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De-Occulting 2020 SNL Cold Opening – Baldwin/Carrey Intelligence Connections

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Although millions of people saw the original cold opening live broadcast of S1 E1 of SNL, nobody could have imagined that what there were witnessing was actually a script for the next four years of American politics.

On October 3rd, 2020, as the presidential run was coming to a close, SNL kicked off their 46th season with a mock-debate of the Trump-Biden debate that occurred 4 days prior.

In this skit, Trump is played by Alec Baldwin while Biden is played by Jim Carrey. Kamala Harris also appears near the end of the skit, played by Maya Rudolph.

While Alec Baldwin would go on to shoot and kill Halyna Hutchins on Oct, 21, 2021 with a .45 caliber pistol on the set of the movie Rust, he will go on to be acquitted and continue his Hollywood career. Jim Carrey will announce in April 2022, that he is considering retirement from the film industry, explaining, “I have enough. I’ve done enough. I am enough.” When asked if he would ever come back, his response was, “It depends. If the angels bring some sort of script that’s written in gold ink that says to me that it’s going to be really important for people to see, I might continue down the road, but I’m taking a break.”

Alec Baldwin’s final appearance as Trump was on November 7, 2020.

Jim Carrey’s final appearance as Joe Biden was on November 7, 2020.

(It’s probably just a coincidence, but the width to height ratio of the Great Pyramid of Cheops is a 11/7 ratio.)

It would appear they both quit at the same time.

After viewing this De-Occulting you may get an idea of what Carrey could have meant when he said “Really Important For People to See” that brought him back out of retirement before his official return in February of 2024, where he would reprise his role as Dr. Robotnik in Sonic the Hedgehog.

The SNL First Debate Cold Open

Video Timeline

:55 – “You did take the COVID test, you promised to take in advance?” (The Biden administration ramped up the mandatory COVID testing in 2021.)

:59 – Baldwin makes Mudra / modified Satanic hand sign. (This appears to be a modified satanic hand gesture with the fingers crossed signaling the breaking of a promise. Insinuating that Trump is a secretly a Satanist.)


1:23 – Carrey fires eight shots with his hand/finger gun. (There were 8 shots fired at Trump on July 13th 2024, during Trumps assassination attempt.)

1:37 – Carrey measures stage for COVID safe distance. (This is most certainly in reference to the Trump being diagnosed with COVID a few days after the real debate.)

1:56 – Carrey “I got the beginning of 46 thoughts. (Biden ended up becoming the 46th POTUS after the 2020 stolen election.) 

1:56 – I’m holding my bladder, lets git at er.” (An obvious foreshadowing of Biden’s rapid aging and lack of bladder and bowel control.)

5:57 – Baldwin pulls a pair of pink panties out of his jacket pocket and says “It’s the same with masks, I’ve have my mask right here in my pocket OK, My mask…But Joe wears the biggest mask I’ve ever seen and he’s standing like 200 feet away from everybody, ohhhohhh.” (I believe this is a direct reference to the laid out plans of Jim Carrey donning a Joe Biden mask and pulling off the greatest acting gig of his life. Remember, they always tell you what they are planning to do.) 

6:16 – Carrey says “Look man, I’m a nice guy, but if you give me any more guff tonight, I’ll Rip your face off like a mad chimp.” (This could be one or several meaning. 1. Trump would have been shot in the face and had it “ripped off” had he not of turned his head at the last second on July 12, during the assassination attempt. 2. I believe it also speak to the pulling off a literal mask. 3. It could refer to Baldwin’s or Trump’s figurative mask that hides their true identity. There is no doubt that all the elites have what is the equivalent of “mutually assured destruction” intel on one another. Most of it surely centering on Pedophilia and darker sexual proclivities.)

6:34 – Carrey says “Stop it Joe Stop it, God, Ya can’t lose your cool just cuz this joker’s raisin’ little monkey dust.” (Monkey dust could refer to 1 of 3 things. 1. Synthetic Cathinone Drug, also known as MDPV (Methylenedioxypyrovalerone), or “bath salts.” Snorted, swallowed, or injected it has been linked to violent behavior, cannibalism and superhuman strength. OR 2. The  (2003-2005) British TV series. known for its dark, twisted, and offensive humor, primarily handling topics such as bestiality, murder, suicide and pedophilia. This surely refers to the Epstein, kid sniffing, sexual assult and rape accusations, that both candidates and most of D.C. is currently compromised with. ) 3. Monkey Pox. There was an initial Monkey Pox scare in early May of 2022, in Europe and the Americas, and on Aug 14, 2024 Tedros of the WHO declared Monkey Pox a new global emergency.


