(Click image below)—View & interact with the ISAAC KAPPY MIND MAP—(Click image below)
Ritual Occult & Numerology
To say that there are a few occulted ritualistic signatures and numerological overtones within the Isaac Kappy incident is a laughable understatement. Like other high-profile public deaths this fact became apparent quite early in the investigation and, quite frankly, is the reason ThePhoenixEnigma became involved in the first place.
While the focus of the content and research here at TPE is that of the occulted numerology, ancient and sacred physics, secret societies, etc; for the purpose of the Isaac Kappy investigation, we have maintained a separation between these topics and more concrete data as it pertained to this investigation. That being said, to ignore this occultic symbolism, numerological synchronicity, and ritualistic overtones that underpin this event would be nothing less than blatant obfuscation of the truth.
It is this author’s opinion that occulted ritual most certainly played a role in the events which surrounded and culminated in the death of Isaac Kappy.
Reversal of Isaac’s Accusations and Time & Date of Death
Probably the single biggest signature of ritual overtone surrounding the death of Isaac Kappy is the reversal of the date and time of when Isaac came out publicly about Seth Green to the time and date of Isaac’s death.
Isaac Kappy Died on May 13th (the 133rd day of the year), 2019 at 7:22 am on Route 66 in Bellemont, AZ.
Isaac outed Seth Green on July 22nd OR 7/22 at 1:33 pm in the afternoon.
Isaac’s death is an exact reversal of time and date. I do not believe this to be coincidental in the least.
Isaac’s Gematria
Isaac = 33
72 Days prior to Isaac’s death was March 3rd OR 3/3 OR “33”
March 3rd = The third day of the third month = 33

Why is the number “72” significant here? Because it shows up in nearly every single false flag event, high-profile murder, or Deep-State operation. And it usually shows up within the date schematics. Isaac’s death was no exception. Couple this with the gematria of the number “33” in Isaac’s name as well as the other date schematics and it’s nothing short of ritual scripting. More on the numb er #72 here.
On March 3rd, there are 303 days left in the year. OR “33” when you eliminate the “0”
The significance of this is that “33” is a Christ number. Christ died at 33 years of age.
Septenary Cipher / 911
I-ssac : I = 9
K-appy : K = 11
IK = 911
There are exactly 122 days between May 13th and September 11th.
122 days is 3 months + 30 days. OR 330 OR “33”. (In Numerology the zero is always dropped when factoring numbers.)
122 days is also 33% of the year. Again we see the Scottish Rite signature/The number of Christ/Most sacred number.
So once again we see the number “33.” Only this time it doesn’t simply show up, but rather dovetails into the most heinous crime ever perpetrated on American soil. A topic Isaac mentioned more than a few times.
The “High Signature”
Date of Isaac’s Death
May 13th is the 133rd day of the year. Within the number “133” are both the numbers 13 & 33, sharing the middle 3. I discovered this a few years ago and have named it the “High Signature” due to the fact that it keeps popping up in public ritual events, especially public ritual murders. I believe this embedding of the number 133 is the signature or sanctioning of the event and has to do with the Freemasons. This is because there are both 13 and 33 degrees within the Masonic orders. 13 for the York Rite, and 33 for the Scottish Rite. When seen together they form a more powerful hermetic signature vibration. Complete unification of the two orders. We saw this most recently in the Nippsy Hussle Murder. For more info on The “High Signature.”
Reconstruction for the Transwestern Bridge
Reconstruction for the Transwestern Bridge (The bridge Isaac fell from) began on August 20th, exactly 100 days after Isaac fell and died from it. On August 20th there are exactly 133 days left in the year. (Much more on this below)
The Number #322 (Skull & Bones)
From the date of Isaac’s death to the following March 30, was 322 days. The number #322 is synonymous with the Skull & Bones society of Yale University. In fact, this organization is also known as The Order, Order 322 & The Brotherhood of Death. This number pops up with extreme regularity in much of the De-Occulting I do. Bush Jr, and John Kerry were both “Bonesmen” of this organization, as well as many other highly successful men in business and politics.
Route 66
Isaac died on Route 66 which is 33 X 2. We see this measurement equation in Baseball as well, for the distance between the bases is exactly 66 feet between each plate when measured from the center of each plate. The Inventor of Baseball is Abner Doubleday, a devout member of the Theosophical Society and Freemason.
Isaac Kappy died on Route 66 and Tom Hanks made reference to this highway in an Instagram post which is still up. (See Tom Hanks) Route 66 is a Masonic creation.
Cyrus Avery, “The Father of Route 66” was born August 31, 1871, became a member of the Masonic Lodge in Tulsa Oklahoma in 1905 wherein he rose to the level of a 32nd° Scottish Rite Freemason. He was also head of the Albert Pike Hwy. Association. Albert Pike was the foremost Freemason in the United States of America at the time and author of the infamous Masonic book morals and dogma.
Avery became the first chairman of the Oklahoma State Highway Commission, served as a leader of the American Association of State Highway Official, and also acted as a consulting highway specialist as the federal government developed a national system of numbered highways. MASONS BUILT ROUTE 66.
Route 66 Length in English miles – 2448 miles.
Route 66 length when converted from English to Scottish miles is – 2171.5765 miles (Cyrus Avery was a Scottish Rite Freemason)
2171.5765 divided by 66 equals 32.90 or 32 9/10 which is the closest one can be to a 33rd° Mason without having the honor being bestowed upon you. Remember one cannot become a 33rd° Mason to their own merit. The 33rd° is an honorary degree only bestowed for meritorious service to craft masonry.
What are the odds that the Scottish measurement of this distance would encode the current Masonic degree the desired degree for 32nd° Freemason Cyrus Avery who is in charge of the project?
What are the odds that right as the Camp Navajo Security guard drives by the time stamp on the video transitions from 07:20:32 to 07:20:33? The same as Cyrus Avery’s Route 66 division.

