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Trump’s Inauguration (Follow-up)

“Because the freedoms we enjoy are not granted in perpetuity, but must be reclaimed by each generation.”

-Rabbi Marvin Hier

It is the afternoon of January 20th, 2017 here in the United States of America. Just moments ago I sat glued to my computer screen as not only the United States, but the whole world shifted into a new paradigm. Regardless of your personal politics, there can be no denying that President-Elect Donald Trump taking the oath of office and assuming control of the strongest military and economic machine on Earth has reverberated across the globe. This election was not just another changing of the guards in our nation’s history but unrepresented on multiple levels and in a time of flux and change which the world has never lived through before.

The atomic clock in Denver

However, unlike many others, I sat with my Garmin Fenix 3 wrist-watch in hand as the Inauguration ceremony was about to kick off. Why my Garmin Fenix 3 watch you may ask? Because it is synced to atomic time. This watch, like internet time, is connected to the atomic clock via the ongoing radio controlled updates. What this means is that the time on my Garmin represents true time as it relates to the rotation of the planet. This also means it is an extremely accurate tool when noting solar and astrological events.

I wrote an article only a few weeks ago about the timing of the U.S. Inauguration ritual and its connection to Isis and Jewish mysticism. My research was solid on that article and to date, I believe it to be one of my best pieces of research and writing from an academic standpoint. I knew without a doubt that the Inauguration Ritual began at solar noon on the 20th day, exactly 19.5 days into the new year. What I didn’t realize was exactly how exact this timing would be.

As the Mormon Choir was signaled to beginning singing “America the Beautiful” I was thinking they were just going to ballpark the timing of the ritual, but to my amazement, the choir wrapped up 30 seconds before solar noon. As I watched the second hand on my Garmin tick ever closer to noon Chief Justice John G Roberts Jr. was introduced to administer the presidential oath of office.

Just at the end of that introduction, the second hand of my watch moved to solar noon while simultaneously Donald J Trump, the first family, and Chief Justice Roberts took their first step onto the stage/altar. By their second step, second hand clicked over to noon plus 1 second. I sat in amazement that this ritual was literally planned out down to the exact second. THIS TRULY IS A SOLAR RITUAL…There can be no doubt at this point. One can make the argument that all of this is simply legal procedure or strictly ceremonial in nature. But no one can deny that it occurred.

Next, I noticed something else which I had missed before. The balcony or altar where the ritual took place at the Capitol building (Isis’s womb) is half of an octagon or an octagonal star. This geometric shape holds much wisdom in esotericism and geometry and can be found all over the world in just about every developed religion known to man. I have covered this symbol in some detail in my “Doors and sound Passage” article. The Octagon Star is found in Muhammad’s Tomb, St. Peters Square in the Vatican, and on every compass, as it has been adopted as the markers for cardinal and ordinal directions

A few uses of the Octagonal Star in religion across the world

  • Egypt – The Ogdoad
  • Hindu – Star of Lakshmi
  • Celtic – Celtic Calendar
  • Gnostic – Gnostic Valentinism
  • Muslim- Rub el Hizb
  • Buddhism- Wheel of Dharma
  • Aztec – Piedra Del Sol
  • Christianity – Christian & U.S. Holidays
Hindu – Star of Lakshmi
Muslim- Rub el Hizb

The Bibles Trump Choose to Use During His Oath of Office

It is no secret that Donald Trump is a man of God. He is not ashamed of his faith and openly inserts into a public speech his belief in a creator whenever he sees fit. Trump took the Oath of Office with his hand upon two Bibles. The first was a bible gifted to him by his mother in 1955 when he graduated from Presbyterian Sunday School and the second was the one President Lincoln used at his inauguration. NEITHER WERE MASONIC BIBLES.

In a statement, Presidential Inauguration Committee Chairman Tom Barrack explained the Bible selections.

“In his first inaugural address, President Lincoln appealed to the ‘better angels of our nature,’” Barrack said. “As he takes the same oath of office 156 years later, President-elect Trump is humbled to place his hand on Bibles that hold special meaning both to his family and to our country.”

