec. 21, they will appear so close together in the sky that you will be able to see them both in a telescope at the same time.

Jupiter and Saturn cozy up to one another about every 20 years. This is called a Great Conjunction. But this year’s conjunction will put the two planets closer together than they have been since 1623. 

October 1st & 31st have played a HUGE roll in the past few years is these dates pertain to publicly deployed mass ritual

If you’ll recall, President Trump announced that he was positive for the Corona Virus on Oct 1, 2020

Comments (1)

About the Camp is very strange I would say…..
Could you tell me please… do you think Trump will win finally? If not? what to do?:))

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