While any aspiring Mason would hope to transform from a 32nd degree Mason to a 33rd by having the degree bestowed upon them, it would appear the numerical energies being woven into this event play out this very coveted honor. Water is frozen at 32 degrees but is able to move freely at 33.
Route 66 is also I-40 in many parts, but not all, of the current I-40 corridor. In Bellemont, AZ it just so happens to be the same strip of road.
“I” is the 9th letter in the alphabet, ergo: I-40 becomes 9-40. Drop the 0 and we are left with 94. 9+4=13. Once again, York Rite 13.
The Transwestern Bridge
The Transwestern overpass which Isaac Kappy “Forced himself” from, underwent a remodel beginning August 20th, 2019.
This is exactly 100 days after the incident both OVER and directly UNDER the bridge. (As above so below)
This photo was taken on September 18th, 2019

This video was taken September 20th, 2019
Taken from: https://gcmaz.com/adot-to-close-i-40-overnight-next-week-in-bellemont-for-overpass-work/

ADOT To Close I-40 Overnight In Bellemont For Overpass Work
Work is continuing on Interstate-40 in Bellemont. ADOT crews are making improvements on the Bellemont traffic interchange and need to close the interstate under the Bellemont exit overpass starting tonight. Officials say I-40 eastbound will close at the exit from 6 p.m. until 6 a.m. I-40 westbound will be closed at the same time but on Thursday. The Transwestern Road passing over I-40 will also be closed during these times. Traffic on I-40 will exit at Bellemont and use the off and on-ramps to move through the area while the interstate is closed. Drivers who normally use the Bellemont/Transwestern Road interchange can use the I-40 interchanges at Parks and A-1 Mountain Boulevard. The closures are needed so crews can replace steel girders on the overpass.
Another ADOT site has more information however the project looks like it was slated to start much earlier. July 8th.
Taken from https://www.azdot.gov/projects/northcentral-district-projects/i-40-bellemont-bridges
Northcentral District Projects
Interstate 40: Bellemont Bridges

The Arizona Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration are replacing the bridges on Interstate 40 at Exit 185 near the community of Bellemont, approximately 13 miles west of Flagstaff in Coconino County. Crews will remove and replace the upper portion of the existing bridges, widen the on-ramps at this location and repair the pavement on Transwestern Road at the ramp intersections.
The project is scheduled to begin July 8 with completion scheduled for fall 2019………..Continued…….(see link above for full source)
Numerology of the Bridge Closure
100 days is also:

Alternative Time Units
8,640,000 Seconds
It did not escape my attention that 8,640,000 is a solar number.