6:42 – Carrey says “The country’s countin’ on ya to just going to stand here and look lucid.” (Foreshadowing Biden’s cognitive decline as a primary event that will define his presidency. However, I believe he is telling us exactly how he intends to act while wearing the Biden mask while playing Joe Biden and how the other actors will play him when they take to the stages and debates in the future. Remember, the plan is to pull Biden and install Kamala at the last minute.)

8:04 – Carrey says “I don’t want to be dictated to, and I’m not going to be distracted anymore by this clown tonight. Okay? I’m defiantly going to concentrate…I’m going to try and keep my cool”… Baldwin points a laser pointer at Carrey and he reacts and acts like a cat. (On April 23, 2023 Biden launched his 2024 campaign with the dark Brandon meme, wherein Biden appears with in a photo smiling with red laser eyes. This was in response to the right wing meme machine putting red laser eyes on Joe Biden, which was a spill over from the Dark MAGE memes wherein Trump got blue laser eyes.)

9:14 – Maya says “I don’t care who started it, I don’t even care who Sharted it.” (Foreshadowing Biden’s incontinence wherein he soiled his pants while in public on several occasions. You can also see just before this, the Kamala Harris character talking down to Joe, signaling her authority over him. She is also authoritating over Baldwin as well, forcing him to apologize for being mean to Carrey, much like a mother scolding two children.)

9:24 – Maya says “We need a WAP, a Woman as President, but right now I’ll settle for HVPIC Hot Vice President In Charge.” (Foreshadowing the DNC propping up and preparing Kamala for the presidency after the pulled Biden out of the running for the 2024 race.)

10:40 – Baldwin says, in regards to denouncing white supremacy “I certainly wouldn’t even know how to signal them if I tried.” At this point he makes the white supremacy hand signals with both hands. (This is another foreshadow of an event to come later in the very month this was broadcast live. On Oct, 23, 2020, 20 days after this mock debate aired, a man standing behind Trump flashed the OK/white supremacy sign several times live on air. It’s my opinion that this man was most certainly an agent provocateur.)

11:09 – Carrey turns Baldwin off with a remote control. ( I believe this could be in reference to Joe Biden’s use of the Judicial system to use gag orders to silence Trump during much of the ongoing trials Trump is being prosecuted with.)

From Business Insider –

“A New York judge banned Donald Trump from posting any evidence on social media in his ongoing “hush-money” case after prosecutors accused the former president of having a history of targeting witnesses. State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan fulfilled prosecutors’ request this week in issuing a social media gag order on the former president, who is facing criminal charges stemming from allegations he oversaw hush-money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels.”

11:44 – Carrey says, “Now Chris, could I speak directly to the American people? Wallace says “Is it going to be weird? To which Carrey says “Totally” (Foreshadowing the “Weird” astroturfing the Kamala Campaign rolled out in response to Trump announcing J.D. Vance as his VP.)

Baldwin/Carrey Intelligence Connections

Alec Baldwin / Halyna Hutchin Rust Shooting Incident

From Wikipedia (Our National Grimoire)

On October 21, 2021, at the Bonanza Creek Ranch in Bonanza City, New Mexico, cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was fatally shot and director Joel Souza was injured on the set of the film Rust when actor Alec Baldwin discharged a live round from a revolver he was using as a prop.

The incident was investigated by the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office, the New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney, the New Mexico Occupational Health and Safety Bureau, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In an affidavit, the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office stated that neither Baldwin nor first assistant director David Halls knew that the gun in question was loaded.

Now, that’s the official narrative. But we’re going to dig a little deeper.

Anatoly Androsovych (Halyna’s Father)

Halyna Hutchin’s father, Anatoly Androsovych not only served in the Soviet Navy, he served as a top nuclear submarine commander based out of Murmansk, Russia. Murmansk is the Russian nuclear submarine headquarters.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Anatoly went on to teach at a university out of Kiev. about this time, Halyna began focusing her education on journalism.