The Lincoln Bible
The Washington Masonic Bible

The Inaugural Speech

Of course, there will be many things written about Donald Trump’s first speech as President of the United States. For some it no doubt sucked the wind from their socialist sails, for others (like the Chinese and Mexico) it marked the ending of a free ride and left them staring at their television screens no doubt. For me, it was everything I ever wanted to hear from my nation’s President. Not once did he speak of himself or his struggles, not once did he pander to any group or race. He addressed every single last American as simply that. American.

His speech was simple and direct. He doubled down on his campaign promises while speaking to the greatness that America can become again. There didn’t appear to me to be any secret of hidden codes or messages such as Obama dropped into his farewell speech. Instead, it was clean and to the point and laid out a simple and straightforward message for all who now work for him.

“The time for empty talk is over, now arrives the hour of action.”

He used this speech to let every American know that things would begin to change at that very moment. He further assured America that the days of the Washington political machine were numbered and that-

“Today we are transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you, the people.”

I shudder to think of what Hillary Clinton’s speech would have sounded like. Surely it would have been a grand opus of every speech she’d ever given singling out and victimizing specific races, pandering to special interest groups and identifying with the struggles of people in other nations who would like nothing more than to see us dead. I mean it when I say “Thank God history took this turn and not the other.” I honestly don’t believe that the United States of America as we know it could have survived a Global Communist as president at this hour.

What’s to Come?

That is a good question. Will Donald J. Trump deliver on his campaign promises? Will he restore our economy by bringing back American companies and balance the trade deficit? Will he build a wall on our southern border and stop once and for all our illegal immigration nightmare? Well, he’d better, or else he won’t see another four years as president.


America has come together like never before and rejected both political parties. They were grasping for anything other than the two evils we’ve come to know. The right chose Trump and the left choose Bernie but much to the dismay of everyone on both sides of the isle Hillary Clinton torpedoed Bernie and stole the nomination.

What if he becomes a tyrant like the Democrats fear? Will those Americans who supported him stand by him blindly and defend their leader? I truly don’t believe so. Although Trump voters elected Trump, they more accurately voted to kick out the corruption.  All this fear of Trump being a tyrant is nothing more than hysteria anyway, as he yet to do anything.  It’s the end result of a panicing deep-state and media propaganda at it’s finest.

Those who voted for Trump have witnessed the nation become poorer. They watched as jobs left the country or became automated. They’ve seen education dumbed down and college graduates move back in with their parents. They stood in shock as the Federal government welcomed with open arms illegal aliens and radical Muslims into our towns and diluted our schools, healthcare, and jobs with unskilled numbers who refuse to assimilate into American life. Crime is up, disease is up, and corruption is up. The only things that aren’t up are the economy and the opportunity to create wealth. American’s aren’t dumb, they see this.

The U.S. Is in the 11th hour, and Americans know the price if Trump fails either himself or our nation. I believe there is something bigger at play here, something biblical or spiritual even. While that may turn off a lot of my readers it should be obvious at this point that Donald J. Trump was the long shot. The one person EVERYONE said could not an would not ever become president. They laughed and jeered, but still, here he is and through all this, he exemplified the American dream to a T and shows each one of us what is possible.

The Esoteric Owl worked into the grounds of the Capitol building.

Aside from the esoteric ritual he was mandated to take part in I have looked through Donald Trumps past and I can find no connection to the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove or any other secret societies. He hasn’t appeared to elicit any supernatural or esoteric aid that I can see and doesn’t seem to have any monsters in his closet. Some may not like his politics or even him personally, but I believe him to be the antithesis of the evil which has permeated our country for so long. It’s strange, but we’ve been bombarded by evil and evil men for so long I don’t think our nation knows what good looks like any longer.

I have no doubt that as you read this the Washington machine is looking for ways to get rid of Donald Trump. Their time is limited and they know the light of transparency is about to be cast upon them. Things are about to be shaken up, and no doubt this is the reason Trump has already distanced himself from the CIA. If there was ever a man who needed to watch his back, it is Trump, for he has hurled himself into a pit of lions. What is amazing to witness is how he moves through obstacles with simple courage and faith, for I believe he knows that the hand of God is upon him and that his life is not his own.

Even with all the challenges, we face as a nation I have a good feeling about our president Donald J. Trump and the future of America.  It feels as if we have a president again.  Not a global leader but an American President.

If you made it this far I have some pro-trump propaganda for you.  Enjoy.


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