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The “High Signature” # 133

The “High Signature” and False Flag/Mass Casualty Events

The “High Signature” or the number #133 can be found front and center in almost every public ritual carried out these days. Especially sanctioned ritual hits, and emotionally charged paradigm-changing events like 911 and school shootings. Wherever one sees the combined 13/33 signature they can take it to the bank that both wings of the Freemasons Society (The York & Scottish rites), or the body recruiting from this pool have combined their intent and sanctioned the action.

133 = 13 /3 & 1/ 33

For 25 years I have studied occulted knowledge, and for the last 3, I have taken this knowledge and “De-Occulted” public rituals and political events in an attempt to teach people how this ancient science is being wielded against them.

During this time I began identifying not only a methodology of similitude-based magick but numerological patterns manifesting in key details of these events. In fact, these productions, in their purest form, seem to be a ritually executed “numerical presentation” with the key focus of drawing down the energies or personalities of specific number vibrations and utilizing them as a catalyst to achieve their intended goal.

Among these numbers include (in order of occurred manifestation) the numbers 33, 13, 72, 27, 77, 93, 23. However, among these key events is always the number 133.

The Seal Of Masonic Sanctioned Events & Higher Magick

When found in conjunction with false flag/mass casualty events, believe the number #133 to be a “Seal” / “Blessing” / “Signature of Ownership” of one of the most powerful organizations on Earth today.


And if the NOT Freemasons, then a group who utilizes the same occulted and esoteric numeric systems used by them. A group powerful enough to have either designed or infiltrated the greater institutions of our world and maintain enough regular influence over them to exact their will. The fact is, we may never know for certain unless a disgruntled whistleblower comes forward and discloses their clandestine methods. And still, at that point, can that information be trusted? Disinformation is the preferred tactic used to saturate today’s hyper information-laden battlefield.

However, I have a few reasons to believe it is the Freemasons 

FREEMASONS Open The Bible To Psalms 133 On The Masonic Altar


“As far as we know, referring to the grand Lodges, the Bible is open in the Book of the Psalms, and the psalm number 133, which specifically points out the excellence of the fraternal love, is the one that is read. It is also called Psalm of the Concordance.  The 133rd Psalm, in the saying of Bro. Valdir Fernandes, is an eloquent description of the beauty of the fraternal love, and for this reason, much more appropriate to illustrate a society whose existence depends on those noble principles. It is important to register that the reading of this psalm was already adopted by the ancient Knights Templar, in their initiations, in the year 1128, as it is demonstrated to us by Gomes (1999), who, in his book “the Primitive Rule of the Knights Templar”, on pages 81 and 149, translating the “Canons of the Ritual of the Reception in the Order of the Temple”, number 6378, tells us:

“…Et le frere chapelain dait le saume dire que l’on dit, Ecce quam bonum et quam incubum,/habitare frates in unum…” “… And the brother chaplain should recite the psalm that says: Here is, how it is bgood how it is declicious,/to live the brothers in good unity”.

What does Psalm 133 say? This verse is titled “Beauty of the Unity of the Brethern A Song of degrees of David.”

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments: 3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. 

This verse is obviously extremely important to the Masonic lodges and evidence shows that it had been for hundreds of years, to their predecessor, the Knights Templar. According to the above text taken from a Masonic academic website (link above), the Knights Templar was already reading this Psalm in 1128. The full article goes into a rather well-considered and written exploration of the meaning behind the use of this Psalm in their ritual work. The author dives into the occulted meaning of this passage and its reference to Aaron and the anointing of oil. I’d say here that I do agree with his assessment and interpretation of Biblical symbolism.  

Conversation with a Mason

Sometime around April 2021, I met a friend at a tobacco/cigar shop in the Phoenix area to sit and smoke out pipes. While smoking we met and carried on conversations with a number of other men who were also there enjoying their cigars. The conversation ranged from politics to ancient Arizona to lack of trust in the government. After about 30 minutes the man I was speaking with told me he was Mason at a local lodge and asked me how I knew so much about Freemasonry seeing that I wasn’t one. I told him about my website, research, and work and that’s when the conversation really got interesting. After explaining what I’d discovered about the number #133, this gentleman sat back for a minute and told me two things. First, he informed me about the Bible being opened to Psalms 133 on their altar. Next, he told me that 

All of their ritual manuals have exactly 133 pages within the content section of the manual.  

He told me that there is usually contents, index, appendixes, and such. But that the actual content of the ritual manuals usually has exactly 133 pages. After hearing about my finding of the number #133 I could see that he was thinking and considering quite a bit more than he had been a few minutes prior. 