Helena Hutchins

From Wikipedia (Our National Grimoire)

Hutchins was born on April 9, 1979, in Gorodets, Ukrainian SSR. She grew up in the Russian city of Murmansk, on a Soviet military base in the Arctic. There, her father served in the Soviet Navy. She called herself an “army brat”. According to film historian Jim Hemphill, she first became interested in film while living at the military base. She attended National Agricultural University and then Kyiv National University, first studying economics before changing her study to journalism. Hutchins graduated with a degree in international journalism and worked on documentary films as an investigative journalist in Eastern Europe. She met her husband Matthew, who is American, while in the US. They had a son, Andros. Though living in the US, she maintained her Ukrainian citizenship, remained proud of her heritage and often returned to visit.

The Rest of the Story

About the time Halyna’s father became a professor in Kiev, Halyna was in school. In the late 90’s she took an interest in, and began working in the field of journalism. Now, I know it’s more than a little cynical, but at this point it should be clear to any learned person that the terms journalist and intelligence operative are basically interchangeable. Allow me to prove my point.

It was at this point that Halyna began to work as an investigative reporter for Will Stewart. At this time Will Stewart was working for MI6 as an anti-Russian propagandist at the Daily Mail. Will Stewart is the Daily Mail’s top “Red Top” man in Moscow.

Will Stewart worked directly with MI6 as an anti-Russian propagandist for the British, whose job it was to turn out hundreds of salacious stories a week. Stories usually about sex, sex slaves, affairs, woman cannibalized by men, soldiers eating babies, etc. Imagine the worst. These stories would circulate through Europe regularly, sometimes making it to the U.S. papers.

You can check out Will Stewart’s current work here, where he is still cranking out anti Russian propaganda for the UK. At the time of this writing, if you take a look at that link you will see he’s still touting that the Russians are losing the war and that Ukraine has the upper hand. Perhaps he didn’t get the memo that nearly the entire adult population of fighting age men in the Ukraine have been killed, the U.S. is pulling financial and military support, and the failed “actor” Zaleski is begging Putin for peace negotiations. He covers other material too.




Will Stewart’s article Headlines

This is the man Halyna Hutchins worked for just out of Journalism school. To be more specific. Halyna was Stewart’s girl in Kiev and Moscow coming up with the anti-Russian propaganda.

Shortly after this Halyna is funneled in to the documentary department as the BBC, where she work for Richard Denton, a pro-Soviet documentary maker, best known for his BBC documentary series, Comrades (1984/5). Here, Halyna worked for Denton at his company, Wild Pictures, a virulently anti-Russian, anti-Putin, pro Soviet British organization working for MI6 at the BBC. Again, state sponsored propaganda. What’s more, we can see that Halyna had been moved up this chain of propaganda command straight to what is the British equivalent to the American CIA. As a side note. Do you think American journalism works any differently? Are you starting to understand why all the MSM outlets seem to be left-wing promoters of communism, regardless of what country you are in?

In short, Halyna was working for the MI6 anti-Putin, anti-Russian propaganda department.

Around 2005 Halyna marries Matthew Hutchins.

Around 2008/9 Halyna immigrates to the U.S. where she attends UCLA film school.

Rumors of a Human Sex Trafficking Documentary

Remember the rumors about Halyna having been murdered because she was working on a human trafficking / Pedophilia documentary? If you will recall, we heard these same rumors about Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, Chris Cornell, Charles Bennington and Avicci. I suppose we can throw Isaac Kappy into this mix as well. While Isaac wasn’t working on a documentary, he was most certainly the most vocal and sometimes outlandish celebratory on social media at the time concerning the topic of outing Pedophilia and human trafficking in both Hollywood and Washington D.C.

At the mention of this, Snopes and Politifact were both quick to denounce this as “FALSE”. It almost seemed as if they were waiting for it to break so they could denounce it. But if you will recall from above, Halyna not only worked on, but GENERATED many stories about human sex trafficking, sex scandals’, sex slavery, sex abuse, etc, when she was working back in the Ukraine for MI6, I mean Richard Denton. THIS IS WHAT SHE LITERALLY DID FOR A LIVING UNTIL SHE IMMIGRATED TO THE U.S. 

Politifact even pointed out that the “false story” was originally posted on an internet prank site/false news generator. At this point, there is no doubt in my mind that not only are these stories seeded on these websites only to have them bloom into controlled narratives later, but that these sites are themselves products of the intelligence communities.  

Matthew Hutchins

Halyna’s husband Matthew has an equally interesting trajectory.