Isaac was staring straight into the sun moments before his death.
144,000 Minutes
100 Days is also exactly 144,000 minutes.
The number 144,000 has religious significance as it is found in the Book of Revelation, where it appears three times:
- Revelation 14:1:
Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.
Isaac literaly died in the town of Bellemont which means “Beautiful Mountain” at the base of Humpfreys Peak. The tallest mountain in the State of Arizona. Isaac was dressed in all white.
- Revelation 14:3–5:
And they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. For it is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.
2400 Hours
The number twenty-four written in Hebrew letters is “kaf-dalet” – כד. The number twenty-four in Hebrew spells out the word “kad” or pitcher.
כד = Twenty-four = kad = pitcher
The number twenty-four is associated with judgment and severity. In some way, unity is also associated with the number twenty-four.
The Creation of Twenty-four
The first usage of the number twenty-four is at the dedication of the altar in the Mishkan (the Tabernacle in the wilderness):
Bamidbar (Numbers) 7:88 And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace offerings were twenty and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he goats sixty, the lambs of the first year sixty. This was the dedication of the altar, after that it was anointed.
The concept of twenty-four was created in this pasuk. This pasuk teaches us that twenty-four is intimately associated with the altar in the Mishkan.
100 Days
“100”, “10”, or “1” all operate the same in the realm of numerology. They are all “1” numbers OR Creator numbers. the tens, hundreds, thousands, ten-thousandths place, etc are all exponential expressions of this base creative/source energy. And of these numbers are used for their “finishing” or “capping” energetic properties. Just as in the Bible, we find the number 10 used by God whenever he is declaring “COMPLETENESS”. These numbers “SEAL” if you will everything under them and stamp them with Divine Completeness….Eg. The ten commandments. Jesus spoke 10 “I am’s” in John, 10 Patriarchs between Noah and Abraham. In Genesis, we find “God says” 10 times. And on and on.
14 Weeks 2 days
Matthew 14:2 (Another reference to resurrection)
Herod’s Opinion of Jesus.1 At that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the reputation of Jesus 2. and said to his servants, “This man is John the Baptist. He has been raised from the dead; that is why mighty powers are at work in him.”
27% of the Year
- In Freemasonry, the number 27derives its importance from the fact that it is produced by the multiplication of the square of three by three, thus: 3 X 3 X 3 = 27. In fact, most Masons don’t use the number 27 but utter the words “3x3x3” instead.
- For Abellio, it is the number of the Holy Spirit.
- Represent the evolution tending to unify the duality, according to R. Allendy.
- J. Boehme calls this number “the death”.
- According to Alfred Weysen, twenty-seven is a lunar symbol, indicating the light in darkness. It is the symbol of the divine light.
- The number of generations from David to Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew. (Mt 1,1-17)
- The New Testament of the Bible contains 27 books.
- The last book of the New Testament, the 27th, is the Revelation John and his feast is celebrated on December 27.
- Among the 365 different numbers found in the Bible, 27 of them are prime numbers, counting the number one.
As we can see. Quite literally, every single unit of measurement of the number 100 is ritualistically applicable to what happened to Isaac Kappy on that bridge.
Another Masonic Bridge Murder.
Roberto Calvi (13 April 1920 – 17 June 1982) was an Italian banker dubbed “God’s Banker” (Italian: Banchiere di Dio) by the press because of his close association with the Holy See. He was a native of Milan and was Chairman of Banco Ambrosiano which collapsed in one of Italy’s biggest political scandals.
Calvi’s death in London in June 1982 is a source of enduring controversy and was ruled a murder after two coroners’ inquests and an independent investigation. Five people were acquitted of the murder in Rome in June 2007. Claims have been made that the Vatican Bank, the Mafia, and the clandestine Propaganda Due were involved in Calvi’s death.
Ritualistic Similitude
Isaac Kappy ritually positioned