The “High Signature” in False Flag Operations

Halyna Hutchins

Halyna Hutchins death occurred on October 21, 2021, or 10 – 21 – 21 or (1+0)-(2+1)-(2+1) or


As an occultist, the date of her death alone tells me that something more than an accident occurred in the death of Halyna Hutchins. Add this to the numerology, energetic date alignment, moon phase, and the fact that Halyna’s husband is a lawyer involved in the recent Hillary Clinton-connected Durham indictment, and well… You have what appears to be a Hollywood assisted ritual murder/sacrifice

What is extremely interesting as well is that every publication and news outlet covering this story didn’t fail to bring up the deaths of actors Brandon Bruce Lee who also died on a 133 day. only reversed. 

Brandon Bruce Lee was pronounced dead at 1:03 pm (13) March 31, 1993, or 3 – 31 or


Gematria in Drain the Swamp / The Great Reset

I am not the original discoverer of the “Drain the Swamp/The Great Reset” Gematria find, however, I am certain that I am the one who discovered the “High Signature” within this coded numerology. 

13 Letters + 3 Words = 133 = The “High Signature”

Vancouver Masonic Lodge Arsons 3/30/21

Fire fighters attend a fire at a Masonic Temple in North Vancouver, B.C., Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

On the morning of March 30, 2021, 42-year-old Ben Kohlman set fire to three Masonic Lodges in Vancouver Canada. While at the third location, an off-duty officer who witnessed Kohlman walking back to his vehicle with a red jerrycan as the building was on was burning. It was then that the officer approached Mr. Kohlman and the two got into an altercation. Kohlman managed to get away but was arrested a short time later just after 10 a.m. in Burnaby.  

The 13th week + the 33rd day = 133. 

King Sooper/Boulder CO Shooting 3/22/21

The High Signature is also located in the shooter’s name Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa, only mirrored or reversed, in Reverse Ordinal cipher. A double reversal. This leaves fingerprints of further magickal scripting. 

The King Sooper’s public ritual matches up with This year’s Lent.

The beginning of Lent this year was February 17.
Lent ends during “Holy Week,” on “Holy Saturday.” This means that Lent 2021 will end on Saturday, April 3, 2021 (establishing the 40 days of observation.) 

We see here the 13/33 “High Signature” or #133

The funeral of Eric Talley –

It should also not be a surprise that the funeral held for Eric Talley happened 9 days later on March 30, 2021, OR –

March 30 = 3/3 = 33

That’s right. The “hero” of this shooting event was laid to rest during the 13th week of the year, on March 30, or 33. We see here again the “High Signature” or #133 embedded into this public ritual. The high signature is the blending of both the numbers 13 and 33. These are the degrees within both the York and Scottish Rites of the Freemason Brotherhood. Within the “high signature,” these degrees share a mutual 3 in between them uniting their intent. 

The “High Signature” #133 AGAIN!!!

Atlanta Day-Spa Shootings

Embedded front and center in this ritual is the #133 or the “HIGH SIGNATURE”

The date of the 2020 Presidential election to the shooting was exactly 133 days. 

The High Signature is the merging of 13 & 33, both sharing a “3”. It shows up with such regularity in these mass public ritual events that it is beyond coincidence at this point. It appears to me to be the merging of both the York and Scottish rites of the Freemasons, or a fully sanctioned event coming down from the top. See here for more info on #133.

Just as we saw with the Vegas shooting lining up with Donald J Trump’s presidency as well as 911. The Las Vegas shooting happened 254 days into Trump’s presidency and 911 is the 254th day of the year.  

#133 and the location of the Atlanta Shootings

Let’s take a look at how this year’s Superbowl plays into the Atlanta Handy-House Shootings. The two addresses of the Jack Shacks where the shootings took place in Atlanta listed below.

  1. 1907 Piedmont Road Northeast, Atlanta, GA
  2. 1916 Piedmont Road Northeast, Atlanta, GA

Both of these addresses come out to the reversal of the #133 we just covered above, as well as incorporate the lunar number of 108. 108 is numerical for the Moon as it is fixed into nearly all measurements dealing with the moon’s relationship to the Sun and Earth. 

The Nashville, TN Christmas Bombing

Here is a news footage clip of the FBI raiding 115 Bakertown Rd. home.

At the 00:16-17 mark in the above video news clip, you see the camera pan to the cross streets of Bakertown Rd & Bakertown Ct just south of the house. This is odd as Anthony Werner lived on the corner of Bakertown Rd and Max Ct. The Gematria on this is rather interesting.

The Murder of Steve Bing

Steve Bing’s Birth Date

March 31st 1965. or 3/31/1965 OR


Where is Hunter?

Where Is Hunter? = 13 Letters, 3 Words =


The Grand Princess Returning Docking at its Oakland Port with Infected Coronavirus Patients on March 9th, 2020.

The docking of the Grand Princess was an insemination ritual that preluded the announcement of the W.H.O.’s declaration of the COVID19 global plandemic. The duration of this exercise which began on March 11th, when President Trump made the announcement from the Oval Office will be exactly 40 months and 6 Days comes the Winter Solstice. This is the exact upper end of what is considered a healthy pregnancy, after which time the pregnancy is considered overdue.