Matthew was groomed for a life of law from a very young age. After primary education he became a teacher at the International House between 2005-2006, which must have been the springboard that got him into Harvard Law School.

Whereas you can read the official about page for the International House on any of their websites. Here’s one example from Ihouse-NYC. Those in the know will tell you that the International House is a Rockefeller creation started in 1925 that aggregates young future world leaders, these kids meet and become unofficial spooks, spies, and global deep-state cogs. Some going into the intelligence agencies while others entering corporate America.

Now the normies will hear this and roll their eyes while immediately dismissing you as a conspiracy theorist, however they don’t realize that deep-state spooks and global operatives actually operate in their chosen fields and live their lives much like everyone else. These are the movers and shakers who run the banks, and become our national leaders. There are International Houses at Berkley, University of Chicago, Georgetown. These “houses” source prospective talent and move them up the ladder in a controlled system that facilitates their collective goals. Matthew Hutchins is a product of this machine. Now you know.

From the International House Matthew attended Harvard University. At Harvard, Matthew clerks for a Hon. Allan L. Gropper, a bankruptcy judge and eventually winds up at Kirkland Ellis working over seas in the Ukraine in mergers and accusations. This, at a time when the Ukraine is falling apart at the seams. Matthew would go on shortly to work for 3 of the 10 largest corporate law firms in the world including Skadden Arps and  Kirkland and Ellis, to Latham and Watkins. He would also work for ErosSTX (an entertainment company) as legal council. He would then become general counsel for IJW Whiskey Company and finally end up at Latham & Watkins. This is unheard of in corporate law. It just isn’t done, UNLESS, one either has some well connected clientele, has a handful of well paying clientele, OR, he/she is sponsored. It is the strangest career trajectory one could ever imagine.

Now… there was one interesting client at Kirkland and Ellis at the same time Matthew was also there (2015-2017), who went by the name of Jeffery Epstein. You don’t need me to tell you why he had attorneys at that time.

Another attorney who was also working at Kirkland and Ellis during that same time, before becoming attorney general under Donald Trump, was William Bar. On July 8, 2019, Barr would announce his recusal from the Justice Department’s review of the 2008 federal prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein, and two days later, on August 10, 2019, Epstein would be found dead in his jail cell at MCC. Barr later announced that Justice Department officials were investigating “serious irregularities” at the Metropolitan Correctional Center. Let us also not forget that it was William Barr’s father, Donald Barr, is also the one who hired Jeffery Epstein to be a teacher at Harvard, without any teaching credentials, mine you, and soon after wrote the book “Space Relations.”

Yet another attorney who was also at Kirkland & Ellis was John Bolton, who if you’ll remember was involved in the “Trump-Ukraine scandal” wherein Bolton wrote in his book that Trump had told him in August 2019 that he wanted to continue freezing the Ukraine aid until officials there pursued investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens. Bolton refused to attend his scheduled deposition in the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump on November 7, 2019, and threatened to take legal action if he was subpoenaed. Yet, later announced that he would testify during the Senate impeachment trial should he be issued a subpoena to do so

AND yet another attorney who was also at Kirkland & Ellis at the same time as Matthew Hutchins was, was Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh also taught full-term courses on separation of powers at Harvard Law School from 2008 to 2015, this is the same time Matthew Hutchins was there. Kavanaugh would later go on to being accused of rape by Christine Blasey Ford. Understand Dr. Blasey-Ford is a suspected CIA operative, as her father Ralph G Blasey Jr has been a life-long CIA Operative and Involved in CIA Black Ops Budgets and “Deep State” Security.  His entire CIA & Deep State past spans 40+ years, he has been personally involved with the very top DC elites – including John Brennan, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Susan Rice, etc, Christine Blasey’s specific placement was due to her extensive and advanced educational training at Stanford, in the CIA-funded mind control-brainwashing techniques developed by Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges. 

These are just some of Matthew Hutchins has been rubbing elbows with his entire life. I can’t imagine who else is on this list.

One more thing about Matthew Hutchins. (From Wikipedia) In October 2022, the Hutchins family settled the lawsuit with Alec Baldwin, with filming set to resume in January 2023 in California, with Matthew Hutchins, Halyna’s husband, as an executive producer. On Jan 18, filming was again delayed after Baldwin was charged with involuntary manslaughter by the State of NM. Filming resumed on April 20,2023 the same day that prosecutors informed Baldwin that the charges against him were being dropped.