Photograph negative of the Shroud of Turin

Isaac Kappy’s posture while sitting on the bridge is nearly exactly that of Jesus’s on the Shroud of Turin. (Note the hands folded in his lap.) In the video as well as the still shots of Isaac on the bridge, Isaac looks already dead. Just read the comment section of any YouTube video which has posted it. This has been agreed upon by nearly everyone who has seen it, however, the “official” explanation was that Isaac was meditating on the bridge at the time the Camp Navajo Dash Cam recorded his motionless body sitting on the rail of the overpass.
There is no doubt in my mind the position of Isaac’s body is most purposeful and applicable to the ritual being carried out here. Especially seeing that Isaac is dressed in all white, as Jesus would have been.
White Clothing
White has always symbolized purity and innocence above all else. It is synonymous with good and all things pure and has been used since the dawn of time to cloth those who would be sacrificed to the gods. For all gods require pure sacrifices. (Go read the bible)
All white garments have been a staple in ritual and ritual sacrifice since the beginning of time. From ancient Egypt to today’s mainstream churches and secret societies.

YES!!!!!!! I find it an amazing coincidence that Isaac Kappy was dressed in all white for several days leading up to his death. I’d been told that he liked white clothing, but looking through all of his photos he didn’t seem to wear white all that much. And I can’t find any photos of him wearing all white before the days leading up to his death.
This being said, I spoke with Isaac’s mother and she assured me that Isaac wore all white frequently and had several pairs of white pants in his wardrobe.
Mormon White Garments

The Mormon temple garment, or garment of the holy priesthood, is worn under the clothes of adult members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) virtually at all times and they consider it a sacred symbol of their personal commitment to God. The temple garment (popularly referred to as “Mormon underwear”) is specifically meant to not be discussed and to be concealed from anyone who would not understand its religious significance. Even when not wearing it, Mormons are supposed to not let the garment hang in a place where it could be seen by anyone else.
Sounds like ritual to me. And this is not suprising, as the founder of the Mormon Church was IN FACT a Freemason.
Freemasonry White Garments

The Masonic initiation ceremony involved dressing up the initiate in all white and having him reenact the story of Hiram Abiff. He takes secret oaths, swears upon his life then undergoes a mock death wherein he is reborn in the Masonic brotherhood.
Jesus White Garments

Of course, Jesus is almost always portrayed wearing white. This is because he was quite literally “The Sacrifice” to end all sacrifices. He was “The Lamb” etc….
White in ancient Ritual sacrifice

Why do those who perform these horrible acts love their sacrifices dressed in all white? The same reason pedophiles love to strip innocence away from children. It is the ritual of acknowledgment of the purity and innocence of something/someone before it is stripped from them. It is the act of offering to their god/cause/energy their effort in attempting to procure the purest of offerings.
There is also the visual horror that takes place as the pureness of the white becomes soiled with the blood/lifeforce of the sacrificed. This also creates neurostimulation and activates the reptilian portion of the brain triggering, fear, excitability, lust, violence, etc. This is why violence is addictive, and OH YES so it ritualistic murder. It is directly linked to our lowest brain functions of survivability and base needs. Albeit the darker/negative side of that coin.
The following two photos were taken from the Loves security camera in Willimas, AZ on 5/12/2019 between 11:43 – 11:45 pm.

Still image taken from the Camp Navajo Security Patrolman on his way to work, from his private vehicle.

Cropped image (1 of 52) taken on Isaac below the bridge after the incident.