State officials said Monday that the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in California has reached 133, including five newly discovered cases each in San Francisco, Santa Clara, Contra Costa counties. Nationwide, there are now 605 confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S., and 22 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins.

(Full Article)



The number of people in California with the coronavirus increased to 133 cases Monday as the impact continued to ripple across the state.

The toll included the state’s second confirmed death, a woman in her 60s in Santa Clara County. Last week, a man in Placer County who had been on the Grand Princess cruise ship also died.

Oakland became the center of the California fight, as officials took passengers off the boat and sent them to regional medical facilities or quarantine at state military bases.

(Full Article)

For a full breakdown on this High Magick Ritual, please see my article titled: De-Occulting Trump’s COVID-19 infection: A Most MASONIC Harvest Ritual


133: Positive cases

21: On Grand Princess, which docked in Oakland

24: Cases of positive tests related to federal repatriation flights

109: Cases not related to repatriation flights

  • 44 Travel-related
  • 28 Person to person
  • 19 Community transmission
  • 18 Under investigation

10,300+: People self-monitoring who returned to the U.S. through San Francisco International Airport
or Los Angeles International Airport

Prince Phillips full Royal Title is 133 words long

It should be no shock that the Prince of the ruling Monarchy of the Western World has a title that is EXACTLY 133 words long.

His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, Baron Greenwich, Royal Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Extra Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Member of the Order of Merit, Grand Master and First and Principal Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Knight of the Order of Australia, Additional Member of the Order of New Zealand, Extra Companion of the Queen’s Service Order, Royal Chief of the Order of Logohu, Extraordinary Companion of the Order of Canada, Extraordinary Commander of the Order of Military Merit, Lord of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, Privy Councillor of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, Personal Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom

John McCain Funeral Ritual

August 25th, 2018

Image result for john mccain

John McCain was not only the 13th senator to ever “Lie in State” under the rotunda at the US Capitol, but he was the 33rd person to ever “Lie in State” there as well.

The Murder of Nipsey Hu$$le

March 31st, 2019

And again, we see the “High Signature” in the murder of Nipsey Hussle.

March 31st comes out to 3-31. which is the mirror of #133


The license plate on the vehicle which the murder Eric Holder drove away in:

The Murder of Isaac Kappy

May 13th, 2019

The #133 also reared its evil head the murder of Isaac Kappy who was assassinated on May 13th, the 133rd day of the year.

The Murder of Jeffery Epstein August 10th, 2019

We also saw #133 featured front and center in the planned murder of Jeffery Epstein, who was murdered in the Metropolitan Correctional Center, better known as the MCC.

MCC = 133 OR 13/3 OR 1/33


Here is the official 13-page indictment (USofA vs. Jeffery Epstein)13-pg-U.S.-vs.-Jeffery-Epstein-IndictmentDownload

And here we have the 33-page ruling handed down from District Judge Kenneth A. Marra, finding that prosecutors violated victim’s rights by not notifying them of the sweet plea deal Jeffery received when his lawyers bargained for 13 months probation.33-pg-Epstein-RulingDownload


Epstein spent 13 months in jail on this 33-page ruling. The day the ruling came down Feb 21st, 2019, there were 313 days left in the year.

The Articles of Impeachment vote December 18th, 2019

Image result for nancy pelosi

Moving backward from the date the House of Representatives impeached DJT.

  • December 18, DJT impeached: 13 days left in the year
  • November 15, second impeachment hearings: 33 days until impeachment vote.
  • October 13, Trump impeachment inquiry: 33 days until 2nd impeachment hearings.

Pelosi’s impeachment vote was timed in accordance with a countdown, much like an advent calendar. This countdown was also part of the “reduction” spell to capitalize on the diminishing energies of the Sun ramping up to the winter solstice.

The Signing of the Articles of Impeachment

Jan 15th, 2020

In English Ordinal (one of the most common ciphers in gematria) Pelosi’s name comes out to # 133. Why do I call this the “High Signature” of the Freemasons? Because it embodies both the numbers 13 & 33 simultaneously.


We also saw this in the execution of the timing within the same public ritual.

Pelosi took the stage with 11 fellow democrats and on the official CNN Pelosi began speaking at the 11-second mark, she stopped at the 5:41. That means Pelosi spoke for a total of 5m 30s seconds OR 330 seconds.


From the time Pelosi began speaking to the time she handed the signed Articles of Impeachment to one of the Managers was 8m 46s OR 526 seconds. 5+2+6 = 13.



The Signing

1 Signature / 30 Golden Pens / 3 Silver Platters

1+30+3 = 133

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November 5, 2024 – U.S. Presidential Election Day – to –

March 18, 2025 (JFK Files Release) =

133 Days

Their symbolism will be their downfall, for they can not help themselves. They operate according to a set of rules predicated upon and governed by ancient sacred physics which they believe they can manipulate to fulfill their intent.

Comments (2)

i enjoy your work and appreciate what you do. From the crowsnest in AZ atop the flagstaff stay INDIGO

Thank you, Daniel. I appreciate that…

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