Let me get this straight. Halyna Hutchins, who is most likely a spy for someone gets shot by what appears to be an Hollywood embedded intelligence asset and while he is still being charged by the State of NM for manslaughter her husband becomes executive producer of said film after burying his wife?

What is Wrong With This Picture? 

The Wrap-Up

South Carolina born Matt Hutchins begins teaching at the International House in 2005, while simultaneously traveling to Ukraine to assist in the corporate pilfering what is left of the collapsing Ukraine for U.S. intelligence agencies who have embedded themselves within top international corporate law firms, at a time when the EU and NATO are attempting to pull them into the European Union as a strategy to checkmate Russia. While in Ukraine, he meets and marries one Halyna Androsovych, soon to be Halyna Hutchins, the daughter of a Soviet nuclear submarine Captain, and one of the top Soviet naval officers of the cold war era, and at the time, a college professor. Halyna, having been born and raised on a Soviet military base in the Arctic circle where she went to school and majored in journalism, immediately apprenticing for Will Stewart who at the time was, and still is working for MI6 as an anti-Russian propagandist at the Daily Mail as the Mail’s “Red Top” man in Moscow where her job is to fabricate salacious propaganda against Russia. She is next handed off to Richard Denton, a pro-Soviet documentary maker and anti-Russian, anti-Putin, pro Soviet British organization working for MI6 at the BBC. It was at this time she meets Matthew Hutchins and immigrates to the U.S. where she attends UCLA film school, taking part in several projects/films and graduates in 2010 from the UCLA TFT Professional Program in Producing. She then studies at and graduates from the American Film Institute Conservatory. During this time, her husband hops around from top international law firm to top international law firm engaging in mergers and acquisitions as well as corporate entertainment council? In 2018, Halyna participates in the Fox DP Lab program, which was established to provide greater opportunities for women cinematographers. and in 2019, was named one of the “10 up-and-coming directors of photography who are making their mark.” In Mar of 2021 Matthew signs on with and begins rubbing elbows with some pretty powerful cats at Latham &Watkins and Halyna soon takes a job on a low budget film wherein she is soon shot in the chest, point blank with a .45 caliber revolver by a U.S. government propagandist who has spent the past few years involved in anti Trump dissemination on behalf of the entertainment industrial complex. A propagandist who’s criminal case has now been fully dismissed. The media mentions NOTHING about Halyna’s career in anti Russian propaganda, nor the obvious resonance with the intelligence infiltration of American film acting, but instead immediately introduces more anti-firearm legislation while the U.S. begins a war with Russia using the Ukraine as a proxy. And the beat goes on.

I’m going to go one step further and put forth the following. This is posted on Halyna’s Wikipedia page –

In 2018, she was one of the first eight female cinematographers participating in the Fox DP Lab program, which was established to provide greater opportunities for women cinematographers. In 2019, she was named one of the “10 up-and-coming directors of photography who are making their mark” by American Cinematographer.

While it should be plausible in the very least to most people by now, it is obvious to me that Halyna Hutchins was groomed at a very young age to be an intelligence agent for Russia. He father being who he was, her early journalism trajectory, and chance meeting and marriage with Matthew Hutchins, International House / Spookville project and international corporate mergers and accusations attorney, assisting in the collapse of the Ukraine. She then comes the U.S. and immediately enters Hollywood where she is propelled upwards into the Hollywood/Langley Entertainment Industrial Complex, and at the time of her death, titled with being one of the top 10 up and coming American Cinematographers. Ergo, she was being worked into the upper ranks of the Hollywood machine most certainly to crank out propaganda for either U.S. or other intelligence agencies.

Does anyone think, for even a second, that the death of Halyna Hutchins was an accident? Does anyone think for a second that Alec Baldwin had no idea of who Halyna Hutchins was? Does anyone think that Baldwin hasn’t been protected from his actions? And does anyone not think that Halyna Hutchins was most certainly an embedded and engaged international intelligence asset of some kind?


Oh, And There’s This

From Jeffery Epstein’s Black Book: Page 4.

You can verify for yourself here on

Halyna Hutchins Numerology

The High Signature and its Reverse

First things first. As my readers will know. The “High Signature” or the number 133 to be the adopted vibrational catalyst chosen by and interwoven into nearly every publicly executed magickal ritual carried out by the elite. As stated in the stand-alone article dedicated to this phenomenon, I believe the “High Signature” is used to not only telegraph and claim a public magickal action but to be the adopted “seal” used to officially sanction the event itself.