Isaac Kappy, Doris Day, And The Pine Breeze Inn

Another strange alignment of events that fits squarely into the ritual/occult file is the connection between Isaac Kappy, Doris Day, and the Pine Breeze Inn which is located in Bellemont AZ. Know first, that both Isaac Kappy and Doris Day died on May 13, 2020. This isn’t so strange in and of itself. At least not until you bring the Pine Breeze Inn into the mix.
Terry Melcher, the only son of Doris Day, wrote the song “Ballad Of Easy Rider” for the Birds. The song whose title was used to name the infamous 1969 movie “Easy Rider” starring Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper. In 1968, Dennis Wilson, a member of the Beach Boys, introduced Melcher to ex-con and aspiring musician Charles Manson. For a while, Melcher was interested in recording Manson’s music as well as making a film about the family and their hippie commune. Manson eventually auditioned for Melcher, but Melcher declined to sign him. There was some talk of making a documentary about Manson’s music, but Melcher abandoned the project after witnessing Manson become embroiled in a fight with a drunken stuntman at Spahn Ranch. Both Wilson and Melcher soon severed their ties with Manson, a move that angered Manson.
In the Movie “Easy Rider” there is a scene where Wyatt (Fonda) and Billy (Hopper) are traveling along route 66 and attempt to get a room for the night at an old inn with a vacancy sign. This scene was shot in Bellemont, AZ, only about a mile from where Isaac Kappy would die on the same day as the mother of the man who wrote the song for the movie it appeared in and which it was named for.
Now. This in itself is interesting for sure, if not a bit apophenic. But what would you think if I told you that during my interview with Rich Holliday he spoke in detail about a significant connection between Thomas Schoenberger and the Wonderland murders? These were the murders carried out by the Charles Manson Family. Rick informed me that he has spoken to the FBI and the California DA about what he knows about this and other connections to major crimes connected to Thomas Schoenberger. You can see the full interview below.
Lin Wood Tweets About Isaac Kappy’s Death
On the afternoon of January 1, 2021, Lin Wood Tweeted the following:

This is the first time Isaac Kappy’s name has been mentioned by anyone with this degree of connection to Donald Trump. Remember, in Isaac’s final days he mentioned confiding in a “Very good man” and that he had betrayed Trump.
From Isaac’s death to Lin Wood’s tweet it is EXACTLY 600 Days

600 Days is also
600 days (The number of Man)
The number 6 is known as the number of Man because God created Man on the 6th day. This number also factors into the number 36 which is the Sun/Son or Christ number. This is because the magic Sun Square is comprised of 1-36. Most Christians do not understand the esoterism behind the allegories and numerology found in their bible, but the number 666 is directly related to Jesus Christ. It was the Catholic church who taught otherwise and sequestered this knowledge away from the masses.


864,000 minutes (the number of the sun)
864,000 is the diameter of the Sun and is associated with Jesus Christ at the roots of Christianity.

Jesus (27) X
Christ (32) = 864
14,400 hours (The number of God’s hand)
The number 144 is synonymous with God and higher mathematics as well.
- There were 144,000 casing stones that originally covered the Great Pyramid.
- 1/14400 is a Critical Ratio. 144 has an additional link to The Great Pyramid, by way of the ratio between the arc length distance up from the equator to the pyramid, and the side length of the structure:
Latitude Arc – (equator to pyramid at 29:58:51 N) = 10885789.794 feet
Base side length of pyramid = 755.961873 feet
10885789.794 / 755.961873 = 14399.91906
The value here is almost exactly 14400, which is indeed 144000 divided by 10.
- “And I heard the number of those who were sealed: one hundred forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the children of Israel” (Revelation 7:2 – 4
- And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father�s name written in their foreheads. (Revelation 14-1)
- The Mayan Long Count calendar is precisely 144000 days.
- The number 144 is the 12th number in the Fibonacci sequence. 13th if you start from “0”.
1 year, 7 months, 20 days (In numerology 1720)
Here we se the numbers 17 & 20. Interesting that the number 17 have marked the Trump administration from the beginning. Of course, the letter Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet as well. And at the time of this posting from Lin Wood it was 20 days till Inauguration Day.