This number can be found interlaced everywhere from the political theater we experienced during the Trump administration to the murder of Isaac Kappy, Nippsy HussIe, and Steve bing, to the Atlanta day spa shootings, Nashville Christmas bombing, and the murder of Jeffry Epstein. have found this number incorporated into nearly every public ritual event wherein someone famous has died or an orchestrated public trama inducing operation, but also to a lesser degree foundationally such as in the number of titles King Charles officially claims.

It didn’t take too long to find the “High Signature” here and you will see it interlaced throughout this De-Occulting.

Halyna Hutchins

Halyna Hutchins death occurred on October 21, 2021, or 10 – 21 – 21 or (1+0)-(2+1)-(2+1) or


As an occultist, the date of her death alone tells me that something more than an accident occurred in the death of Halyna Hutchins. Add this to the numerology, energetic date alignment, moon phase, and the fact that Halyna’s husband is a lawyer involved in the recent Hillary Clinton-connected Durham indictment, and well… You have what appears to be a Hollywood assisted ritual murder/sacrifice
Shot by a Colt .45 Peacemaker

According to preliminary reports, the firearm Alec Baldwin used to shoot Halyna with was a Colt .45 Peacemaker. This firearm was a period piece from the 1880s.

What is extremely interesting as well is that every publication and news outlet covering this story didn’t fail to bring up the deaths of actors Brandon Bruce Lee and Jon-Erik Hexum in conjunction with Hutchins death. Why do you think that is? I’ll tell you why. It’s part of the ritual. Check it out…

Brandon Bruce Lee

Brandon Bruce Lee was pronounced dead at 1:03 pm (13) March 31, 1993, or 3 – 31 or


OR #133 mirrored.

Brandon also happened to die during the 13th week of the year.

Shot By a .44 Magnum

Lee was shot by Michael Massee with a Smith & Wesson Model 629 .44 Magnum. The firearm actually had a “Squib” or a stuck lodged bullet in the barrel from a previous shot and even though the firearm was loaded with only blanks, the charge from the blank in conjunction with the lodged bullet in the barrel performed exactly as a regular cartridge would have and fired the bullet, killing Lee.

Jon-Erik Hexum

Jon-Erik Hixum died on October 18, 1984. This happened to be the very middle of the 42nd week of the year. This is the same as

Shot By a .44 Magnum

(From Wikipedia)

On October 12, 1984, the cast and crew of Cover Up were filming the seventh episode of the series, “Golden Opportunity”, on Stage 18 of the 20th Century Fox lot. One of the scenes filmed that day called for Hexum’s character to load bullets into a .44 Magnum handgun, so he was provided with a functional gun and blanks. When the scene did not play as the director wanted it to in the master shot, there was a delay in filming. Hexum became restless and impatient during the delay and began playing around to lighten the mood. He had unloaded all but one (blank) round, spun it, and—simulating Russian roulette—he put the revolver to his right temple and pulled the trigger. The hammer fell down upon the one chamber with a blank cartridge and fired. Although only a blank, the blast from the muzzle at point-blank range sent a quarter-sized piece of his skull deep into his brain.

Only 3 people have ever died in the Hollywood film industry due to being shot by a “Gun/prop gun.” The first two, Hexum & Brandon died by .44 Magnum revolver. And the third, Halyna from a .45 Colt.

44 + 44 + 45 = 133 / The High Signature


Jim Carrey & The Mask

The Mask (1994)

Staring Jim Carrey, The Mask is a 1994 American superhero comedy film directed by Chuck Russell and produced by Bob Engelman from a screenplay by Mike Werb and a story by Michael Fallon and Mark Verheiden. It is the first film in the Mask franchise, based on the comic book series of the same name by Mike Richardson, published by Dark Horse Comics.


Thanks to Sonic Alchemy for this next find.

Did you know that this comic book series had a paperback spin-off?

Now, this book was published June 9, 2020, which is during the on goings of all these strange political shenanigans’, so it could be that the author(s) were rifting off of reality and simply rolling with it. However, it does bring to the surface the art imitating life and visa-versa chicken and egg conundrum.

Here are the details on the “The Mask: I pledge allegiance to the mask”

“Make America Green Again”

Tucker Carlson Believes Biden Has a Body Double

Is There a Person/Actor Wearing a Mask and Playing Joe Biden in Real Life?






Lets Take a look at Jim Carrey’s Instagram Post from July 31, 2024


What could this possible mean? An eccentric lonely heartbroken actor looking for some sympathy and attention? Perhaps it means this.



Key Dates

SNL debate air date Oct 3, 2020

Trump Shooting       July 13, 2024

Jim Carrey IG Post   July 31, 2024

??Mystery Date??     Sept 1 or 2, 2024

Election Day 2024    Nov 5, 2024


Numerical Resonance

Oct 3, 2020 to July 13 2024 = 1380 Days

Oct 3, 2020 to Sept 2, 2024 = 47 Months

July 31, 2024 to Sept 1, 2024 = 33 Days

Sept 1, 2024 to Nov 5, 2024 = 66 Days

Sept 1, 2024 to Oct 3, 2024 = 33 Days

Biblical & Occulted Resonance

#33 – Jesus lived for 33 years / Most revered number in the occult

#66 – 66 Books in the Bible KJV / With 66 geostationary satellites, it is possible to retrace and localize any point on Earth. / 66′ Height of the Sphinx

#47 – 47th President is up for grabs / 47th law of Euclid / THE Masonic #, degree of the Compass in the C&S


Event being laid out in the American theater have been scripted and are playing out as planned. They are unfolding along the lines of Christian mysticism or Occulted Christian sciences/Kabbalah.

Jim Carrey is most likely the person inside the Biden mask throughout the past 3.5 years.

Joe Biden is 6′ tall / Jim Carrey is 6’1″ tall – Close enough to pass

Joe Biden has Blue eyes / Jim Carrey has Brown – Many people and sources have reported throughout the years that Biden’s eyes were brown and not blue after appearances.

Current Biden has both attached and unattached earlobes in 2024, while photos of him when he was younger show them as unattached.

Here’s a great question. Why did SNL replace Jim Carrey?

So, the above article states that critiques noted that Carrey, as Biden, had an odd habit of making guns with his fingers.” It would seem that the producers at SNL weren’t to keen on that. But, why not just ask Carrey not to make those gestures? Or perhaps they did. OR, perhaps it was Carrey and Baldwin’s job to go out and signal what was about to transpire in the next 4 years and SNL really had no clue about any of it. OR perhaps SNL, or at least a few in the know, did know about Carrey and Baldwin’s skit and facilitated it to completion and then replaced Jim with the next Biden. Here’s the Tweet from Carrey stating that he’s stepping down from playing Biden on SNL. Unfortunately the original Tweet no longer exists as Carrey has since deleted his Twitter account.

Though my term was only meant to be 6 weeks, I was thrilled to be elected as your SNL President…comedy’s highest call of duty. I would love to go forward knowing that Biden was the victor because I nailed that shit. But I am just one in a long line of proud, fighting SNL Bidens!

— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) December 19, 2020

SNL responded in a Tweet

“Thank you to Jim Carrey for showing up when it mattered.”

For those in the know, this Tweet could be read a different way. Meaning, “Thank you Jim for showing up to the National stage, donning the mask and acting the part of Joe Biden when it mattered.”

Do I think everyone at SNL is in on what is going on? Not hardly. Just those who knew what Jim was doing while playing the part of Biden and allowing him to step down to perform the ultimate acting gig. And then there’s this.

Jim Carrey Permanently Banned from Russia During the Ukraine Invasion

Did you know that in November of 2022, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs permanently banned 100 Canadians including Carrey from entering Russia as a reciprocity for the international sanctions that had been introduced due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While Russia’s official reason was that Carrey was one of the many high profile celebrities’ who spoke out against Russia’s response to NATO aggression, I shall speculate here that perhaps Russia intelligence knows about Jim Carrey’s role as playing Joe Biden under the mask.

On April 22, 2022 Jim Carrey posted this to Twitter

In Daniel Roher’s doc ‘Navalny,’ one brave man and his family stand up against intolerable evil. Navalny himself exposes Czar Putin and his soulless minions in their fiendish conspiracy to poison him, suppress the truth and intimidate the Russian people.

— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) April 22, 2022

Along with Carrey several other Hollywood A-listers were also banned from Russia including, Sean Penn, Ben Stiller and Amy Knight. Canadian poet and writer Margaret Atwood was also banned. This list was expanded the following year as the war escalated.

Russia bans 100 Canadians including author Margaret Atwood and actor Jim Carrey

This comes as new sanctions from Canada were announced against 23 Russians for allegedly violating the human rights of opposition leaders.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s Foreign Ministry announced Monday that 100 Canadians have been added to the list of people banned from entering the country in response to sanctions against Russia by Canada. A ministry statement said author Margaret Atwood, actor Jim Carrey and Amy Knight, a noted historian of the KGB, were on the banned list. The ministry said they and the other 97, many of whom are connected to ethnic Ukrainian organizations, were banned because of involvement in “formation of (Canada’s) aggressively anti-Russian course.”
Meanwhile, the G20 summit is underway. Canada’s stance on Russia is at odds with some other G20 states, which want to maintain ties in spite of the invasion of Ukraine. In recent months, China, India and South Africa have abstained from United Nations resolutions condemning Russia.“My focus is going to be making sure that the world comes together to reinforce that (Russian President Vladimir) Putin made a terrible, terrible choice when he decided to invade a peaceful neighboring country,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Sunday.As the summit host, Indonesia has asked leaders to focus on shoring up health systems and boosting food and energy security, and has stressed the importance of focusing on consensus instead of division.Indonesia has reportedly asked G20 countries who have been vocal against Russian President Vladimir Putin to tone down the rhetoric in order to forge consensus on other issues.“Indonesia is between a rock and a hard place,” Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly said.“Canada’s work is to always make sure that we can bring countries along; that we can find ways to address even difficult issues, and that’s why we’ve been having many ongoing conversations with Indonesia.”Original Article here.

The ministry said they and the other 97, many of whom are connected to ethnic Ukrainian organizations, were banned because of involvement in “formation of (Canada’s) aggressively anti-Russian course.”

Isn’t this EXACTLY what Halyna Hutchins was doing while working for Will Stewart and Richard Denton? So let me get this straight. Jim Carrey was banned permanently out of Russia for engaging in the same behavior that Halyna Hutchins was doing while she was living in Ukraine, generating propaganda for MI6?

Is Jim Carrey an intelligence asset?

How does one explain Carrey’s strange behavior over the past few years?

Is the Russian brass aware of exactly who and what Jim Carrey is?

Is Carrey a 2nd or 3rd generation MK project of some kind?

Or, is Jim Carrey just on his own groove, bored and looking to become the ULTIMATE ACTOR of all time? To perform an acting gig that transcends the profession and breaks the glass ceiling of the acting craft?

Here in 2016 Carrey is signaling that it’s all meaningless anyway. He is mocking everyone in the room while participating in being mocked. Quite brilliant actually.

Again, Carrey using comedy to “Mask” the whistleblowing?

Carry is seen here, completely disillusioned with Hollywood and what it is. Does he know how Hollywood really works? Is he aware that Hollywood is in fact the Industrial Entertainment Complex wing of U.S. intelligence? I believe he does.

Dawn 103.5 FM –

103.5 Dawn FM is the fifth studio album of Canadian singer-songwriter the Weeknd. It was released on Jan 7, 2022. The album features narration by Jim Carrey. At the end of the official video for the track Out of Time, Carrey makes an appearance wherein he is a doctor of some kind, performing some sort of experiment on a person who is laying on a table. In the short scene. Carry picks up and places a mask over the face of the patient/victim. The final shot is seen from the point of view of the victim.


“Jim Carrey doesn’t exist”

-Jim Carrey


List of Known Celebrity & Hollywood Spies

Many well-knows Hollywood actors were actually spies in real life, including –

  • Frank Sinatra – Mafia
  • Errol Flynn
  • Cary Grant – British Govt
  • Marlene Dietrich – OSS
  • Orson Welles
  • Paul Henreid
  • Sterling Hayden
  • Marlin Monroe
  • Ian Flemming
  • Julia Child
  • Harry Houdini – U.S.
  • Josephine Baker
  • Moe Berg – OSS
  • Roald Dahl – U.S.
  • Lucky Luciano – U.S.
  • Noel Coward
  • Robert Baden
  • W. Somerset Maugham
  • Christopher Marlow – Queen Elizabeth
  • Greta Garbo
  • Walt Disney – FBI
  • John Wayne – OSS


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